Our Affair with the Qur’aan
By Allaah, the hearts are saddened. If Hoopoe can be zealous about the right of Allaah, then what about you, friend of Allaah?
Don’t you see people praying in Ramadhaan and outside Ramadhaan, and a man returns home and says, “By Allaah, so and so [reciter prayed] really good this evening!”
He comes back over thirty nights talking about reciters, but never once does he return to his children and say, “By Allaah, the versus of the Qur'aan shake the hearts.” Nor does he talk about even one verse that commands or prohibits.
He talks about so and so who enchants [listeners] and is innovative with his voice. He talks about the innovative lecturer who enchants [the audience] on Friday and performs extremely well.
But he never talks about the Lord of the servants. He does not talk about the one who made [the Qur'aan’s] verses decisive and explained them clearly. [He is] the Wise, the Knowing. My great Lord is free from blemish! How forbearing is Allaah!? How patient is Allaah with His creation!?
By Allaah, there is no right that is squandered more than the right of Allaah. You see a person going back home, talking about so and so, even when the verses of Allaah are recited to him – [such verses that] had they descended on mountains, they would shook and been put asunder out of the fear of Allaah.
He doesn’t go to his home and tells his children, “My children, I prayed behind the Imaam and heard Allaah say, “Oh those who believe, fear Allaah and be with the truthful.” So my children, do not lie. Allaah commands you to be truthful, so speak the truth…”
Has any one of us returned home, speaking about a command from the commands of Allaah, or any one of His prohibitions?
Source: Translated from his commentary on Kitab 'l-I`tkiaf, Sahih 'l-Bukhari.
More articles in You & The Qur'aan:
- How to Seek Benefit in Your Recitation of Qur’an 15 Jan 2014
- Question: I Can't Seem to Read Qur'aan 23 Feb 2013
- A Serendipitous Treasure 17 Feb 2013
- Becoming Companions of the Qur'an 31 Oct 2012
- Warning From Abandoning the Qur'aan 26 Apr 2012
- How To Benefit From the Qur'aan 25 Apr 2012
- Running Away From the Qur'aan 25 Apr 2012
- The ‘Return’ of the Qur’aan 25 Apr 2012
- Some GREAT Benefits Acquired When Reciting the Quran 24 Apr 2012
- "Each verse is like a date: the more you chew it..." 24 Apr 2012
- Etiquette with the Word of Allah, the Noble Qur'an 24 Apr 2012
- How Our Pious Predecessors Read the Qur’aan 28 Jan 2012
- My Sister! Quench Your Spiritual Thirst by the Qur’aan 28 Mar 2011
- Not Leaving the Qur'an Even During Jihaad! 28 Aug 2010
- Love for the Quran 23 Aug 2010
- Adhere to the Qur'aan!! 16 Jul 2010
- Al-Yaman Al-Aswad and the Mushaf 16 Jul 2010
- Living in the Shade of the Qur’an 31 Dec 2009
- The Qur'aanic Path 22 Nov 2009
- The Qur’aan, My Friend Behind Bars 22 Nov 2009
- Have you Abandoned the Qur’aan? 22 Nov 2009
- Nine Great Benefits of Reflecting Over the Qur'aan 22 Nov 2009
- How Do You Benefit From the Qur'aan? 19 Nov 2009
- Healing the Weak Eemaan (Faith) by the Qur'aan 19 Nov 2009
- 7 Tips for Improving your Relationship with the Qur'aan 19 Nov 2009