Al Aajaroomiyyah, is the quintessence of Arabic grammar, its status is largely unchallenged as an excellent introduction to this first field of learning, which every scholar must master before delving into other Arabic literature. Hence, we find much attention has been paid to it amongst Arab scholars over a considerable period of time. Up untill now, this text is taught across the world in traditional institutions and is recognised as a key stepping stone to studying detailed grammar.
This course is not designed for complete beginners, but for students who have already studied the basics and are ready to tackle grammer in intensive way. It is hoped by the end of the course that the student will be able to understand the basics of grammar and thus be able to deal with more advanced texts in grammar and literature.
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- Category: Al-Aajurroomiyyah
- Hits: 16507
*In order to access and view the following PDF file you must have Adobe Reader installed.
- English Translation- PDF (right click & "save target as")
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- Category: Al-Aajurroomiyyah
- Hits: 65050
- At Tuhfatu As Saniyyah (PDF Document - Arabic)
- At Tuhfatu As Saniyyah (Word Document - Arabic)
- At Tuhfatu As Saniyyah (Initial Chapters - English)
Shaykh Raslân has lessons on Tuhfah As-Saniyyah (a rather popular explanation of Al-Âjurûmiyyah). The author is Muhammad Muhyî Ad-Dîn `Abd Al-Hamîd and his book is the best explanation of Al-Âjurûmiyyah I have yet seen. But it isn’t the most basic, which is why you find that this explanation itself, has been ‘explained’. The series is called Taysîr An-Nahw and can be accessed from the following link. Again, the series is available in both audio and video formats, and is in Arabic.
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- Category: Al-Aajurroomiyyah
- Hits: 10041
*In order to access and view the following PDF file you must have Adobe Reader installed.
Nadhm Al-Âjurrûmiyyah Li `Udayd Rabbihi is known as poem for the original text by the author, Ibn Âjurrûm.
The author of this poem is Muhammad Ibn Abb Al-Qalâwî Ash-Shinqîtî, famously known as `Ubayd Rabbihi.
Text Used in Our Course
{pdf= rabbihi.pdf|700|500}
Download this PDF (right click & "save target as")

Other Texts
- Link 1 (external link)
- Link 2 (external link)
- Link 3 (external link) - in parts, highly recommended.
Sharh (explanation) of the Text
- View (external link).
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- Category: Al-Aajurroomiyyah
- Hits: 7478
*In order to access and view the following PDF file you must have Adobe Reader installed.
- Intro to Al-Aajurroomiyyah- PDF (right click & "save target as")
{pdf= to Aajroomiyyah.pdf|700|500}