Laamiyatul Af'aal
The Laamiyyah is a famous primer classical text on sarf by the famous Jamaal ad-Deen Ibn Maalik (rahimahullah).
- Details
- Category: Laamiyatul Af'aal
- Hits: 9336
Recitation of the text usually helps the student memorize and revise the text.
This is the recitation for the text of Laamiyatul Af'aal by Taha al-Fahad:
- Details
- Category: Laamiyatul Af'aal
- Hits: 7085
- Tape 1 (11.1 MB)
- Tape 2 (11.0 MB)
- Tape 3 (7.3 MB)
- Tape 4 (7.3 MB)
- Tape 5 (3.6 MB)
- Tape 6 (7.4 MB)
- Tape 7 (7.3 MB)
- Tape 8 (7.4 MB)
- Tape 9 (7.4 MB)
- Tape 10 (7.2 MB)
- Tape 11 (7.3 MB)
- Tape 12 (7.4 MB)
- Tape 13 (7.4 MB)
- Tape 14 (7.4 MB)
- Tape 15 (7.4 MB)
- Tape 16 (3.2 MB)
- Details
- Category: Laamiyatul Af'aal
- Hits: 7674
A student reads to his Shaykh. The Shaykh gives a simple explanation and corrects the students mistakes.
- Details
- Category: Laamiyatul Af'aal
- Hits: 14546
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This is the Arabic text of the poem.
Download this PDF (right click & "save target as")