The Qur'aan
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“Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones? Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers.” [Al-Qur’an 75:3-4]
Unbelievers argue regarding resurrection taking place after bones of dead people have disintegrated in the earth and how each individual would be identified on the Day of Judgement. Almighty Allah answers that He can not only assemble our bones but can also reconstruct perfectly our very fingertips.
Why does the Qur’an, while speaking about determination of the identity of the individual, speak specifically about fingertips? In 1880, fingerprinting became the scientific method of identification, after research done by Sir Francis Golt. No two persons in the world can ever have exactly the same fingerprint pattern, not even identical twins. That is the reason why police forces worldwide use fingerprints to identify criminals.
Fourteen hundred years ago, who could have known the uniqueness of each human’s fingerprint? Surely it could have been none other than the Creator Himself!
It was thought that the sense of feeling and pain was dependent only on the brain. Recent discoveries however prove that there are pain receptors present in the skin, without which a person would not be able to feel pain.
When a doctor examines a patient suffering from burn injuries, he verifies the degree of burns by a pinprick. If the patient feels pain, the doctor is happy, because it indicates that the burns are superficial and the pain receptors are intact. On the other hand, if the patient does not feel any pain, it indicates that it is a deep burn and the pain receptors have been destroyed.
The Qur’an gives a clear indication of the existence of pain receptors in the following verse:
“Those who reject our signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire; as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the Penalty: acquiring the appearance of a leech."
Compare the readily available Qur’anic knowledge with Man’s struggle with scientific findings:
In 1677, Hamm and Leeuwenhoek were the first scientists to observe human sperm cells (spermatozoa) through a microscope. They thought that a sperm cell contained a miniature human being which grew in the uterus to form a newborn. This was known as the perforation theory. When scientists discovered that the ovum was bigger than the sperm, it was thought by scientists like De Graf and others that the foetus existed in a miniature form in the ovum. Later, in the 18th century, Maupertuis propagated the theory of biparental inheritance.
The alaqah is transformed into mudghah which means ‘something that is chewed (having teeth marks)’ and also something that is tacky and small which can be put in the mouth like gum. Both these explanations are scientifically correct. Prof. Keith Moore took a piece of plaster seal and made it into the size and shape of the early stage of foetus and chewed it between the teeth to make it into a mudghah. He compared this with the photographs of the early stage of foetus. The teeth marks resembled the ‘somites’ which is the early formation of the spinal column.This mudghah is transformed into bones (izam). The bones are clothed with intact flesh or muscles (lahm). Then Allah makes it into another creature for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise. [Please look at: Al-Qur’an 4:56]
Prof. Tagatat Tejasen, Chairman of the Department of Anatomy at Chiang Mai University in Thailand, has spent a great amount of time on research of pain receptors. Initially he could not believe that the Qur’an mentioned this scientific fact 1,400 years ago. He later verified the translation of this particular Qur ‘anic verse. Prof. Tejasen was so impressed by the scientific accuracy of the Qur’anic verse, that at the 8th Saudi Medical Conference held in Riyadh on the Scientific Signs of Qur’an and Sunnah, he proudly proclaimed in public:
“There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His Messenger.”
To attribute the presence of scientific facts in the Qur’an to coincidence would be against common sense and a true scientific approach.
Indeed the scientific accuracy of the Qur’anic verses confirm the Qur’an’s open declaration:
“Soon will We show them Our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth it is not enough that Thy Lord doth witness all things?” [Al-Qur’an 41:53]
The Qur’an invites all humans to reflect on the Creation of this universe in the verse:
“Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of Night and Day —there are indeed Signs for men of understanding .“ [Al-Qur’an 3:190]
The scientific evidences of the Qur’an clearly prove its Divine origin. No human could have produced a book, fourteen hundred years ago, that would contain such profound scientific facts.
The Qur’an, however, is not a book of Science but a book of ‘Signs’. These signs invite Man to realize the purpose of his existence on earth, and to live in harmony with Nature. The Qur’an is truly a message from Allah, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. It contains the same Message of the Oneness of God, that was preached by all prophets, right from Adam, Moses, Jesus to Muhammad (peace be upon them).
Several detailed tomes have been written on the subject of Qur’an and modern science and further research in this field is on. Inshaa'Allah, this research will help mankind to come closer to the Word of the Almighty. These articles only contains a few of the scientific facts present in the Qur’an. I cannot claim to have done full justice to the subject.
Prof. Tejasen accepted Islam on the strength of just one scientific ‘sign’ mentioned in the Qu’ran. Some people may require ten signs while some may require hundred signs to be convinced about the Divine origin of the Qur’an. Some would be unwilling to accept the Truth even after being shown a thousand signs. The Qur’an condemns such a closed mentality in the verse:
“Deaf, dumb and blind, They will not return (To the path).” [Al-Qur’an 2:18]
The Qur’an contains a complete code of life for the individual and society. Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah), the Qur’anic way of life is far superior to the ‘isms’ that modern man has invented out of sheer ignorance. Who can give better guidance than the Creator Himself?
I pray that this humble effort is accepted by Allah, to whom I pray for mercy and guidance (Aameen).
2. Muslims also send salutations upon all the previous divinely inspired Prophets on taking their names.
3. The Arabic word dahaahaa has been translated by A. Yusuf Ali as “vast expanse”, which also is correct. This word also means an ostrich-egg.
4. A similar message is conveyed in the Qur’an in 13:2, 35:13, 39:5 and 39:21.
5. A similar message is conveyed in the Qur’an in 10:61.
6 . Earth, Press and Siever, p. 435. Also see Earth Science, Tarbuck and Lutgens, p. 157
7. A similar message is contained in the Qru’an in 31:10 and 16:15
8. A similar message is contained in tne Qur’an in oo: 19.
9. ‘Principles of Oceanography, Davis, pp. 92-93.
10. Oceanography, Gross, p. 242. Also see Introductory Oceanography, Thurman, pp. 300-30 1.
11. Oceanography, Gross, p. 244 and Introductory Oceanography,Thurman, pp. 300-30 1.
12. Oceans, Elder and Pernetta, p. 27.
13. The reference for this statment is the video tape titled ‘This is the Truth’. For a copy of this video tape contact the Islamic Research Foundation.
14. The reference for this statment is the video tape titled ‘This is the Truth’. For a copy of this video tape contact the Islamic Research Foundation.
15. Translation of this Qur’anic verse is from the book “The Bible, the Qur’an and Science” by Dr. Maurice Bucaille.
16. Embryology is the study of human development before birth.
17. Hadith or Sunnah means the sayings or actions of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh).
18. The reference for this statment is the video tape titled ‘This is the Truth I For a copy of this video tape contact the Islamic Research Foundation.
19. The same is also mentioned in the Qur’an in 16:4, 18:37, 35:11, 36:77, 40:67, 53:46, 75:37, 76:2 and 80:19.
20. The reference for this statmentis thevideo tape titled “This is the Truth. For a copy of this video tape contact the Islamic Research Foundation.
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 10421
The Qur’an was revealed 600 years before the Muslim scientist Ibn Nafees described the circulation of the blood and 1,000 years before William Harwey brought this understanding to the Western world. Roughly thirteen centuries before it was known what happens in the intestines to ensure that organs are nourished by the process of digestive absorption, a verse in the Qur’an described the source of the constituents of milk, in conformity with these notions.
To understand the Qur’anic verse concerning the above concepts, it is important to know that chemical reactions occur in the intestines and that, from there, substances extracted from food pass into the blood stream via a complex system; sometimes by way of the liver, depending on their chemical nature. The blood transports them to all the organs of the body, among which are the milk-producing mammary glands.
In simple terms, certain substances from the contents of the intestines enter into the vessels of the intestinal wall itself, and these substances are transported by the blood stream to the various organs.
This physiological concept must be fully appreciated if we wish to understand the following verses of the Qur’an:
“And verily in cattle there is a lesson for you. We give you to drink of what is inside their bodies, coming from a conjunction between the contents of the intestine and the blood, a milk pure and pleasant for those who drink it.” [Al-Qur’an 16:66]15
“And in cattle (too) ye have an instructive example: from within their bodies We produce (milk) for you to drink; there are, in them, (besides), numerous (other) benefits for you; and of their (meat) ye eat.” [Al-Qur’an 23:21]
The 1400 year old Qur’anic description of the production of milk in cattle is strikingly similar to what modern physiology has discovered in recent times.
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- Hits: 11315
The bee assimilates juices of various kinds of flowers and fruit and forms honey within its body, which it stores in its cells of wax. Only a couple of centuries ago humans came to know that honey comes from the belly of the bee. But this fact was mentioned in the Qur’an 1,400 years ago in the following verse:
“There issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for men.” [Al-Qur’an 16:69]
We are only now aware that honey has healing properties and is also a mild antiseptic. The Russians would use honey to cover their wounds in World War II. The wound would retain moisture and would leave very little scar tissue. Due to the density of honey, no fungus or bacteria could grow in the wound.
Dramatic improvements were visible in 22 incurable chest and Alzheimer’s disease patients at nursing Homes in England who were treated by Sister Carole, a nun, with propolis, a substance which bees produce to seal hives against bacteria.14
A person suffering from an allergy of a particular plant may be given honey from that plant so that the person develops resistance to that allergy. Honey is also rich in fructose and vitamin K.
The knowledge contained in the Qur’an regarding honey, its origin and properties, was discovered centuries after its revelation.
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- Hits: 10448
“There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but (forms part of) communities like you.” [Al-Qur’an 6:38]
Research has shown that animals and birds live in communities, i.e. they organize, and live and work together.
“Do they not look at the birds, held poised in the midst of (the air and) the sky? Nothing holds them up but (the power of) Allah. Verily in this are Signs forthose who believe.” [Al-Qur’an 16:79]
Another verse also touches on birds:
“Do they not observe the birds above them, spreading their wings and folding them in? None can uphold them except (Allah) Most Gracious: truly it is He that watches over all things.” [Al-Qur’an 67:19]
The Arabic word amsaka literally means, ‘to put one’s hand on, seize, hold, hold someone back,’ which expresses the idea that Allah holds the bird up in His power. These verses stress the extremely close dependence of the birds’ behaviour on Divine law. Modern scientific data has shown the degree of perfection attained by certain species of birds with regard to the programming of their movements. It is only the existence of a migratory programme in the genetic code of the birds that can explain the long and complicated journey that very young birds, without any prior experience and without any guide, are able to accomplish. They are also able to return to the departure point on a definite date.
Prof. Hamburger in his book ‘Power and Fragility’ gives the example of ‘mutton-bird’ that lives in the Pacific with its journey of over 24,000 km in the shape of figure ‘8’. It makes this journey over a period of 6 months and comes back to its departure point with a maximum delay of one week. The highly complicated instructions for such a journey have to be contained in the birds’ nervous cells. They are definitely programmed. Therefore, should we not at least reflect on the identity of this ‘Programmer’?
“And thy Lord taught the Bee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in (men’s) habitations; then to eat of all the produce (of the earth), and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord.” [Al-Qur’an 16:68-69]
Von-Frisch received the Nobel Prize in 1973 for his research on the behaviour and communication of the bees. The bee, after discovering any new garden or flower, goes back and tells its fellow bees the exact direction and map to get there, which is known as ‘bee dance’. The meanings of this insect’s movements that are intended to transmit information between worker bees have been discovered scientifically using photography and other methods. The Qur’an mentions in the above verses how the bee with its skill, finds the spacious paths of its Lord. The gender used for the bee in the above verses is the female gender (fasluki and kulee), indicating that the bee that leaves its home for gathering food is a female bee. In other words, the soldier or worker bee is a female bee.
In fact, in Shakespeare’s play, ‘Henry the Fourth’, some of the characters speak about bees and mention that the bees are soldiers and that they have a king. That is what people thought in Shakespearean times. They thought that the worker bees are male bees and they go home and are answerable to a king bee. This, however, is not true. The worker bees are females and they do not report to a king bee but to a queen bee. But it took modern investigations in the last 300 years to discover this.
“The parable of those who take protectors other than Allah is that of the Spider, who builds (to itself) a house; but truly the flimsiest of houses is the Spider’s house —if they but knew.” [Al-Qur’an 29:41]
Besides giving the physical description of the spider’s web as being very flimsy, delicate and weak, the Qur’an also stresses on the flimsiness of the relationship in the spider’s house, where the female spider many a times kills its mate, the male spider.
The parable also has reference to the weakness of such relationship of the people who seek protection for this world and for the hereafter from those other than Allah.
“And before Solomon were marshalled his hosts —of Jinns and men and birds, and they were all kept in order and ranks. “At length, when they came to a (lowly) valley of ants, one of the ants said: ‘O ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under foot) without knowing it.” [Al-Qur’an 27:17-18]
In the past, some people would have probably mocked at the Qur’an, taking it to be a book of fairy tales in which ants talk to each other and communicate sophisticated messages. In recent times however, research has shown us several facts about the lifestyle of ants, which were not known earlier to humankind. Research has shown that the animals or insects whose lifestyle is closest in resemblance to the lifestyle of human beings are the ants. This can be seen from the following findings regarding ants:
(a) The ants bury their dead in a manner similar to the humans.
(b) They have a sophisticated system of division of labour, whereby they have managers, supervisors, foremen, workers, etc.
(c) Once in a while they meet among themselves to have a ‘chat’.
(d) They have an advanced method of communication among themselves.
(e) They hold regular ‘markets’ where they exchange goods.
(f) They store grain for long periods in winter and if the grain begins to bud, they cut the roots, as if they understand that if they leave it to grow, it will rot. If the grain stored by them gets wet due to rains, they take it out into the sunlight to dry, and once dry, they take it back inside as though they know that humidity will cause development of root systems which will cause the grain to rot.
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- Hits: 10364
Previously, humans did not know that plants too have male and female gender distinctions. Botany states that every plant has a male and female gender. Even the plants that are unisexual have distinct elements of both male and female.
“And has sent down water from the sky.’ With it have We produced diverse pairs of plants each separate from the others.” [Al-Qur’an 20:53]
“And fruit of every kind He made in pairs, two and two.” [Al-Qur’an 13:3]
Fruit is the end product of reproduction of the superior plants. The stage preceding fruit is the flower, which has male and female organs (stamens and ovules). Once pollen has been carried to the flower, they bear fruit, which in turn matures and frees its seed. All fruits therefore imply the existence of male and female organs; a fact that is mentioned in the Qur’an.
In certain species, fruit can come from non-fertilized flowers (parthenocarpic fruit) e.g. bananas, certain types of pineapple, fig, orange, vine, etc. They also have definite sexual characteristics.
“And of everything We have created pairs.” [Al-Qur’an]
This verse lays emphasis on everything. Besides humans, animals, plants and fruits, it may also be referring to electricity in which the atoms consist of negatively — and positively — charged electrons and protons. And many more things!
“Glory to Allah, Who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as their own (human) kind and (other) things of which they have no knowtedge.” [Al-Qur’an 36:36]
The Qur’an here says that everything is created in pairs, including things that the humans do not know at present and may discover later.
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- Hits: 12609
“He has let free the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together: Between them is a Barrier which they do not transgress.” – [Al-Qur’an 55:19-20]
In the Arabic text the word barzakh means a barrier or a partition. This barrier, however, is not a physical partition.
The Arabic word maraja literally means: ‘they both meet and mix with each other’. Early commentators of the Qur’an were unable to explain the two opposite meanings for the two bodies of water, i.e. they meet and mix, and at the same time there is a barrier between them. Modern Science has discovered that in the places where two different seas meet, there is a barrier between them. This barrier divides the two seas so that each sea has its own temperature, salinity and density.9 Oceanologists are now in a better position to explain this verse. There is a slanted unseen water barrier between the two seas through which water from one sea passes to the other.
But when the water from one sea enters the other sea, it loses its distinctive characteristic and becomes homogenized with the other water. In a way this barrier serves as a transitional homogenizing area for the two waters.
This phenomenon is also mentioned in the following verse of the Qur’an:
“And made a separating bar between the two bodies of flowing water?” [Al-Qur’an 27:61]
This phenomenon occurs in several places, including the divider between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean at Gibralter. A white bar can also be clearly seen at Cape Point, Cape Peninsula, South Africa where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian Ocean.
But when the Qur’an speaks about the divider between fresh and salt water, it mentions the existence of “a forbidding partition” with the barrier.
“It is He Who has let free the two bodies of flowing water: one palatable and sweet, and the other salty and bitter; yet has He made a barrier between them, and a partition that is forbidden to be passed." [Al-Qur’an 25:53]
Modern science has discovered that in estuaries, where fresh (sweet) and salt water meet, the situation is somewhat different from that found in places where two salt water seas meet. It has been discovered that what distinguishes fresh water from salt water in estuaries is a “pycnocline zone with a marked density discontinuity separating the two layers.”10 This partition (zone of separation) has a salinity different from both the fresh water and the salt water.11
This phenomenon occurs in several places, including Egypt, where the river Nile flows into the Mediterranean Sea.
These scientific phenomena mentioned in the Qur’an was also confirmed by Dr. William Hay, a well-known marine scientist and Professor of Geological Sciences at the University of Colorado, U.S.A.
Prof. Durga Rao is a world renowned expert in the field of Marine Geology and was a professor at King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah. He was asked to comment on the following verse:
“Or (the Unbelievers’ state) – is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds:depths of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! For any to whom Allah giveth not light, there is no light!” [Al-Qur’an 24:40]
Prof. Rao said that scientists have only now been able to confirm, with the help of modern equipment, that there is darkness in the depths of the ocean. Humans are unable to dive unaided underwater for more than 20 to 30 metres, and cannot survive in the deep oceanic regions at a depth of more than 200 metres. This verse does not refer to all seas because not every sea can be described as having accumulated darkness layered one over another. It refers especially to a deep sea or deep ocean, as the Qur’an says, “darkness in a vast deep ocean”.
This layered darkness in a deep ocean is the result of two causes:
1. A light ray is composed of seven colours seen in the rainbow. These seven colours are Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red (VIBGYOR). The light ray undergoes refraction when it hits water. The upper 10 to 15 metres of water absorb the red colour. Therefore, if a diver is 25 metres under water and gets wounded, he would not be able to see the red colour of his blood, because the red colour does not reach this depth. Similarly, orange rays are absorbed at 30 to 50 metres, yellow at 50 to 100 metres, green at 100 to 200 metres, and finally, blue beyond 200 metres and violet and indigo above 200 metres. Due to successive disappearance of colour, one layer after another, the ocean progressively becomes darker, i.e. darkness takes place in layers of light. Below a depth of 1000 meters there is complete darkness.12
2. The sun’s rays are absorbed by clouds which in turn scatter light rays thus causing a layer of darkness under the clouds. This is the first layer of darkness. When light rays reach the surface of the ocean they are reflected by the wave surface giving it a shiny appearance. Therefore, it is the waves which reflect light and cause darkness. The unreflected light penetrates into the depths of the ocean. Thus, the ocean has two parts. The surface characterized by light and warmth and the depth characterized by darkness. The surface is further separated from the deep part of the ocean by waves.
The internal waves cover the deep waters of seas and oceans because the deep waters have a higher density than the waters above them.
The darkness begins below the internal waves. Even the fish in the depths of the ocean cannot see; their only source of light is from their own bodies.
The Qur’an describes this aptly: “Darkness in a vast deep ocean overwhelmed with waves topped by waves”.
In other words, above these waves there are more types of waves, i.e. those found on the surface of the ocean. The Qur’anic verse continues, “topped by (dark) clouds; depths of darkness, one above another.”
These clouds as explained are barriers one over the other that further cause darkness by absorption of colours at different levels.
Prof. Durga Rao concluded by saying,
“1400 years ago a normal human being could not explain this phenomenon in so much detail. Thus the information must have come from a supernatural source”.
“It is He Who has Created man from water: then has He established relationships of lineage and marriage: for thy Lord has power (over all things).” [Al-Qur’an 25:54]
Was it possible 14 centuries ago for any human being to guess that every living being was made from water? Moreover would such a guess be conceivable by a human being in the deserts of Arabia where there has always been scarcity of water?
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- Hits: 10237
In geology, the phenomenon of ‘folding’, is a recently discovered fact. Folding is responsible for the formation of mountain ranges. The earth’s crust, on which we live, is like a solid shell, while the deeper layers are hot and fluid, and thus inhospitable to any form of life. It is also known that the stability of the mountains is linked to the phenomenon of folding, for it was the folds that were to provide foundations for the reliefs that constitute the mountains.
Geologists tell us that the radius of the Earth is about 6,035 km and the crust on which we live is very thin, ranging between 2 to 35 km. Since the crust is thin, it has a high possibility of shaking. Mountains act like stakes or tent pegs that hold the earth’s crust and give it stability. The Qur’an contains exactly such a description:
“Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse, and the mountains as pegs?” [Al-Qur’an 78:6-7]
The word awtaad means stakes or pegs (like those used to anchor a tent); they are the deep foundations of geological folds.
A book entitled ‘Earth’ is regarded as a basic reference textbook on geology in many universities around the world. One of the authors of this book is Dr. Frank Press, who was the President of the Academy of Sciences in the USA for 12 years and was the Science Advisor to former US President Jimmy Carter. In this book, he illustrates the mountain in a wedge-shape and the mountain itself as a small part of the whole, whose root is deeply entrenched in the ground. According to Dr. Press, the mountains play an important role in stabilizing the crust of the earth.
The Qur’an clearly mentions the function of the mountains in preventing the earth from shaking:
“And We have set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with them.” [Al-Qur’an 21:31]7
The Qur’anic descriptions are in perfect agreement with modern geological data.
The surface of the earth is broken into many rigid plates that are about 100 km in thickness. These plates float on a partially molten region called aesthenosphere.
Mountain formations occur at the boundary of the plates. The earth’s crust is 5 km thick below oceans, about 35 km thick below flat continental surfaces and almost 80 km thick below great mountain ranges. These are the strong foundations on which mountains stand. The Qur’an refers to the strong mountain foundations in the following verse:
“And the mountains hath He firmly fixed.” [Al-Qur’an 79:32]8
Thus, the information contained in the Glorious Qur’an about the nature of mountains, is in perfect agreement with recent discoveries in geology.
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 10765
In 1580, Bernard Palissy was the first person to describe the present day concept of ‘water cycle’. He described how water evaporates from the oceans and cools to form clouds. The clouds move inland where they rise, condense and fall as rain. This water gathers as lakes and streams and flows back to the ocean in a continuous cycle. In the 7th century B.C., Thales of Miletus believed that surface spray of the oceans was picked up by the wind and carried inland to fall as rain.
In earlier times people did not know the source of underground water. They thought the water of the oceans, under the effect of winds, was thrust towards the interior of the continents. They also believed that the water returned by a secret passage or the Great Abyss. This passage is connected to the oceans and has been called the ‘Tartarus’, since Plato’s time. Even Descartes, a great thinker of the eighteenth century, subscribed to this view. Till the nineteenth century, Aristotle’s theory was still prevalent. According to this theory, water was condensed in cool mountain caverns and formed underground lakes that fed springs. Today, we have come to know that the rainwater that seeps into the cracks of the ground is responsible for this.
This is described by the Qur’an in the following verses:
“Seest thou not that Allah sends down rain from the sky, and leads it through springs in the earth? then He causes to grow, therewith, produce of various colours.” [Al-Qur’an 39:21]
“He sends down rain from the sky and with it gives life to the earth after it is dead: Verily in that are Signs for those who are wise.” [Al-Qur’an 30:24]
“And We send down water from the sky according to (due) measure, and We cause it to soak in the soil; and We certainly are able to drain it off (with ease).” [Al-Qur’an 23:18]
No other text dating back 1400 years ago gives such an accurate description of the water cycle.
“By the Firmament which returns (in its round),” [Al-Qur’an 86:11]
“And We send the fecundating winds, then cause the rain to descend from the sky, therewith providing you with water (in abundance).” [Al-Qur’an 15:22]
The Arabic word used here is lawaaqih which is the plural of laqih from laqaha, which means to impregnate or fecundate. In this context, impregnate means that the wind pushes the clouds together increasing the condensation that causes lightning and thus rain. A similar description is found in the following verses of the Qur’an:
“Seest thou not that Allah makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a heap?—then wilt thou see rain issue forth from their midst. And He sends down from the sky mountain masses (of clouds) wherein is hail: He strikes therewith whom He pleases ( and He turns it away from whom He pleases. the vivid flash of His lightning well-nigh blinds the sight.” [Al-Qur’an 24:43]
“It is Allah Who sends the Winds, and they raise the Clouds: then does He spread them in the sky as He wills, and break them into fragments, until thou seest raindrops issue from the midst thereof: then when He has made them reach such of His servants as He wills, behold, they do rejoice!” [Al-Qur’an 30:48]
Modern data on Hydrology agrees perfectly with the Qur’anic description on the same subject.
The water cycle is described in several other verses of the Glorious Qur’an, including 7:57, 13:17, 25:48-49, 35:9, 36:34, 45:5, 50:9-11, 56:68-70 and 67:30.
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- Hits: 12055
In ancient times a well-known theory by the name of ‘Theory of Atomism’ was widely accepted. This theory was originally proposed by the Greeks, in particular by a scholar called Democritus, who lived about 23 centuries ago. Democritus and the people that came after him, assumed that the smallest unit of matter was the atom. The ancient Arabs used to believe the same. The Arabic word zarrah most commonly meant an atom. In recent times modern science has discovered that it is possible to split even an atom. That the atom can be split further is a development of the 20th century. Fourteen centuries ago this concept would have appeared unusual even to an Arab. For him the zarrah was the limit beyond which one could not go. The following Qur’anic verse however, refuses to acknowledge this limit:
“The Unbelievers say, ‘Never to us will come. The Hour say, ‘Nay! but most surely, by my Lord, it will come upon you by Him Who knows the unseen, from Whom is not hidden, the least little atom in the Heavens or on earth: nor is there anything less than that, or greater, but is in the Record Perspicuous.” [Al-Qur’an 34:3]5
This verse also refers to the Omniscience of God, His knowledge of all things, hidden or apparent. It then goes further and says that God is aware of everything, including what is smaller or bigger than the atom.
Thus the verse clearly shows that it is possible for something smaller than the atom to exist, a fact discovered only recently by modern science.
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- Hits: 12111
The creation of the universe is explained by astrophysicists as a widely accepted phenomenon, popularly known as ‘The Big Bang’. It is supported by observational and experimental data gathered by astronomers and astrophysicists for decades. According to ‘The Big Bang’, the whole universe was initially one big mass (Primary Nebula). Then there was a ‘Big Bang’ (Secondary Separation) which resulted in the formation of Galaxies. These then divided to form stars, planets, the sun, the moon, etc. The origin of the universe was unique and the probability of it happening by ‘chance’ is nil.
The Qur’an contains the following verse regarding the origin of the universe:
“Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of Creation), before We clove them asunder?” [Al-Qu’ran 21:30]
The striking similarity between the Qur’anic verse and ‘The Big Bang’ is inescapable! How could a book, which first appeared in the deserts of Arabia 1400 years ago, contain this profound scientific truth?
Scientists agree that before the galaxies in the universe were formed, celestial matter was initially in the form of gaseous matter. In short, huge gaseous matter or clouds were present before the formation of the galaxies. To describe initial celestial matter, the word ‘smoke’ is more appropriate than gas. The following Qur’anic verse refers to this state of the universe by the word dukhaan which means smoke.
“Moreover, He Comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been (as) smoke: He said to it and to the earth: ‘Come ye together, willingly or unwillingly.’ They said: ‘We do come (together), in willing obedience.” [Al-Qur’an 41:11]
Again, this fact is a corollary to the ‘Big Bang’ and was not known to anyone before the prophetehood of Muhammad (peace be upon him)1. What then, could have been the source of this knowledge?
In early times, people believed that the earth was flat. For centuries, men were afraid to venture out too far, for fear of falling off the edge! Sir Francis Drake was the first person who proved that the earth is spherical when he sailed around it in 1597.
Consider the following Qur’anic verse regarding the alternation of day and night:
“Seest thou not that Allah merges Night into Day and He merges Day into Night?” [Al-Qur’an 31:29]
Merging here means that the night slowly and gradually changes to day and vice versa. This phenomenon can only take place if the earth is spherical. If the earth was flat, there would have been a sudden change from night to day and from day to night.
The following verse also alludes to the spherical shape of the earth:
“He created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day overlap the Night.” [Al-Qur’an 39:5]
The Arabic word used here is Kawwara meaning ‘to overlap’ or ‘to coil’— the way a turban is wound around the head. The overlapping or coiling of the day and night can only take place if the earth is spherical.
The earth is not exactly round like a ball, but geo-spherical, i.e. it is flattened at the poles. The following verse contains a description of the earth’s shape:
“And the earth, moreover, hath He made egg shaped.” [Al-Qur’an 79:30]
The Arabic word for egg here is dahaahaa1 which means an ostrich-egg. The shape of an ostrich-egg resembles the geo-spherical shape of the earth.
Thus the Qur’an correctly describes the shape of the earth, though the prevalent notion when the Qur’an was revealed was that the earth was flat.
It was believed by earlier civilizations that the moon emanates its own light. Science now tells us that the light of the moon is reflected light. However this fact was mentioned in the Qur’an 1,400 years ago in the following verse:
“Blessed is He Who made Constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light.” [Al-Qur’an 25:61]
The Arabic word for the sun in the Qur’an, is shams. It is also referred to as siraaj which means a ‘torch’ or as wahhaaj meaning ‘a blazing lamp’ or as diya which means ‘shining glory’. All three descriptions are appropriate to the sun, since it generates intense heat and light by its internal combustion.
The Arabic word for the moon is qamar and it is described in the Qur’an as muneer which is a body that gives noor i.e. reflected light. Again, the Qur’anic description matches perfectly with the true nature of the moon which does not give off light by itself and is an inactive body that reflects the light of the sun. Not once in the Qur’an, is the moon mentioned as siraaj, wahhaaj or diya nor the sun as noor or muneer. This implies that the Qur’an recognizes the difference between the nature of sunlight and moonlight.
The following verses relate to the nature of light from the sun and the moon:
“It is He who made the sun to be a shining glory and the moon to be a light (of beauty).” [Al-Qur’an 10:5]
“See ye not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another, And made the moon a light in their midst, and made the sun as a (Glorious) Lamp?” [Al-Qur’an 71:15-16]
The Glorious Qur’an and modern science, are thus in perfect agreement about the differences in the nature of sunlight and moonlight.
For a long time European philosophers and scientists believed that the earth stood still in the centre of the universe and every other body including the sun moved around it. In the West, this geocentric concept of the universe was prevalent right from the time of Ptolemy in the second century B.C. In 1512, Nicholas Copernicus put forward his Heliocentric Theory of Planetary Motion, which asserted that the sun is motionless at the centre of the solar system with the planets revolving around it.
In 1609, the German scientist Yohannus Keppler published the ‘Astronomia Nova’. In this he concluded that not only do the planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun, they also rotate upon their axes at irregular speeds. With this knowledge it became possible for European scientists to explain correctly many of the mechanisms of the solar system, including the sequence of night and day.
After these discoveries, it was thought that the Sun was stationary and did not rotate about its axis like the Earth. I remember having studied this fallacy from Geography books during my school days.
Consider the following Qur’anic verse:
“It is He Who created the Night and the Day, and the sun and the moon: At! (the cetestiat bodies) swim along, each in its rounded course.” [Al-Qur’an 21:33]
The Arabic word used in the above verse is yasbahoon. This word is derived from the word sabaha. It carries with it the idea of motion that comes from any moving body. If you use this word for a person on the ground, it would not mean that he is rolling but would imply that he is walking or running. If you use this word for a person in water, it would not mean that he is floating but would imply that he is swimming.
Similarly, if you use the word yasbah for a celestial body such as the sun, it would not only mean that it is flying through space but would also mean that it is rotating as it goes through space. Most school textbooks have now incorporated the fact that the sun rotates about its axis. The rotation of the sun about its own axis can be proved with the help of an equipment that projects the image of the sun on the top of a table, so that one can examine the image of the sun without being blinded. It is noticed that the sun has spots which complete a circular motion once every 25 days i.e. the sun takes approximately 25 days to rotate round its axis.
The sun travels through space at roughly 240 km per second, and takes about 200 million years to complete one revolution around the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy.
“It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: (Each Oust) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law).” [Al-Qur’an 36:40]
This verse mentions an essential fact discovered only recently by modern astronomy, i.e. the existence of the individual orbits of the Sun and the Moon, and their journey through space with their own motion.
The ‘fixed place’ towards which the sun travels, carrying with it the solar system, has been located precisely by modern astronomy. It has been given a name, the Solar Apex. The solar system is indeed moving in space towards a point situated in the constellation of Hercules (alpha Lyrae) whose exact location is now firmly established.
The moon rotates around its axis in the same duration that it takes to revolve around the earth. It takes approximately 29½ days to complete one rotation.
One cannot help but be amazed at the scientific accuracy of the Qur’anic verses. Should we not ponder over the question: “What is the source of knowledge contained in the Qur’an?”
The light of the sun is due to a chemical process on its surface that has been taking place continuously for the past five billion years. It will come to an end at some point of time in the future, when the sun will be totally extinguished, leading to extinction of all life on earth. Regarding the impermanence of the sun’s existence, the Qur’an says:
“And the Sun runs its course for a period determined for it; that is the decree of (Him) the exalted in Might, the All-Knowing.” [Al-Qur’an 36:38]4
The Arabic word used here is mustaqarr, which means a place or time that is determined. Thus the Qur’an says that the sun runs towards a determined place, and will do so only up to a pre-determined period of time — meaning that it will end or extinguish.
Space outside organized astronomical systems was earlier assumed to be a vacuum. Astrophysicists later discovered the presence of bridges of matter in this interstellar space. These bridges of matter are called plasma, and consist of completely ionized gas containing equal number of free electrons and positive ions. Plasma is sometimes called the fourth state of matter (besides the three known states viz, solid, liquid and gas). The Qur’an refers to the presence of this interstellar material in the following verse:
“He Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between.” [Al-Qur’an 25:59]
It would be ridiculous for anyone to even suggest that the presence of interstellar galactic material was known 1400 years ago!
In 1925, American astronomer Edwin Hubble, provided observational evidence that all galaxies are moving away from one another, which implies that the universe is expanding. The expansion of the universe is now an established scientific fact. This is what the Qur’an says regarding the nature of the universe:
“With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: For it is We Who create the vastness of Space.” [Al-Qur’an 51:47]
The Arabic word musioon is correctly translated as ‘expanding it’, and it refers to the creation of the expanding vastness of the universe.
One of the greatest astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, in his book, ‘A Brief History of Time’, says,
“The discovery that the universe is expanding was one of the great intellectual revolutions of the 20th century.”
The Qur’an mentioned the expansion of the universe, before man even learnt to build a telescope!
Some may say that the presence of astronomical facts in the Qur’an is not surprising since the Arabs were advanced in the field of astronomy. They are correct in acknowledging the advancement of the Arabs in the field of astronomy. However they fail to realize that the Qur’an was revealed centuries before the Arabs excelled in astronomy. Moreover many of the scientific facts mentioned above, such as the origin of the universe with a Big Bang, were not known to the Arabs even at the peak of their scientific advancement. The scientific facts mentioned in the Qur’an are therefore not due to the Arabs’ advancement in astronomy.
Indeed, the reverse is true: they advanced in astronomy, because astronomy occupies a place in the Qur’an.
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- Category: Miracles
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Ever since the dawn of human life on this planet, Man has always tried to understand Nature, his own place in the scheme of Creation and the purpose of Life itself. In this quest for Truth, spanning many centuries and diverse civilizations, organized religion has shaped human life and, to a large extent, has determined the course of history. While some religions have been based on written text, claimed by their followers to be divinely inspired, others have relied solely on human experience.
Al-Qur’an, the main source of the Islamic faith, is a book believed by its followers, the Muslims, to be completely of Divine origin. Muslims also believe that it contains guidance for all humankind. Since the message of the Qur’an is believed to be for all times, it should be relevant to every age. But does the Qur’an pass this test?
Here, I intend to give an objective analysis of the Muslim belief regarding the Divine origin of the Qur’an, particularly in the light of established scientific discoveries.
There was a time, in the history of world civilization, when ‘miracles’, or what were perceived to be miracles, took precedence over human reason and logic, Of course, the normal defination of ‘miracle’ is simply, anything that takes place out of the normal course of life and for which humankind has no explanation.
However, we must be careful before accepting something as a miracle. In 1993, ‘The Times of India’, Mumbai, reported that ‘a saint’ by the name ‘Baba Pilot’ claimed to have stayed continuously submerged under water in a tank for three consecutive days and nights. However, when reporters wanted to examine the bottom of the tank of water in which he claimed to have performed his ‘miraculous feat’, he refused to let them do so. He argued by asking as to how one could examine the womb of a mother that gives birth to a child. Obviously the ‘saint’ had something to conceal! His claim was a gimmick simply to gain publicity. Surely, no modern person with even the slightest inkling towards rational thinking would accept such a ‘miracle’. If such false miracles are the tests of divinity, then we would have to accept all world famous magicians known for their ingenious magical tricks and illusions, as genuine God-men!
A book, claiming to be of Divine origin, is in effect, claiming to be a miracle. Such a claim should be easily verifiable in any age, according to the standards of that age. Muslims believe, that the Qur’an is the last and final revelation of God, the miracle of miracles, revealed as a mercy to mankind. Let us therefore investigate the veracity of this belief.
Literature and poetry have been instruments of human expression and creativity, in all cultures. The world also witnessed an age when literature and poetry occupied pride of position, similar to that now enjoyed by science and technology.
Even non-Muslim scholars agree that the Qur’an is Arabic literature par excellence — that it is the best Arabic literature on the face of the earth. The Qur’an challenges mankind to produce the likes of it:
“And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Surah like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (if there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true. But if ye cannot— and of a surety you cannot— then fear the Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones —which is prepared for those who reject Faith.” [Al-Qur’an] 2:23-24]1
The challenge of the Qur’an, is to produce a single Surah (chapter) like the Surahs it contains. The same challenge is repeated in the Qur’an several times. The challenge to produce a Surah, which, in beauty, eloquence, depth and meaning is at least somewhat similar to a Qur’anic Surah remains unmet to this day.
A modern rational man, however, would never accept a religious scripture which says, in the best possible poetic language, that the world is flat. This is because we live in an age, where human reason, logic and science are given primacy. Not many would accept the Qur’ans extraordinarily beautiful language, as proof of its Divine origin. Any scripture claiming to be a divine revelation must also be acceptable on the strength of its own reason and logic.
According to the famous physicist and Nobel Prize winner, Albert Einstein,
“Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.”
Let us therefore study the Qur’an, and analyze whether the Qur’an and Modern Science are compatible or incompatible.
The Qur’an is not a book of Science but a book of ‘Signs’, i.e. Aayaats. There are more than six thousand ‘Signs’ in the Qur’an of which more than a thousand deal with hard core Science.
We all know that many a limes Science takes a ‘U-turn’. Here I have considered only established scientific facts and not hypotheses and theories based on mere assumptions and not backed by proof.
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For a scripture to qualify as divinely revealed it must be totally accurate in its descriptions of reality: the past, the present and the future. The Qur'aan has many stories about previous prophets and their peoples. Some of these stories have elements in them that can be checked out for their accuracy.
One example of the Qur'aan's precision in its historical descriptions is in the story of Prophet Yoosuf (Joseph), who was sold as a slave in Egypt, but rose to become an important official in the government, which made it possible for him to bring his whole family to live there in honor. Most historians agree that the entry of the Children of Israel into Egypt occurred when the northern half of the country was ruled by the Hyksos, Semitic invaders who were the first non-Egyptians to rule that country since the rise of the Old Kingdom. The Qur'aan always calls the Egyptian ruler who confronted Moses by the title of "Pharaoah." Every Egyptian ruler was called by this title starting from the reign of Amenhotep IV in the 14th century BC, but not before that. Yoosuf lived at least two hundred years before Amenhotep IV. The Qur'aan consistently refers to the ruler in Yoosuf's time, as "al-malik," the king:
"The king [al-malik] said, 'Bring him to me." [Soorah Yoosuf (12):50.]
It should be noted that the Bible refers to the ruler of Joseph's time as "Pharaoah," which was an anachronism inserted by the scribes who wrote the books of the Old Testament centuries after Moses.
Source: This information is based on Dr. Maurice Bucaille's book "Moses and Pharaoah. The Hebrews in Egypt"
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- Hits: 15228
We have now come to the last subject I would like to present in this short pamphlet: it is the comparison between modern knowledge and passages in the Qur’an that are also referred to in the Bible.
We have already come across some of the contradictions between scripture and science regarding the creation of the universe. When dealing with that topic, I stressed the perfect agreement between modern knowledge and verses in the Qur’an, and pointed out that the Biblical narration contained statements that were scientifically unacceptable. This is hardly surprising if we are aware that the narration of the creation contained in the Bible was the work of priests living in the sixth century BC, hence the term ‘sacerdotal’ ( priestly ) narration is officially used to refer to it. The narration seems to have been conceived as the theme of a sermon designed to exhort people to observe the Sabbath. The narration was constructed with a definite end in view, and as Father de Vaux (a former head of the Biblical School of Jerusalem) has noted, this end was essentially legalist in character.
The Bible also contains a much shorter and older narration of Creation, the so-called ‘Yahvist’ version, which approaches the subject from a completely different angle. They are both taken from Genesis, the first book of the Pentateuch or Torah. Moses is supposed to have been its author, but the text we have today has undergone many changes.
The sacerdotal narration of Genesis is famous for its whimsical genealogies, that go back to Adam, and which nobody takes very seriously. Nevertheless, such Gospel authors as Matthew and Luke have reproduced them, more or less word-for-word, in their genealogies of Jesus. Matthew goes back as far as Abraham, and Luke to Adam. These writings are scientifically unacceptable, because they set a date for the age of the world and the time humans appeared on Earth, which most definitely contradicts what modern science has firmly established. The Qur’an, on the other hand, is completely free of dates of this kind.
Earlier on, we noted how perfectly the Qur’an agrees with modern ideas on the formation of the Universe. On the other hand, the Biblical narration of primordial waters is hardly, nor is the creation of light on the first day before the creation of the stars which produce this light; the existence of an evening and a morning before the creation of the earth; the creation of the earth on the third day before that of the sun on the fourth; the appearance of beasts of the earth on the sixth day after the appearance of the birds of the air on the fifth day, although the former came first. All these statements are the result of beliefs prevalent at the time this text was written and do not have any other meaning.
Age of the Earth
As for the Biblical genealogies which form the basis of the Jewish calendar and assert that today the world is 5738 years old, these are hardly admissible either. Our solar system may well be four and a quarter billion years old, and the appearance of human beings on earth, as we know him today, may be estimated in tens of thousands of years, if not more. It is absolutely essential, therefore, to note that the Qur’an does not contain any such indications as to the age of the world, and that these are specific to the Biblical text.
The Flood
There is a second highly significant subject of comparison between the Bible and the Qur’an; descriptions of the deluge. In actual fact, the Biblical narration is a fusion of two descriptions in which events are related differently. The Bible speaks of a universal flood and places it roughly 300 years before Abraham.
According to what we know of Abraham, this would imply a universal cataclysm around the twenty-first or twenty-second century BC This story would be untenable, in view of presently available historical data. How can we accept the idea that, in the twenty-first or twenty-second century BC, all civilization was wiped off the face of the earth by a universal cataclysm, when we know that this period corresponds, for example, to the one preceding the Middle Kingdom in Egypt, at roughly the date of the first Intermediary period before the eleventh dynasty? It is historically unacceptable to maintain that, at this time, humanity was totally wiped out. None of the preceding statements is acceptable according to modern knowledge. From this point of view, we can measure the enormous gap separating the Bible from the Qur’an.
In contrast to the Bible, the narration contained in the Qur’an deals with a cataclysm that is limited to Noah’s people. They were punished for their sins, as were other ungodly peoples. The Qur’an does not fix the cataclysm in time. There are absolutely no historical or archaeological objections to the narration in the Qur’an.
The Pharaoh
A third point of comparison, which is extremely significant, is the story of Moses, and especially the Exodus from Egypt of the Hebrews. Here I can only give a highly compressed account of a study on this subject that appears in my book. I have noted the points where the Biblical and Qur’anic narrations agree and disagree, and I have found points where the two texts complement each other in a very useful way.
Among the many hypotheses, concerning the historical time-frame occupied by the Exodus in the history of the pharaohs, I have concluded that the most likely is the theory which makes Merneptah, Ramesses II’s successor, the pharaoh of the Exodus. The comparison of the data contained in the Scriptures with archeological evidence strongly supports this hypothesis. I am pleased to be able to say that the Biblical narration contributes weighty evidence leading us to situate Moses in the history of the pharaohs. Moses was probably born during the reign of Ramesses II. Biblical data. are therefore of considerable historical value in the story of Moses. A medical study of the mummy of Merneptah has yielded further useful information on the possible causes of this pharaoh’s death. The fact that we possess the mummy of this pharaoh is one of paramount importance. The Bible records that pharaoh was engulfed in the sea, but does not give any details as to what subsequently became of his corpse. The Qur’an, in chapter Yoonus, notes that the body of the pharaoh would be saved from the waters:
“Today I will save your dead body so that you may be a sign for those who come after you.” Qur’an, 10:92
A medical examination of this mummy, has, shown that the body could not have stayed in the water for long, because it does not show signs of deterioration due to prolonged submersion. Here again, the comparison between the narration in the Qur’an and the data provided by modern knowledge does not give rise to the slightest objection from a scientific point of view.
Such points of agreement are characteristic of the Qur’anic revelation. But, are we throwing the Judeo-Christian revelation into discredit and depriving it of all its intrinsic value by stressing the faults as seen from a scientific point of view? I think not because the criticism is not aimed at the text as a whole, but only at certain passages. There are parts of the Bible which have an undoubted historical value. I have shown that in my book, The Bible, The Qur’an and Science, where I discuss passages which enable us to locate Moses in time.
The main causes which brought about such differences as arise from the comparison between the Holy Scriptures and modern knowledge is known to modern scholars. The Old Testament constitutes a collection of literary works produced in the course of roughly nine centuries and which has undergone many alterations. The part played by men in the actual composition of the texts of the Bible is quite considerable.
The Qur’anic revelation, on the other hand, has a history which is radically different. As we have already seen, from the moment it was first commto humans, it was learnt by heart and written down during Muhammad’s own lifetime. It is thanks to this fact that the Qur’an does not pose any problem of authenticity.
A totally objective examination of the Qur’an, in the light of modern knowledge, leads us to recognize the agreement between the two, as has already been noted on repeated occasions throughout this presentation.
It makes us deem it quite unthinkable for a man of Muhammad’s time to have been the author of such statements, on account of the state of knowledge in his day. Such considerations are part of what gives the Qur’anic revelation its unique place among religious and non-religious texts, and forces the impartial scientist to admit his inability to provide an explanation based solely upon materialistic reasoning.
Such facts as I have had the pleasure of exposing to you here, appear to represent a genuine challenge to human explanation leaving only one alternative: the Qur’an is undoubtedly a revelation from God.
The complete series:
- The Qur’an And Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (1/7)
- Creation of the Universe by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (2/7)
- Astronomy by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (3/7)
- Geology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (4/7)
- Biology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (5/7)
- Embryology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (6/7)
- Bible, Qur'an and Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (7/7)
- Videos of the author
- The original text
- Details
- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 18186
There are a multitude of statements in the Qur’an on the subject of human reproduction which constitute a challenge to the embryologist seeking a human explanation for them. It was only after the birth of the basic sciences which contributed to our knowledge of biology and the invention of the microscope, that humans were able to understand the depth of those Qur’anic statements. It was impossible for a human being living in the early seventh century to have accurately expressed such ideas. There is nothing to indicate that people in the Middle-East and Arabia knew anything more about this subject than people living in Europe or anywhere else. Today, there are many Muslims, possessing a thorough knowledge of the Qur’an and natural sciences, who have recognized the amazing similarity between the verses of the Qur’an dealing with reproduction and modern scientific knowledge.
I shall always remember the comment of an eighteen-year-old Muslim, brought up in Saudi Arabia, commenting on a reference to human reproduction as described in the Qur’an. He pointed to the Qur’an and said,
“This book provides us with all the essential information on the subject. When I was at school, my teachers used the Qur’an to explain how children were born. Your books on sex-education are a bit late on the scene!”
If I were to spend as long on all the details of reproduction contained in the Qur’an, as the subject merits, this pamphlet would become a book. The detailed linguistic and scientific explanations I have given in The Bible, The Qur’an and Science are sufficient for the person who does not speak Arabic nor know much about embryology to be able to understand the meaning of such verses in the light of modern science in more depth.
It is especially in the field of embryology that a comparison between the beliefs present at the time of the Qur’an’s revelation and modern scientific data, leaves us amazed at the degree of agreement between the Qur’an’s statements and modern scientific knowledge. Not to mention the total absence of any reference in the Qur’an to the mistaken ideas that were prevalent around the world at the time.
Let us now isolate, from all these verses, precise ideas concerning the complexity of the semen and the fact that an infinitely small quantity is required to ensure fertilization. In chapter Al-Insaan the Qur’an states:
“Verily, I created humankind from a small quantity of mingled fluids.” Qur’an, 76:2
The Arabic word nutfah has been translated as "small quantity”. It comes from the verb meaning ‘to dribble, to trickle’ and is used to describe what remains in the bottom of a bucket which has been emptied. The verse correctly implies that fertilization is performed by only a very small volume of liquid.
On the other hand, mingled fluids ( amshaaj ) has been understood by early commentators to refer to the mixture of male and female discharges. Modern authors have corrected this view and note that the sperm is made up of various components.
When the Qur’an talks of a fertilizing fluid composed of different components, it also informs us that human progeny will be formed from something extracted from this liquid. This is the meaning of the following verse in chapter as-Sajdah:
“Then He made [man’s] offspring from the essence of a despised fluid.” Qur’an, 32:8
The Arabic word translated by the term ‘essence’ is sulaalah which means ‘something extracted, the best part of a thing’. In whatever way it is translated, it refers to part of a whole. Under normal conditions, only one single cell, spermatozoon, out of over 50 million ejaculated by a man during sexual intercourse will actually penetrate the ovule.
Once the egg has been fertilized in the fallopian tube, it descends to lodge itself inside the uterus. This process is called the ‘implantation of the egg’. Implantation is a result of the development of villosities, which, like roots in the soil, draw nourishment from the wall of the uterus and make the egg literally cling to the womb. The process of implantation is appropriately described in several verses by the word ‘alaq, which is also the title of the chapter in which one of the verses appears:
“God fashioned humans from a clinging entity.” Qur’an, 96:2
I do not think there is any reasonable translation of the word ‘alaq other than to use it in its original sense. It is a mistake to speak of a ‘blood clot’ here, which is the term Professor Hamidullah uses in his translation. It is a derivative meaning which is not as appropriate in this context.
The evolution of the embryo inside the maternal uterus is only briefly described, but the description is accurate, because the simple words referring to it correspond exactly to fundamental stages in its growth. This is what we read in a verse from the chapter al-Mu’minoon:
“I fashioned the clinging entity into a chewed lump of flesh and I fashioned the chewed flesh into bones and I clothed the bones with intact flesh.” Qur’an, 23:14
The term ‘chewed flesh’ (mudghah) corresponds exactly to the appearance of the embryo at a certain stage in its development.
It is known that the bones develop inside this mass and that they are then covered with muscle. This is the meaning of the term ‘intact flesh’ (lahm).
The embryo passes through a stage where some parts are in proportion and others out of proportion with what is later to become the individual. This is the obvious meaning of a verse in the chapter al-Hajj, which reads as follows:
“I fashioned (humans) a clinging entity, then into a lump of flesh in proportion and out of proportion.” Qur’an, 22:5.
Next, we have a reference to the appearance of the senses and internal organs in the chapter as-Sajdah:
“... and (God) gave you ears, eyes and hearts.” Qur’an, 32:9
Nothing here contradicts today’s data and, furthermore, none of the mistaken ideas of the time have crept into the Qur’an. Throughout the Middle Ages there were a variety of beliefs about human development based on myths and speculations which continued for several centuries after the period. The most fundamental stage in the history of embryology came in 1651 with Harvey’s statement that “all life initially comes from an egg”.
At that time, when science had benefited greatly from the invention of the microscope, people were still arguing about the respective roles of the egg and spermatozoon. Buffon, the great naturalist, was one of those in favor of the egg theory. Bonnet, on the other hand, supported the theory of ‘the ovaries of Eve’, which stated that Eve, the mother of the human race, was-supposed to have had inside her the seeds of all human beings packed together one inside the other.
- The Qur’an And Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (1/7)
- Creation of the Universe by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (2/7)
- Astronomy by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (3/7)
- Geology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (4/7)
- Biology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (5/7)
- Embryology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (6/7)
- Bible, Qur'an and Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (7/7)
- Videos of the author
- The original text
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 18215
More than anything else, I was struck by statements in the Qur’an dealing with living things, both in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, especially with regard to reproduction. We should really devote much more time to this subject, but, due to the limited scope of this presentation, I can only give a few examples.
I must once again stress the fact that it is only in modern times that scientific progress has made the hidden meaning of some Qur’anic verses comprehensible to us. Numerous translations and commentaries on the Qur’an have been made by learned men who had no access to modern scientific knowledge. It is for this reason that scientists find some of their interpretations unacceptable.
There are also other verses whose obvious meanings are easily understood, but which conceal scientific meanings which are startling, to say the least. This is the case of a verse in chapter al-Ambiyaa, a part of which has already been quoted:
“Do the unbelievers not realize that the heavens and the earth were joined together, then I clove them asunder and I made every living thing out of water. Will they still not believe?” Qur’an, 21:30
This is a dramatic affirmation of the modern idea that the origin of life is aquatic.
Progress in botany at the time of Muhammad (S) was not advanced enough in any country for scientists to know that plants have both male and female parts. Nevertheless, we may read the following in the chapter Taa Haa:
“(God is the One who) sent down rain from the sky and with it brought forth a variety of plants in pairs.” Qur’an, 20:53
Today we know that fruit comes from plants that have sexual characteristics even when they come from unfertilized flowers, like bananas. In the chapter ar-Ra‘d we read the following:
“... and of all fruits (God) placed (on the earth) two pairs.” Qur’an, 13:3
In the field of physiology, there is one verse which appears extremely significant to me. One thousand years before the discovery of the blood circulatory system, and roughly thirteen centuries before it was determined that the internal organs were nourished by the process of digestive, a verse in the Qur’an described the source of the constituents of milk, in conformity with scientific facts.
To understand this verse, it must first be known that chemical reactions occur between food and enzymes in the mouth, the stomach and the intestines releasing nutrients in molecular form which are then absorbed into the circulatory system through countless microscopic projections of the intestinal wall called villi. Blood in the circulatory system then transports the nutrients to all the organs of the body, among which are the milk-producing mammary glands.
This biological process must be basically understood, if we are to understand a verse in the Qur’an which has for many centuries given rise to commentaries that were totally incomprehensible.
Today it is not difficult to see why! This verse is taken from the chapter An-Nahl:
“Verily, in cattle there is a lesson for yon. I give you drink from their insides, coming from a conjunction between the digested contents (of the intestines) and the blood, milk pure and pleasant for those who drink it.” Qur’an, 16:66
The constituents of milk are secreted by the mammary glands which are nourished by the product of food digestion brought to them by the bloodstream. The initial event which sets the whole process in motion is the conjunction of the contents of the intestine and blood at the level of the intestinal wall itself.
This very precise concept is the result of the discoveries made in the chemistry and physiology of the digestive system over one thousand years after the time of Prophet Muhammad (S).
The complete series:
- The Qur’an And Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (1/7)
- Creation of the Universe by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (2/7)
- Astronomy by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (3/7)
- Geology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (4/7)
- Biology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (5/7)
- Embryology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (6/7)
- Bible, Qur'an and Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (7/7)
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- The original text
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 20410
Let us now return to earth to discover some of the many amazing statements contained in Qur’anic reflections about our own planet. They deal, not only with the physical phenomena observed here on earth, but also with details concerning the living organisms that inhabit it.
As in the case of everything we have discussed so far, we shall see that the Qur’an also expresses concepts in the field of geology that were way ahead of those current at the time of its revelation.
At this point, we must ask ourselves the following question: How could an uneducated man in the middle of the desert accurately tackle so many and such varied subjects at a time when mythology and superstition reigned supreme? How could he so skillfully avoid every belief that was proven to be totally inaccurate many centuries later?
Water Cycle
The verses dealing with the earthly systems are a case in point. I have quoted a large number of them in my book, The Bible, The Qur’an and Science, and have paid special attention to those that deal with the water cycle in nature. This is a topic which is well known today. Consequently, the verses in the Qur’an that refer to the water cycle seem to express ideas that are now totally self-evident. But if we consider the ideas prevalent at that time, they appear to be based more on myth and philosophical speculation than on observed fact, even though useful practical knowledge on soil irrigation was current at that period.
Let us examine, for example, the following verse in chapter az-Zumar:
“Have you not seen that Allah sent rain down from the sky and caused it to penetrate the ground and come forth as springs, then He caused crops of different colors to grow...” Qur’an,39:21
Such notions seem quite natural to us today, but we should not forget that, not so long ago, they were not prevalent. It was not until the sixteenth century, with Bernard Palissy, that we gained the first coherent description of the water cycle. Prior to this, people believed that the waters of the oceans, under the effect of winds, were thrust towards the interior of the continents. They then returned to the oceans via the great abyss, which, since Plato’s time was called the Tartarus. In the seventeenth century, great thinkers such as Descartes still believed in this myth. Even in the nineteenth century there were still those who believed in Aristotle’s theory that water was condensed in cool mountain caverns and formed underground lakes that fed springs. Today, we know that it is the infiltration of rain water into the ground that is responsible for this. If one compares the facts of modern hydrology with the data found in numerous verses of the Qur’an on this subject, one cannot fail to notice the remarkable degree of agreement between the two.
In geology, modern science has recently discovered the phenomenon of folding which formed the mountain ranges. The earth’s crust is like a solid shell, while the deeper layers are hot and fluid, and thus inhospitable to any form of life. It has also been discovered that the stability of mountains is linked to the phenomenon of folding. The process of mountain formation by folding drove the earth’s crust down into the lower layers and provided foundations for the mountains.
Let us now compare modern ideas with one verse among many in the Qur’an that deals with this subject. It is taken from chapter an-Naba’:
“Have We not made the earth an expanse and the mountains stakes?” Qur’an, 78:6-7
Stakes (awtaad), which are driven into the ground like those used to anchor a tent, are the deep foundations of geological folds.
Here, as in the case of all the other topics presented, the objective observer cannot fail to notice the absence of any contradiction to modern knowledge.
- The Qur’an And Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (1/7)
- Creation of the Universe by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (2/7)
- Astronomy by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (3/7)
- Geology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (4/7)
- Biology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (5/7)
- Embryology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (6/7)
- Bible, Qur'an and Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (7/7)
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 17620
Whenever I describe to Westerners the details the Qur’an contains on certain points of astronomy, it is common for someone to reply that there is nothing unusual in this since the Arabs made important discoveries in the field of astronomy long before the Europeans. But, this is a mistaken idea resulting from an ignorance of history. In the first place, science developed in the Arab World at a considerable time after the Qur’anic revelation had occurred. Secondly, the scientific knowledge prevalent at the highpoint of Islamic civilization would have made it impossible for any human being to have written statements on the heavens comparable to those in the Qur’an. The material on this subject is so vast that I can only provide a brief outline of it here.
The Sun and Moon
Whereas the Bible talks of the sun and the moon as two lights differing only in size, the Qur’an distinguishes between them by the use of different terms: light (noor) for the moon, and lamp (siraaj) for the sun.
"Did you see how Allah created seven heavens, one above the other, and made in them the moon a light and the sun a lamp?" Qur’an, 78:12-13
The moon is an inert body which reflects light, whereas the sun is a celestial body in a state of permanent combustion producing both light and heat.
Stars and Planets
The word ‘star’ (najm) in the Qur’an ( 86:3 ) is accompanied by the adjective thaaqib which indicates that it burns and consumes itself as it pierces through the shadows of the night. It was much later discovered that stars are heavenly bodies producing their own light like the sun.
In the Qur’an, a different word, kawkab, is used to refer to the planets which are celestial bodies that reflect light and do not produce their own light like the sun.
“We have adorned the lowest heaven with ornaments, the planets.” Qur’an, 37:6
Today, the laws governing the celestial systems are well known. Galaxies are balanced by the position of stars and planets in well-defined orbits, as well as the interplay of gravitational forces produced by their masses and the speed of their movements. But is this not what the Qur’an describes in terms which have only become comprehensible in modern times. In chapter al-Ambiyaa we find:
“(God is) the one who created the night, the day, the sun and the moon. Each one is traveling in an orbit with its own motion.” Qur’an, 21:33
The Arabic word which expresses this movement is the verb yasbahoon which implies the idea of motion produced by a moving body, whether it is the movement of one’s legs running on the ground, or the action of swimming in water. In the case of a celestial body, one is forced to translate it, according to its original meaning, as ‘to travel with its own motion.’
In my book, The Bible, The Qur'an and Science, I have given the precise scientific data corresponding to the motion of celestial bodies. They are well known for the moon, but less widely known for the sun.
The Day and Night
The Qur’anic description of the sequence of day and night would, in itself, be rather commonplace were it not for the fact that it is expressed in terms that are today highly appropriate. The Qur’an uses the verb kawwara in chapter az-Zumar to describe the way the night ‘winds’ or ‘coils’ itself around the day and the day around the night.
“He coils the night upon the day and the day upon the night.” Qur’an, 39:5
The original meaning of the verb is to coil a turban around the head. This is a totally valid comparison; yet at the time the Qur’an was revealed, the astronomical data necessary to make this comparison were unknown. It is not until man landed on the moon and observed the earth spinning on its axis, that the dark half of the globe appeared to wind itself around the light and the light half appeared to wind itself around the dark.
The Solar Apex
The notion of a settled place for the sun is vividly described in chapter Yaa Seen of the Qur’an:
"The sun runs its coarse to a settled place That is the decree of the Almighty, the All Knowing.” Qur’an, 36:38
“Settled place” is the translation of the word mustaqarr which indicates an exact appointed place and time. Modern astronomy confirms that the solar system is indeed moving in space at a rate of 12 miles per second towards a point situated in the constellation of Hercules ( alpha lyrae ) whose exact location has been precisely calculated. Astronomers have even give it a name, the solar apex.
Expansion of the Universe
Chapter Ath-Thaariyaat of the Qur’an also seems to allude to one of the most imposing discoveries of modern science, the expansion of the Universe.
“I built the heaven with power and it is I, who am expanding it.” Qur’an,51:47
The expansion of the universe was first suggested by the general theory of relativity and is supported by the calculations of astrophysics. The regular movement of the galactic light towards the red section of the spectrum is explained by the distancing of one galaxy from another. Thus, the size of the universe appears to be progressively increasing.
Conquest of Space
Among the achievements of modern science is the “conquest” of space which has resulted in mans journey to the moon. The prediction of this event surely springs to mind when we read the chapter ar-Rahmaan in the Qur’an:
“O assembly of Jinns and men, if you can penetrate the regions of the heavens and the earth, then penetrate them! You will not penetrate them except with authority.” Qur’an,55:33
Authority to travel in space can only come from the Creator of the laws which govern movement and space.
The whole of this Qur’anic chapter invites humankind to recognize God’s beneficence.
- The Qur’an And Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (1/7)
- Creation of the Universe by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (2/7)
- Astronomy by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (3/7)
- Geology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (4/7)
- Biology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (5/7)
- Embryology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (6/7)
- Bible, Qur'an and Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (7/7)
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 14868
From an examination of creation as described in the Qur’an, an extremely important general concept emerges: The Qur’anic narration is quite different from the Biblical narration. This idea contradicts the parallels which are often wrongly drawn by Western authors to emphasize the resemblance between the two texts. To stress only the similarities, while silently ignoring the obvious dissimilarities, is to distort reality. There is, perhaps, a reason for this.
When talking about creation, there is a strong tendency in the West to claim that Muhammad copied the general outlines mentioned in the Qur’an from the Bible. Certainly it is possible to compare the six days of creation as described in the Bible, plus an extra day for rest on God’s Sabbath, with this verse from chapter al-A‘raaf.
“Your Lord is God who created the heavens and the earth in six days.” Qur’an, 7:54
However, it must be pointed out that modern commentators stress the interpretation of the Arabic word ayyaam, (one translation of which is ‘days’), as meaning ‘long periods’ or ‘ages’ rather than periods of twenty-four hours.
What appears to be of fundamental importance to me is that, in contrast to the narration contained in the Bible, the Qur’an does not lay down a sequence for creation of the earth and heavens. It refers both to the heavens before the earth and the earth before the heavens, when it talks of creation in general, as in this verse of chapter Taa Haa: “(God) who created the earth and heavens above." Qur’an, 20:4
In fact, the notion derived from the Qur’an is one of a parallelism in the celestial and terrestrial evolutions. There are also basic pieces of information concerning the existence of an initial gaseous mass ( dukhaan ) which are unique to the Qur’an. As well as descriptions of the elements which, although at first were fused together ( ratq ), they subsequently became separated (fatq). These ideas are expressed in chapters Fussilat and al-Anbiyaa:
“God then rose turning towards the heaven when it was smoke” Qur’an, 41:11
“Do the disbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together, then I split them apart?” Qur’an, 21:30
According to modern science, the separation process resulted in the formation of multiple worlds, a concept which appears dozens of times in the Qur’an. For example, look at the first chapter of the Qur’an, al-Faatihah: “Praise be to God, the Lord of the Worlds.” Qur’an, 1:1. These Qur’anic references are in perfect agreement with modern ideas on the existence of primary nebula (galactic dust), followed by the separation of the elements which resulted in the formation of galaxies and then stars from which the planets were born. Reference is also made in the Qur’an to an intermediary creation between the heavens and the earth, as seen in chapter al-Furqaan:
“God is the one who created the heavens, the earth and what is between them...” Qur’an, 25:59
It would seem that this intermediary creation corresponds to the modern discovery of bridges of matter which are present outside organized astronomical systems.
This brief survey of Qur’anic references to creation clearly shows us how modern scientific data and statements in the Qur’an consistently agree on a large number of points. In contrast, the successive phases of creation mentioned in the Biblical text are totally unacceptable. For example, in Genesis 1:9-19 the creation of the earth (on the 3rd day) is placed before that of the heavens (on the 4th day). It is a well known fact that our planet came from its own star, the sun. In such circumstances, how could anyone claim that Muhammad, the supposed author of the Qur’an, drew his inspiration from the Bible. Such a claim would mean that, of his own accord, he corrected the Biblical text to arrive at the correct concept concerning the formation of the Universe.
Yet the correct concept was reached by scientists many centuries after his death.
- The Qur’an And Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (1/7)
- Creation of the Universe by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (2/7)
- Astronomy by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (3/7)
- Geology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (4/7)
- Biology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (5/7)
- Embryology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (6/7)
- Bible, Qur'an and Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (7/7)
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 16408
On the 9th of November, 1976, an unusual lecture was given at the French Academy of Medicine. Its title was “Physiological and Embryological data in the Qur’an”. I presented the study based on the existence of certain statements concerning physiology and reproduction in the Qur’an. My reason for presenting this lecture was because it is impossible to explain how a text produced in the seventh century could have contained ideas that have only been discovered in modern times.
For the first time, I spoke to members of a learned medical society on subjects whose basic concepts they all knew well, but I could, just as easily, have pointed out statements of a scientific nature contained in the Qur’an and other subjects to specialists from other disciplines. Astronomers, zoologists, geologists and specialists in the history of the earth would all have been struck, just as forcibly as medical doctors, by the presence in the Qur’an of highly accurate reflections on natural phenomena. These reflections are particularly astonishing when we consider the history of science, and can only lead us to the conclusion that they are a challenge to human explanation.
There is no human work in existence that contains statements as far beyond the level of knowledge of its time as the Qur’an. Scientific opinions comparable to those in the Qur’an are the result of modern knowledge. In the commentaries to translations of the Qur’an that have appeared in European languages, I have only been able to find scattered and vague references to them. Nor do commentators writing in Arabic provide a complete study of the aspects of the Qur’an that deal with scientific matters. This is why the idea of a comprehensive study of the problem appealed to me.
In addition to this, a comparative study of similar data contained in the Bible (Old Testament and Gospels) seemed desirable. Thus, a research project was developed from the comparison of certain passages in the Holy Scriptures of each monotheistic religion with modern scientific knowledge. The project resulted in the publication of a book entitled, The Bible, the Qur'an and Science. The first French edition appeared in May 1976. English and Arabic editions have since been published.
There is, perhaps, no better illustration of the close links between Islam and science than the Prophet Muhammad’s often-quoted statements:
“Seeking knowledge is compulsory on every Muslim.”
“wisdom is the lost property of the believer.”
“whoever follows a path seeking knowledge, Allah will make his path to paradise easy.”
These statements and many others are veritable invitations to humanity to enrich their knowledge from all sources. It comes as no surprise, therefore, to learn that in Islam religion and science have always been considered as twin sisters and that today, at a time when science has taken such great strides, they still continue to be associated. Nor is it a surprise to learn that certain scientific data are used for the better understanding of the Qur’anic text. What is more, in a century where, for many people, scientific truth has dealt a deathblow to religious belief, it is precisely the discoveries of science that, in an objective examination of the Islamic scripture, have highlighted the supernatural nature of revelation and the authenticity of the religion which it taught.
When all is said and done, scientific knowledge seems, in spite of what many people may say or think, to be highly conducive to reflection on the existence of God. Once we begin to ask ourselves, in an unbiased or unprejudiced way, about the metaphysical lessons to be derived from some of today’s knowledge, (for example our evolving knowledge of the smallest components of matter or the questions surrounding the origin of life within inanimate matter), we indeed discover many reasons for thinking about God. When we think about the remarkable organization presiding over the birth and maintenance of life, it becomes clear that the likelihood of it being the result of chance lessens quite considerably.
As our knowledge of science in the various fields expands, certain concepts must seem increasingly unacceptable. For example, the idea enthusiastically expressed by the recent French winner of the Nobel prize for medicine, that living matter was self-created from simple chemical elements due to chance circumstances. Then from this point it is claimed that living organisms evolved, leading to the remarkably complex being called man. To me, it would seem that the scientific advancements made in understandithe fantastic complexity of higher beings provides stronger arguments in favor of the opposite theory: that the existence of an extraordinarily methodical organization presiding over the remarkable arrangement of the phenomena of life necessitates the existence of a Creator.
In many parts of the Book, the Qur’an, encourages this kind of general reflection but also contains infinitely more precise data which are directly related to facts discovered by modern science. It is precisely this data which exercise a magnetic attraction for today’s scientists.
The Qur’an And Science
For many centuries, humankind was unable to study certain data contained in the verses of the Qur’an because they did not possess sufficient scientific means. It is only today that numerous verses of the Qur’an dealing with natural phenomena have become comprehensible. A reading of old commentaries on the Qur’an, however knowledgeable their authors may have been in their day, bears solemn witness to a total inability to grasp the depth of meaning in such verses. I could even go so far as to say that, in the 20th century, with its compartmentalization of ever-increasing knowledge, it is still not easy for the average scientist to understand everything he reads in the Qur’an on such subjects, without having recourse to specialized research. This means that to understand all such verses of the Qur’an, one is nowadays required to have an absolutely encyclopedic knowledge embracing many scientific disciplines.
I should like to stress, that I use the word science to mean knowledge which has been soundly established. It does not include the theories which, for a time, help to explain a phenomenon or a series of phenomena, only to be abandoned later on in favor of other explanations. These newer explanations have become more plausible thanks to scientific progress. I only intend to deal with comparisons between statements in the Qur’an and scientific knowledge which are not likely to be subject to further discussion. Wherever I introduce scientific facts which are not yet 100% established, I will make it quite clear.
There are also some very rare examples of statements in the Qur’an which have not, as yet, been confirmed by modern science. I shall refer to these by pointing out that all the evidence available today leads scientists to regard them as being highly probable. An example of this is the statement in the Qur’an that life has an aquatic origin:
“And I created every living thing out of water” Qur’an, 21:30
These scientific considerations should not, however, make us forget that the Qur’an remains a religious book par excellence and that it cannot be expected to have a scientific purpose per se. In the Qur’an, whenever humans are invited to reflect upon the wonders of creation and the numerous natural phenomena, they can easily see that the obvious intention is to stress Divine Omnipotence. The fact that, in these reflections, we can find allusions to data connected with scientific knowledge is surely another of God’s gifts whose value must shine out in an age where scientifically based atheism seeks to gain control of society at the expense of the belief in God. But the Qur’an does not need unusual characteristics like this to make its supernatural nature felt. Scientific statements such as these are only one specific aspect of the Islamic revelation which the Bible does not share.
Throughout my research I have constantly tried to remain totally objective. I believe I have succeeded in approaching the study of the Qur’an with the same objectivity that a doctor has when opening a file on a patient. In other words, only by carefully analyzing all the symptoms can one arrive at an accurate diagnosis. I must admit that it was certainly not faith in Islam that first guided my steps, but simply a desire to search for the truth. This is how I see it today. It was mainly the facts which, by the time I had finished my study, led me to see the Qur’an as the divinely-revealed text it really is.
Before getting to the essence of the subject, there is a very important point which must be considered: the authenticity of the Qur’anic text.
It is known that the text of the Qur’an was both recited from memory, during the time it was revealed, by the Prophet and the believers who surrounded him, and written down by designated scribes among his followers. This process lasted for roughly twenty-three years during which many unofficial copies were made. An official copy was made within one year after the Prophet’s death at the instruction of Caliph Abu Bakr.
Here we must note a highly important point. The present text of the Qur’an benefited in its original preparation from the advantage of having its authenticity cross-checked by the text recited from memory as well as the unofficial written texts. The memorized text was of paramount importance at a time when not everyone could read and write, but everybody could memorize. Moreover, the need for a written record was included in the text of the Qur’an itself. The first five verses of chapter al-‘Alaq, which happen to constitute the first revelation made to the Prophet (S), express this quite clearly:
“Read: In the name of your Lord who created. Who created man from a clinging entity. Read! Your Lord is the most Noble, Who taught by the pen. Who taught man what he did not know.” Qur’an, 96:1-5
These are surely words in “praise of the pen as a means of human knowledge”, to use Professor Hamidullah’s expression.
Then came the Caliphate of ‘Uthman (which lasted from the twelfth to the twenty-fourth year following Muhammad’s death). Within the first two years of Caliph ‘Uthman’s rule, seven official copies were reproduced from the official text and distributed throughout a large area of the world which had already come under Islamic rule. All unofficial copies existing at that time were destroyed and all future copies were made from the official seven copies.
In my book, The Bible, the Qur’an and Science, I have quoted passages from the Qur’an which came from the period prior to the Hijrah (the Prophet’s emigration from Makkah to Madeenah in the year 622) and which allude to the writing of the Qur’an before the Prophet’s departure from Makkah.
There were, moreover, many witnesses to the immediate transcription of the Qur’anic revelation.
Professor Jacques Berque has told me of the great importance he attaches to it in comparison with the long gap separating the writing down of the Judeo-Christian revelation from the facts and events which it relates. Let us not forget that today we also have a number of manuscripts of the first written versions of the Qur’an which were from a time period very close to the time of revelation.
I shall also mention another fact of great importance. We shall examine statements in the Qur’an which today appear to merely record scientific truth, but of which men in former times were only able to grasp the apparent meaning. In some cases, these statements were totally incomprehensible. It is impossible to imagine that, if there were any alterations to the texts, these obscure passages scattered throughout the text of the Qur’an, were all able to escape human manipulation. The slightest alteration to the text would have automatically destroyed the remarkable coherence which is characteristic to them. Change in any text would have prevented us from establishing their total conformity with modern knowledge. The presence of these statements spread throughout the Qur’an looks (to the impartial observer ) like an obvious hallmark of its authenticity.
The Qur’an is a revelation made known to humans in the course of twenty-three years. It spanned two periods of almost equal length on either side of the Hijrah. In view of this, it was natural for reflections having a scientific aspect to be scattered throughout the Book. In a study, such as the one we have made, we had to regroup the verses according to subject matter, collecting them chapter by chapter.
How should they be classified? I could not find any indications in the Qur’an suggesting any particular classification, so I decided present them according to my own personal one.
It would seem to me, that the first subject to deal with is Creation. Here it is possible to compare the verses referring to this topic with the general ideas prevalent today on the formation of the Universe. Next, I divided up verses under the following general headings: Astronomy, the Earth, the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms, Humans, and Human Reproduction in particular. Furthermore, I thought it useful to make a comparison between Qur’anic and Biblical narrations on the same topics from the point of view of modern knowledge. This has been done in the cases of Creation, the Flood and the Exodus. The reason that these topics were chosen is that knowledge acquired today can be used in the interpretation of the texts.
- The Qur’an And Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (1/7)
- Creation of the Universe by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (2/7)
- Astronomy by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (3/7)
- Geology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (4/7)
- Biology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (5/7)
- Embryology by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (6/7)
- Bible, Qur'an and Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (7/7)
- Videos of the author
- The original text
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 11985
I challenge you to make a glass of 100% pure orange juice... without using oranges to help you.
And you can't squeeze the orange or use a machine.
Rather, you have to blow up the orange and then somehow glass it, for those of you who are keen.
...Even if that's something incomprehensible and unseen.
Challenge accepted or rejected?
Even before you accept the challenge I have indeed already won!
Because without physically squeezing the orange juice into a glass, it can't be done.
Similarly sit in a car all day long without fuel,
it’s not going to move an inch because that’s the rule!
A car cannot move without external intervention -
so how can the universe exist by itself, without being a part of the creation.
How can anything be made by itself so new?
The human is so weak, he can’t produce a baby by himself, it takes two.
In fact, the One Creator just says ‘Be’, and then it's in full view.
You deny God, so who created the sun and the moon... and you.
The fish began swimming, the kangaroo hopped, the man walked, and the bird flew.
1400 years ago in a desert, the Qur’aan was revealed to an Unlettered Prophet.
He who had no access to microscopes, universities, and other technology, not even a rocket.
Revelation came to him regarding the sun, the moon and the stars.
That's why he knew about the creation of the universe and things unseen.
For example, centuries back they did not know that the earth was round;
Read the Quran, in it this scientific fact can be found (79:30).
Back in those days who could have carried out such an inspection?
Science today says it's right, that the light of the moon is from the sun, it’s a reflection.
All this was revealed in the Qur'aan, the book of perfection.
Furthermore, much money and plenty of detailed research informed scientists: “One primary nebula and one explosion."
If they had read the Qur'aan, the unchanged word of God, it had already informed:
“The heavens and the earth were one, together
Then they were told to asunder” (Chapter 21)
A primary nebula and an explosion.
So we see that the big bang theory and the Almighty have a connection.
It happened by God’s Will!
Without His Will there would be nothing,
indeed there would be nil!
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 18480
Prof Zaghloul Al-Najjar speaks to an audience regarding the scientific facts revealed in the Qur'an at Lecture Theatre, University Hospital of Wales Cardiff. 2nd Feb, 1999.
Dr Zaghloul Mohammad Al Najjar is an Egyptian scholar and a prominent figure in scientific miraculousness in the Quran, He had been chosen the Dubai International Holy Quran Award's (DIHQA) Islamic Personality of 2006.
He has a PhD from Wales University in geology, specialising in micropalaeontology. He has worked in a variety of Universities around the world and currently is a Professor at King Saud University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 12453
Pharaoh regarded himself as a deity and responded with slanders and threats to Prophet Musa's (as) calls for him to believe in Allah. This arrogant attitude lasted until he was faced with the threat of death through drowning. The Qur'an relates that Pharaoh immediately turned to belief when faced with Allah's punishment:
{We brought the tribe of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his troops pursued them out of tyranny and enmity. Then, when he was on the point of drowning, he [Pharaoh] said: "I believe that there is no god but Him in Whom the tribe of Israel believes. I am one of the Muslims."} (Qur'an, 10:90)
However, this last-minute conversion was not accepted, for it was not sincere. According to the Qur'an, Allah exclaimed:
{"What, now! When previously you rebelled and were one of the corrupters? Today we will preserve your body so you can be a Sign for people who come after you. Surely many people are heedless of Our Signs."} (Qur'an, 10:91-92)
The information that Pharaoh's corpse would serve as a sign for later generations may be regarded as an indication that his body would not decay. On display in the Royal Mummies Chamber of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is a mummified body believed to be that of this tyrant. In all likelihood, Pharaoh's body floated to shore after being drowned, was found and mummified by the Egyptians, and then carried to a previously prepared burial chamber.
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 11483
In the early 7th century, the two most powerful empires at the time were the Byzantine[1] and Persian Empires. In the years 613 - 614 C.E the two Empires went to war, with the Byzantines suffering a severe defeat at the hands of the Persians. Damascus and Jerusalem both fell to the Persian Empire. In the chapter, The Romans, in the Holy Quran, it is stated that the Byzantines had met with a great defeat but would soon gain victory:
“The Romans have been defeated in the lowest land, but after their defeat they will soon be victorious. Within three to nine years. The decision of the matter, before and after, is with God.” (Quran 30:2-4)
These verses, above, were revealed around 620 C.E, almost 7 years after the severe defeat of the Christian Byzantines at the hands of the idolater Persians in 613 – 614 C.E. Yet it was related in the verses that the Byzantines would shortly be victorious. In-fact, Byzantine had been so heavily defeated that it seemed impossible for the Empire to even maintain its very existence, let alone be victorious again.
Not only the Persians, but also the Avars, Slavs and Lombards (located to the North and West of the Byzantine Empire) posed serious threats to the Byzantine Empire’s sovereignty. The Avars had come as far as the walls of Constantinople and had nearly captured the Emperor, himself. Many governors had revolted against Emperor Heraclius, and the Empire was on the point of collapse. Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Armenia, which had earlier belonged to the Byzantine Empire, were invaded by the Persians. In short, everyone was expecting the Byzantine Empire to be destroyed, but right at that moment the first verses of the chapter, The Romans, were revealed announcing that the Byzantines would regain triumph in a few years time. Shortly after this revelation, the Byzantine Emperor proceeded to order the gold and silver in churches to be melted and turned into money in order both to meet the demanding expenses of the army, and finance his drive to regain the lost territories.
Around 7 years after the revelation of the first verses of The Romans, in December, 627 C.E, a decisive battle between The Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire was fought in the area around the Dead Sea,[2] and this time it was the Byzantine army which surprisingly defeated the Persians. A few months later, the Persians had to make an agreement with the Byzantines which obliged them to return the territories they had taken from them. So, in the end, the victory of the Romans proclaimed by God in the Quran miraculously came through.
Another miracle revealed in the mentioned verses is the announcement of a geographical fact that no-one would have been able to discover in that period. In the third verse of The Romans, it was mentioned that the Romans were defeated “in the lowest land” (Quran 30:3). Significantly, the places where the main battles took place (in Damascus and Jerusalem) lie in a vast area of low-lying land called the Great Rift Valley. The Great Rift Valley is a huge 5,000 km fault line in the earth’s crust that runs from northern Syria in the Middle-East of Asia to central Mozambique in East Africa. The northernmost extension runs through Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordon. The rift then extends south to the Gulf of Aden, makes its way through East Africa, then finally ends at the lower Zambezi River valley in Mozambique.
An interesting fact that has been discovered recently, with the help of satellite images, is that the area around the Dead Sea (located in the Great Rift Valley) has the lowest altitude on Earth. In fact, the lowest point on Earth is the shoreline of the Dead Sea, with an altitude of around 400 meters[3] below sea level. The fact that it lies at the lowest point means that water does not drain from the sea. No land point on earth has a lower altitude than the shoreline of the Dead Sea.[4]
Dead Sea Rift Valley, Israel and Jordan October 1984. Seen from an altitude of 190 nautical miles (350 kilometers) in this near-vertical photograph, the Dead Sea Rift Valley slices south-north through the Middle East. The surface of the Dead Sea, 1292 feet (394 meters) below sea level, is the lowest point on Earth. (Courtesy: The Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center, Photo #: STS41G-120-56,
Therefore it becomes clear that the country or prefecture which occupies the rift valley in the vicinity of the Dead Sea is what is meant in the Quran by “the lowest land.” This is a true miracle of the Quran because no-one could have known or foreseen such a fact in the 7th century due to the fact that satellites and modern day technology were not available at the time. Once again, the only possible explanation is that Prophet Muhammad had truly received divine revelation from God, The Creator and Originator of the universe.
[1] The Arabs also refer to the Byzantines as the Romans.
[2] The History of Persia Part I: Ancient Persia by Scott Peoples
[3] (
[4] (
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 12512
Iron is one of the elements highlighted in the Quran. In the chapter known Al-Hadeed, meaning Iron, we are informed:
“And We also sent down iron in which there lies great force and which has many uses for mankind…” (Quran 57:25)
The word “anzalnaa,” translated as "sent down" and used for iron in the verse, could be thought of having a metaphorical meaning to explain that iron has been given to benefit people. But, when we take into consideration the literal meaning of the word, which is, "being physically sent down from the sky, as this word usage had not been employed in the Quran except literally, like the descending of the rain or revelation, we realize that this verse implies a very significant scientific miracle. Because, modern astronomical findings have disclosed that the iron found in our world has come from giant stars in outer space.[1]
Not only the iron on earth, but also the iron in the entire Solar System, comes from outer space, since the temperature in the Sun is inadequate for the formation of iron. The sun has a surface temperature of 6,000 degrees Celsius, and a core temperature of approximately 20 million degrees. Iron can only be produced in much larger stars than the Sun, where the temperature reaches a few hundred million degrees. When the amount of iron exceeds a certain level in a star, the star can no longer accommodate it, and it eventually explodes in what is called a "nova" or a "supernova." These explosions make it possible for iron to be given off into space.[2]
One scientific source provides the following information on this subject:
“There is also evidence for older supernova events: Enhanced levels of iron-60 in deep-sea sediments have been interpreted as indications that a supernova explosion occurred within 90 light-years of the sun about 5 million years ago. Iron-60 is a radioactive isotope of iron, formed in supernova explosions, which decays with a half life of 1.5 million years. An enhanced presence of this isotope in a geologic layer indicates the recent nucleosynthesis of elements nearby in space and their subsequent transport to the earth (perhaps as part of dust grains).”[3]
All this shows that iron did not form on the Earth, but was carried from Supernovas, and was "sent down," as stated in the verse. It is clear that this fact could not have been known in the 7th century, when the Quran was revealed. Nevertheless, this fact is related in the Quran, the Word of God, Who encompasses all things in His infinite knowledge.
The fact that the verse specifically mentions iron is quite astounding, considering that these discoveries were made at the end of the 20th century. In his book Nature’s Destiny, the well-known microbiologist Michael Denton emphasizes the importance of iron:
“Of all the metals there is none more essential to life than iron. It is the accumulation of iron in the center of a star which triggers a supernova explosion and the subsequent scattering of the vital atoms of life throughout the cosmos. It was the drawing by gravity of iron atoms to the center of the primeval earth that generated the heat which caused the initial chemical differentiation of the earth, the outgassing of the early atmosphere, and ultimately the formation of the hydrosphere. It is molten iron in the center of the earth which, acting like a gigantic dynamo, generates the earth’s magnetic field, which in turn creates the Van Allen radiation belts that shield the earth’s surface from destructive high-energy-penetrating cosmic radiation and preserve the crucial ozone layer from cosmic ray destruction…
“Without the iron atom, there would be no carbon-based life in the cosmos; no supernovae, no heating of the primitive earth, no atmosphere or hydrosphere. There would be no protective magnetic field, no Van Allen radiation belts, no ozone layer, no metal to make hemoglobin [in human blood], no metal to tame the reactivity of oxygen, and no oxidative metabolism.
“The intriguing and intimate relationship between life and iron, between the red color of blood and the dying of some distant star, not only indicates the relevance of metals to biology but also the biocentricity of the cosmos…”[4]
This account clearly indicates the importance of the iron atom. The fact that particular attention is drawn to iron in the Quran also emphasizes the importance of the element.
Moreover, iron oxide particles were used in a cancer treatment in recent months and positive developments were observed. A team led by Dr. Andreas Jordan, at the world famous Charité Hospital in Germany, succeeded in destroying cancer cells with this new technique developed for the treatment of cancer—magnetic fluid hyperthermia (high temperature magnetic liquid). As a result of this technique, first performed on the 26-year-old Nikolaus H., no new cancer cells were observed in the patient in the following three months.
This method of treatment can be summarized as follows:
1. A liquid containing iron oxide particles is injected into the tumour by means of a special syringe. These particles spread throughout the tumour cells. This liquid consists of thousands of millions of particles, 1,000 times smaller than the red blood corpuscles, of iron oxide in 1 cm3 that can easily flow through all blood vessels. [5]
2. The patient is then placed in a machine with a powerful magnetic field.
3. This magnetic field, applied externally, begins to set the iron particles in the tumour in motion. During this time the temperature in the tumour containing the iron oxide particles rises by up to 45 degrees.
4. In a few minutes the cancer cells, unable to protect themselves from the heat, are either weakened or destroyed. The tumour may then be completely eradicated with subsequent chemotherapy.[6]
In this treatment it is only the cancer cells that are affected by the magnetic field, since only they contain the iron oxide particles. The spread of this technique is a major development in the treatment of this potentially lethal disease. Iron has also been found to be a cure for people suffering from anemia. In the treatment of such a widespread diseases, the use of the expression “iron in which there lies great force and which has many uses for mankind” (Quran, 57:25) in the Quran is particularly noteworthy. Indeed, in that verse, the Quran may be indicating the benefits of iron even for human health. (God knows best.)
[1] Dr. Mazhar U. Kazi, 130 Evident Miracles in the Qur'an (New York, USA: Crescent Publishing House: 1998), 110-111; and, from Prof. Zighloul Raghib El-Naggar’s speech.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Priscilla Frisch, “The Galactic Environment of the Sun,” American Scientist, January-February 2000,
[4] Michael J. Denton, Nature’s Destiny (The Free Press: 1998), 198.
[6] "Nanotechnology successfully helps cancer therapies," IIC Fast Track, Nanotech News from Eastern Germany, Industrial Investment Council, October 2003;
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 11637
God has said in the Quran about one of the evil unbelievers who forbade the Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, from praying at the Kaaba:
“No! If he does not stop, We will take him by the naseyah (front of the head), a lying, sinful naseyah (front of the head)!” (Quran 96:15-16)
If we look into the skull at the front of the head, we will find the prefrontal area of the cerebrum (see figure 1). What does physiology tell us about the function of this area? A book entitled Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology says about this area, “The motivation and the foresight to plan and initiate movements occur in the anterior portion of the frontal lobes, the prefrontal area. This is a region of association cortex...”[1] Also the book says, “In relation to its involvement in motivation, the prefrontal area is also thought to be the functional center for aggression....”[2]
Figure 1: Functional regions of the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex. The prefrontal area is located at the front of the cerebral cortex. (Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Seeley and others, p. 210.)
So, this area of the cerebrum is responsible for planning, motivating, and initiating good and sinful behavior and is responsible for the telling of lies and the speaking of truth. Thus, it is proper to describe the front of the head as lying and sinful when someone lies or commits a sin, as the Quran has said, “...A lying, sinful naseyah (front of the head)!”
Scientists have only discovered these functions of the prefrontal area in the last sixty years, according to Professor Keith L. Moore.[3]
[1] Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Seeley and others, p. 211. Also see The Human Nervous System, Noback and others, pp. 410-411.
[2] Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Seeley and others, p. 211.
[3]Al-E’jaz al-Elmy fee al-Naseyah (The Scientific Miracles in the Front of the Head), Moore and others, p. 41.
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 12024
“By the sky which returns.” (Quran 86:11)
“[He] who made for you the earth a bed [spread out] and the sky a ceiling…” (Quran 2:22)
In the first verse God swears by the sky[1] and its function of ‘returning’ without specifying what it ‘returns.’ In Islamic doctrine, a divine oath signifies the magnitude of importance of a special relation to the Creator, and manifests His majesty and the supreme Truth in a special way.
The second verse describes the Divine Act that made the sky a ‘ceiling’ for the dwellers of earth.
Let us see what modern atmospheric science has to say about the role and function of the sky.
The atmosphere is a word which denotes all the air surrounding the earth, from the ground all the way up to the edge from which space starts. The atmosphere is composed of several layers, each defined because of the various phenomena which occur within the layer.
This image shows the average temperature profile through the Earth’s atmosphere. Temperatures in the thermosphere are very sensitive to solar activity and can vary from 500°C to 1500°C. (Source: Windows to the Universe, (, the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). ©1995-1999, 2000 The Regents of the University of Michigan; ©2000-04 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.)
Rain, for one, is ‘returned’ to Earth by the clouds in the atmosphere. Explaining the hydrologic cycle, Encyclopedia Britannica writes:
“Water evaporates from both the aquatic and terrestrial environments as it is heated by the Sun’s energy. The rates of evaporation and precipitation depend on solar energy, as do the patterns of circulation of moisture in the air and currents in the ocean. Evaporation exceeds precipitation over the oceans, and this water vapor is transported by the wind over land, where it returns to the land through precipitation.”[2]
Not only does the atmosphere return what was on the surface back to the surface, but it reflects back into space that which might damage the flora and fauna the earth sustains, such as excessive radiant heat. In the 1990’s, collaborations between NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) of Japan resulted in the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Science Initiative. Polar, Wind and Geotail are a part of this initiative, combining resources and scientific communities to obtain coordinated, simultaneous investigations of the Sun-Earth space environment over an extended period of time. They have an excellent explanation of how the atmosphere returns solar heat to space.[3]
Besides ‘returning’ rain, heat and radio waves, the atmosphere protects us like a ceiling above our heads by filtering out deadly cosmic rays, powerful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun, and even meteorites on collision course with Earth.[4]
Pennsylvania State Public Broadcasting tells us:
“The sunlight that we can see represents one group of wavelengths, visible light. Other wavelengths emitted by the sun include x-rays and ultraviolet radiation. X-rays and some ultraviolet light waves are absorbed high in Earth’s atmosphere. They heat the thin layer of gas there to very high temperatures. Ultraviolet light waves are the rays that can cause sunburn. Most ultraviolet light waves are absorbed by a thicker layer of gas closer to Earth called the ozone layer. By soaking up the deadly ultraviolet and x-rays, the atmosphere acts as a protective shield around the planet. Like a giant thermal blanket, the atmosphere also keeps temperatures from getting too hot or too cold. In addition, the atmosphere also protects us from constant bombardment by meteoroids, bits of rock and dust that travel at high speeds throughout the solar system. The falling stars we see at night are not stars at all; they are actually meteoroids burning up in our atmosphere due to the extreme heating they undergo.”[5]
This is an image of Earth’s polar stratospheric clouds. These clouds are involved in the creation of Earth’s ozone hole. (Source: Windows to the Universe, ( at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). ©1995-1999, 2000 The Regents of the University of Michigan; ©2000-04 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.)
Encyclopedia Britannica, describing the role of Stratosphere, tells us about its protective role in absorbing dangerous ultraviolet radiation:
“In the upper stratospheric regions, absorption of ultraviolet light from the Sun breaks down oxygen molecules; recombination of oxygen atoms with O2 molecules into ozone (O3) creates the ozone layer, which shields the lower ecosphere from harmful short-wavelength radiation…More disturbing, however, is the discovery of a growing depletion of ozone over temperate latitudes, where a large percentage of the world’s population resides, since the ozone layer serves as a shield against ultraviolet radiation, which has been found to cause skin cancer.”[6]
The mesosphere is the layer in which many meteors burn up while entering the Earth’s atmosphere. Imagine a baseball zipping along at 30,000 miles per hour. That’s how big and fast many meteors are. When they plow through the atmosphere, meteors are heated to more than 3000 degrees Fahrenheit, and they glow. A meteor compresses air in front of it. The air heats up, in turn heating the meteor.[7]
This is an image which shows the Earth and its atmosphere. The mesosphere would be the dark blue edge located on the far top of the image underneath the back. (Image courtesy of NASA)
Earth is surrounded by a magnetic force field - a bubble in space called “the magnetosphere” tens of thousands of miles wide. The magnetosphere acts as a shield that protects us from solar storms. However, according to new observations from NASA’s IMAGE spacecraft and the joint NASA/European Space Agency Cluster satellites, immense cracks sometimes develop in Earth’s magnetosphere and remain open for hours. This allows the solar wind to gush through and power stormy space weather. Fortunately, these cracks do not expose Earth’s surface to the solar wind. Our atmosphere protects us, even when our magnetic field does not.[8]
An artist’s rendition of NASA’s IMAGE satellite flying through a ‘crack’ in Earth’s magnetic field.
How would it be possible for a fourteenth century desert dweller to describe the sky in a manner so precise that only recent scientific discoveries have confirmed it? The only way is if he received revelation from the Creator of the sky.
[1] Al-Samaa’, the Arabic word translated here as ‘sky’ includes earth’s atmosphere as indicated by the verse 2:164.
[2] ”Biosphere.” Encyclopedia Britannica from Encyclopedia Britannica Premium Service.
[3] (
[4] Atmospheric, Climate & Environment Information Programme of the Manchester Metropolitan University at (
[5] (
[6] “Earth.” Encyclopedia Britannica from Encyclopedia Britannica Premium Service.
[7] (
[8] (
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 10415
In the Holy Quran, God speaks about the stages of man’s embryonic development: “We created man from an extract of clay. Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot), then We made the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed substance)…” (Quran 23:12-14)
Literally, the Arabic word alaqah has three meanings:
(1) leech,
(2) suspended thing, and
(3) blood clot.
In comparing a leech to an embryo in the alaqah stage, we find similarity between the two[1] as we can see in figure 1. Also, the embryo at this stage obtains nourishment from the blood of the mother, similar to the leech, which feeds on the blood of others.[2]
Figure 1: Drawings illustrating the similarities in appearance between a leech and a human embryo at the alaqah stage. (Leech drawing from Human Development as Described in the Quran and Sunnah, Moore and others, p. 37, modified from Integrated Principles of Zoology, Hickman and others. Embryo drawing from The Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 73.)
The second meaning of the word alaqah is “suspended thing.” This is what we can see in figures 2 and 3, the suspension of the embryo, during the alaqah stage, in the womb of the mother.
Figure 2: We can see in this diagram the suspension of an embryo during the alaqah stage in the womb (uterus) of the mother. (The Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 66.)
Figure 3: In this photomicrograph, we can see the suspension of an embryo (marked B) during the alaqah stage (about 15 days old) in the womb of the mother. The actual size of the embryo is about 0.6 mm. (The Developing Human, Moore, 3rd ed., p. 66, from Histology, Leeson and Leeson.)
Figure 4: Diagram of the primitive cardiovascular system in an embryo during the alaqah stage. The external appearance of the embryo and its sacs is similar to that of a blood clot, due to the presence of relatively large amounts of blood present in the embryo. (The Developing Human, Moore, 5th ed., p. 65.)
So the three meanings of the word alaqah correspond accurately to the descriptions of the embryo at the alaqah stage.
Figure 5: Photograph of an embryo at the mudghah stage (28 days old). The embryo at this stage acquires the appearance of a chewed substance, because the somites at the back of the embryo somewhat resemble teeth marks in a chewed substance. The actual size of the embryo is 4 mm. (The Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 82, from Professor Hideo Nishimura, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.)
Consequently, Professor Moore was asked the following question: “Does this mean that you believe that the Quran is the word of God?” He replied: “I find no difficulty in accepting this.”[9]
[1] The Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 8.
[2] Human Development as Described in the Quran and Sunnah, Moore and others, p. 36.
[3] Human Development as Described in the Quran and Sunnah, Moore and others, pp. 37-38.
[4] The Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 65.
[5] The Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 8.
[6] The Developing Human, Moore and Persaud, 5th ed., p. 9.
[7] Note: The occupations of all the scientists mentioned in this web site were last updated in 1997.
[8] The reference for this saying is This is the Truth (videotape). For a copy of this videotape, please visit
[9] This is the Truth (videotape).
[10] This is the Truth (videotape). For a copy, see footnote no. 9.
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 11362
Modern Science has discovered that in the places where two different seas meet, there is a barrier between them. This barrier divides the two seas so that each sea has its own temperature, salinity, and density.[1] For example, Mediterranean sea water is warm, saline, and less dense, compared to Atlantic ocean water. When Mediterranean sea water enters the Atlantic over the Gibraltar sill, it moves several hundred kilometers into the Atlantic at a depth of about 1000 meters with its own warm, saline, and less dense characteristics. The Mediterranean water stabilizes at this depth[2] (see figure 1).
Although there are large waves, strong currents, and tides in these seas, they do not mix or transgress this barrier.
The Holy Quran mentioned that there is a barrier between two seas that meet and that they do not transgress. God has said:
“He has set free the two seas meeting together. There is a barrier between them. They do not transgress.” (Quran 55:19-20)
But when the Quran speaks about the divider between fresh and salt water, it mentions the existence of “a forbidding partition” with the barrier. God has said in the Quran:
“He is the one who has set free the two kinds of water, one sweet and palatable, and the other salty and bitter. And He has made between them a barrier and a forbidding partition.” (Quran 25:53)
One may ask, why did the Quran mention the partition when speaking about the divider between fresh and salt water, but did not mention it when speaking about the divider between the two seas?
Modern science has discovered that in estuaries, where fresh (sweet) and salt water meet, the situation is somewhat different from what is found in places where two seas meet. It has been discovered that what distinguishes fresh water from salt water in estuaries is a “pycnocline zone with a marked density discontinuity separating the two layers.”[3] This partition (zone of separation)
has a different salinity from the fresh water and from the salt water4 (see figure 2).
Figure 2: Longitudinal section showing salinity (parts per thousand ‰) in an estuary. We can see here the partition (zone of separation) between the fresh and the salt water. (Introductory Oceanography, Thurman, p. 301, with a slight enhancement.)
This information has been discovered only recently, using advanced equipment to measure temperature, salinity, density, oxygen dissolubility, etc. The human eye cannot see the difference between the two seas that meet, rather the two seas appear to us as one homogeneous sea. Likewise, the human eye cannot see the division of water in estuaries into the three kinds: fresh water, salt water, and the partition (zone of separation).
[1] Principles of Oceanography, Davis, pp. 92-93.
[2] Principles of Oceanography, Davis, p. 93.
[3] Oceanography, Gross, p. 242. Also see Introductory Oceanography, Thurman, pp. 300-301.
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 10776
Allah said in the Quran: "Or (the unbelievers' state) is like the darkness in a deep sea. It is covered by waves, above which are waves, above which are clouds. Darkness, one above another. If a man stretches out his hand, he cannot see it..." [Noble Quran 24:40]
This verse mentions the darkness found in deep seas and oceans, where if a man stretches out his hand, he cannot see it. The darkness in deep seas and oceans is found around a depth of 200 meters and below. At this depth, there is almost no light. Below a depth of 1,000 meters there is no light at all [Oceans Elder and Pernetta p.27].
Human beings are not able to dive more than forty meters without the aid of submarines or special equipment. Human beings cannot survive unaided in the deep dark part of the oceans, such as at a depth of 200 meters.
Scientists have recently discovered this darkness by means of special equipment and submarines that have enabled them to dive into the depths of the oceans.
We can also understand from the following sentences in the previous verse, " a deep sea. It is covered by waves, above which are waves, above which are clouds,..." that the deep waters of seas and oceans are covered by waves, and above these waves are other waves.
It is clear that the second set of waves are the surface waves that we see, because the verse mentions that above the second waves there are clouds. But what about the first waves? Scientists have recently discovered that there are internal waves which "occur on density interfaces between layers of different densities." [Oceanography, Gross, p. 205].
The internal waves cover the deep waters of seas and oceans because the deep waters have a higher density than the waters above them. Internal waves act like surface waves. They can also break just like surface waves. Internal waves cannot be seen by the human eye, but they can be detected by studying temperature or salinity changes at a given location.
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 11665
Consider the mountains and their majesty. Is there anything about these massive formations that may give us a clue as to the origin of creation?
A book entitled "Earth" is considered a basic reference text in many universities around the world. One of the authors of this book is Frank Press. He is currently the President of the Academy of Sciences in the USA. Previously, he was the science advisor to former USA President Jimmy Carter.
His book says that mountains have underlying roots [p. 435]. These roots are deeply embedded in the ground. So mountains have a shape like a peg as is seen in an example on page 220 in the same book. Another illustration shows how the mountains are peg-like in shape, due to their deep roots [p. 158]. See figures 7, 8, and 9:
Figure 7: Mountains have deep roots under the surface of the ground. (Earth, Press and Siever, p. 413.)
Figure 8: Schematic section. The mountains, like pegs, have deep roots embedded in the ground. (Anatomy of the Earth, Cailleux, p. 220.) (Click on the image to enlarge it.)
Figure 9: Another illustration shows how the mountains are peg-like in shape, due to their deep roots. (Earth Science, Tarbuck and Lutgens, p. 158.)
This is how the Quran described mountains. God said in the Quran: "Have We not made the earth as a bed, and the mountains as pegs?" [Noble Quran 78:6-7]
Modern earth sciences have proven that mountains have deep roots under the surface of the ground and that these roots can reach several times their elevations above the surface of the ground. So the suitable word to describe mountains on the basis of this information is the word 'peg', since most of a properly set peg is hidden under the surface of the ground. The history of science tells us that the theory of mountains having deep roots was introduced only in the latter half of the nineteenth century. [Geological Concept of Mountains p.5]
Mountains also play an important role in stabilizing the crust of the earth. [Geological Concept of Mountains pp. 44-45]. They hinder the shaking of the earth. God said in the Quran: "And He has set firm mountains in the earth so that it would not shake with you..." [Noble Quran 16:15]
Likewise the modern theory of plate tectonics holds that mountains work as stabilizers for the earth. This knowledge about the role of mountains as stabilizers for the earth has just begun to be understood in the framework of plate tectonics since the late 1960's [Geological Concept of Mountains p. 5].
Could anyone during the time of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) have known of the true shape of mountains? Could any one imagine that the solid massive mountain which he sees before him, actually extends deep into the earth and has a root, as scientists assert? A large number of books of geology when discussing mountains, only describe that part which is above the surface of the earth. This is because these books were not written by specialists in geology.
However, modern geology has confirmed the truth of the Quran's verses.
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- Category: Miracles
- Hits: 11779
Look closer to the heaven surrounding the earth. We call it the 'sky'. Notice the clouds? What are they?
According to the scientists today:
"Water vaporizes from the oceans and rivers forming tiny clouds. The small clouds join together and the updrafts within the larger cloud increase. The updrafts closer to the center are stronger, because they are protected from the cooling effects by the outer portion of the cloud. These updrafts cause the cloud body to grow vertically, so the cloud is stacked up. This vertical growth causes the cloud body to stretch into cooler regions of the atmosphere where drops of water and hail formulate and begin to grow larger and larger. When these drops of water and hail become too heavy for the updrafts to support them, they begin to fall from the cloud as rain, hail, etc." [From "The Atmosphere" p. 269 and "Elements of Meteorology" pp. 141-142]
Now just for the sake of argument, let us see what the "Muslim scientists" used to formulate their understandings centuries ago based on the revelation of the Quran (revealed 1400 years ago):
"Have you not seen how God makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a stack, and then you see the rain come out of it..." [Noble Quran 24:43]
Meteorologists have only recently come to know these details of cloud formation, structure, and function by using advanced equipment like planes, satellites, computers, balloons, and other equipment to study wind and its direction, to measure humidity and its variations, and to determine the levels and variations of atmospheric pressure.
The preceding verse, after mentioning clouds and rain, Quran speaks about hail and lightning:
"... And He sends down hail from mountains (clouds) in the sky, and He strikes with it whomever He wills, and turns it from whomever He wills. The vivid flash of its lightning nearly blinds the sight." [Noble Quran 24:43]
Meteorologists have found that these cumulonimbus clouds, that shower hail, reach a height of 25,000 to 30,000 ft. (4.7 to 5.7 miles) like mountains, as the Quran says; "...And He sends down hail from mountains (clouds) in the sky..." [Noble Quran 24:43]
Now this verse may raise the question: "Why does the verse say "its lightning" while referring to hail? This seems to indicate that hail is a major factor in producing lightning. Looking to a book on the subject (Meteorology Today) we find that it says:
"Clouds become electrified as hail falls through a region in the cloud of super cooled droplets and ice crystals. As liquid droplets collide with the hail they freeze on contact and release latent heat. This keeps the surface of the hail warmer than that of the surrounding ice crystals. When the hail comes in contact with an ice crystal, an important phenomenon occurs: electrons flow from the colder object toward the warmer object. So, the hail becomes negatively charged. The same effect occurs when super cooled droplets come in contact with a piece of hail and tiny splinters of positively charged ice break off. These lighter, positively charged particles are then carried to the upper part of the cloud by updrafts. The hail, left with a negative charge, falls toward the bottom of the cloud, so the lower part of the cloud becomes negatively charged. These negative charges are then discharged to the ground as lightning. [Meteorology Today p. 437]
This information on lightning was discovered recently. Until 1,600 A.D., Aristotle's ideas on meteorology were dominant in the non-Muslim countries. For example, he said that the atmosphere contains two kinds of exhalation, moist and dry. He also said that thunder is the sound of the collision of the dry exhalation with the neighboring clouds, and lightning is the inflaming and burning of the dry exhalation with a thin and faint fire. [Works of Aristotle Translated into English pp. 369 a&b]
These are some of the ideas on meteorology that were dominant at the time of the Quran's revelation, fourteen hundred years ago.
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Where Did Everything Come From? What is the proof?
There is a popular theory referred to as the 'Big Bang' theory. It tries to explain the existence of the universe in an evolutionary manner having an initial beginning with an immense explosion of some gases or solid mass. Some say there first was a void or ’nothingness’, or perhaps, some gases which exploded then from this everything in the universe simply began to evolve to the stage that we see now. There has never really been any solid evidence for this idea of 'something out of nothing' concept. Nor for that matter, the evolutionary theory itself.
We would like to explore the idea of creation from a purely logical standpoint using simple terminology without religious hype, emotional pre-convictions or superstitions.
What if someone called a 'scientist' tells you his 'theory' of how cars are made is like this:
A salvage yard on the south side of town blows up and all the metal pieces fly into the air and fall back down in one place forming a brand new Chevrolet Caprice automobile.. with no left over parts.. and the motor is running..
Or what if his theory for how a chair is made is:
An explosion occurs in a forest and the trees go flying into the air and then suddenly they combine with some flying cloth to make a beautiful chair... and then it lands in a furniture showroom complete with matching table and lamp...
He further explains that:
An earthquake in California's 'Silicon Valley' causes the computer chips and circuit boards and other various parts to fall out of their boxes and off of their shelves and just come in place together as they are rolling around on the floor and form the most advanced technical computers existing on the earth?...
Or what of his 'Medicine Theory'? He now claims that:
A gas leak in a pharmacy warehouse causes a terrific explosion. All the different chemicals and substances just smash into each other in exactly the correct amounts to produce a miracle drug which cures everything form cancer to heart and liver disease, old age and warts?...
Wait... there's more to this one:
It is all in one formula, packaged in the bottles with labels and ready to sell with no mess left on the floor?...
Now after all this exploding and excitement this 'scientist' tells you of a great place to relax and have something to eat. It is his favorite place and he calls it: "Burger Blast"! He says:
You just go in and sit down and suddenly a 'blast' from the kitchen occurs and immediately a burger lands right in front of you with all the trimmings.. just the way you like it complete with fries, a drink and even your favorite dessert?...
No one works at "Burger Blast", it just runs itself, automatically cleaning itself and as you leave it scans your billfold for a valid credit card and charges your bank account for what you have eaten?... Now the question is: "Are you really going to accept any of this as 'fact'?"
Of course not!
We wouldn't believe a new car is made from flying junk; chairs don't fall down from exploding trees; earthquakes do not produce computers and blasting burgers don't rain down on us from above. Question: So how come we don't challenge a theory of something coming from nothing and then colliding in the cosmos to make the universe? Is it because of its tremendous magnitude that we have so little comprehension about it, that we are willing to accept any theory from a few telescope 'peeping Toms' to tell us that it came from 'nothingness'? Or just some gases colliding and then... 'Poof'!? Instant Universe? How? Let us now come to our main subject:
Creation or Explosion?
We can turn our attention to the earth and the heavens and make observations on our own without a 'genius' scientist telling us what we are seeing. And then the idea that nothing is sustaining the heavens and the earth! - 'It just runs itself'? How?
Think about the stars, the sun, the moon and the countless solar systems and galaxies in the universe.
Who or What created them in the first place?
They continue to function and move with the utmost precision and accuracy.
Who does this? Who keeps them gliding along on their courses and orbits preordained for them?
The Quran on the Origin of the Universe
The science of modern cosmology, observational and theoretical, clearly indicates that, at one point in time, the whole universe was nothing but a cloud of 'smoke' (i.e. an opaque highly dense and hot gaseous composition). This is one of the undisputed principles of standard modern cosmology. Scientists now can observe new stars forming out of the remnants of that 'smoke'. The illuminating stars we see at night were, just as was the whole universe, in that 'smoke' material. God said in the Quran:
"Then He turned to the heavens when it was smoke..."[Noble Quran 41:11]
Because the earth and the heavens above (the sun, moon, stars, planets, galaxies, etc.) have been formed from this same 'smoke' we conclude that the earth and the heavens were one connected entity. Then out of this homogeneous 'smoke', they formed and separated from each other. God said in the Quran:
"Have not those who disbelieved known that the heavens and the earth were one connected entity, then We separated them?.." [Noble Quran 21:30]
Professor Alfred Kroner is one of the world's well-known geologists. He is a Professor of the Department of Geosciences, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany. He said,
"Thinking where Muhammad came from .. I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about things like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years with very complicated and advance technological methods that this is the case." (From 'This is the Truth' [video]).
He also said,
"Somebody who did not know something about nuclear physics fourteen hundred years ago could not, I think, be in a position to find out from his own mind, for instance, that the earth and the heavens had the same origin."
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New Catholic Encyclopedia
It is this very sort of thing - confronting people with facts - that had captured the attention of many non-Muslims. In fact, there exists a very interesting reference concerning this subject in the New Catholic Encyclopedia. In an article under the subject of the Quran, the Catholic Church states:
“Over the centuries, many theories have been offered as to the origin of the Quran... Today no sensible man accepts any of these theories!!”
Now here is the age-old Catholic Church, which has been around for so many centuries, denying these futile attempts to explain away the Quran.
Indeed, the Quran is a problem for the Catholic Church. It states that it is revelation, so they study it. Certainly, they would love to find proof that it is not, but they cannot. They cannot find a viable explanation. But at least they are honest in their research and do not accept the first unsubstantiated interpretation which comes along. The Church states that in fourteen centuries it has not yet been presented a sensible explanation. At least it admits that the Quran is not an easy subject to dismiss. Certainly, other people are much less honest. They quickly say, “Oh, the Quran came from here. The Quran came from there.” And they do not even examine the credibility of what they are stating most of the time.
Of course, such a statement by the Catholic Church leaves the everyday Christian in some difficulty. It just may be that he has his own ideas as to the origin of the Quran, but as a single member of the Church, he cannot really act upon his own theory. Such an action would be contrary to the obedience, allegiance and loyalty which the Church demands. By virtue of his membership, he must accept what the Catholic Church declares without question and establish its teachings as part of his everyday routine. So, in essence, if the Catholic Church as a whole is saying, “Do not listen to these unconfirmed reports about the Quran,” then what can be said about the Islamic point of view? If even non-Muslims are admitting that there is something to the Quran - something that has to be acknowledged - then why are people so stubborn and defensive and hostile when Muslims advance the very same theory? This is certainly something for those with a mind to contemplate - something to ponder for those of understanding!
Testimony of an Intellectual
Recently, the leading intellectual in the Catholic Church - a man by the name of Hans - studied the Quran and gave his opinion of what he had read. This man has been around for some time, and he is highly respected in the Catholic Church, and after careful scrutiny, he reported his findings, concluding,
“God has spoken to man through the man, Muhammad.”
Again this is a conclusion arrived at by a non-Muslim source - the very leading intellectual of the Catholic Church himself!
I do not think that the Pope agrees with him, but nonetheless, the opinion of such a noted, reputed public figure must carry some weight in defense of the Muslim position. He must be applauded for facing the reality that the Quran is not something which can be easily pushed aside and that, in fact God is the source of these words.
As is evident from the aforementioned information, all of the possibilities have been exhausted, so the chance of finding another possibility of dismissing the Quran is nonexistent.
Burden of Proof on the Critic
If the book is not a revelation, then it is a deception; and if it is a deception, one must ask, “What is its origin? And where does it deceive us?” Indeed, the true answers to these questions shed light on the Quran’s authenticity and silence the bitter unsubstantiated claims of the unbelievers.
Certainly, if people are going to insist that the Quran is a deception, then they must bring forth evidence to support such a claim. The burden of proof is on them, not us! One is never supposed to advance a theory without sufficient corroborating facts; so I say to them, “Show me one deception! Show me where the Quran deceives me! Show me; otherwise don’t say that it is a deception!
Origin of the Universe and Life
An interesting characteristic of the Quran is how it deals with surprising phenomena which relate not only to the past but to modern times as well. In essence, the Quran is not an old problem. It is still a problem even today - a problem to the non-Muslims that is. For everyday, every week, every year brings more and more evidence that the Quran is a force to be contended with - that its authenticity is no longer to be challenged! For example, one verse in the Quran (Surah al-Anbiya 21:30) reads:
“Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together, then We clove them asunder, and made from water every living thing? Will they not then believe?”
Ironically, this very information is exactly what they awarded the 1973 Noble Prize for - to a couple of unbelievers.
The Quran reveals the origin of the universe - how it began from one piece - and mankind continues to verify this revelation, even up to now. Additionally, the fact that all life originated from water would not have been an easy thing to convince people of fourteen centuries ago. Indeed, if 1400 years ago you had stood in the desert and told someone, “All of this, you see (pointing to yourself), is made up of mostly water,” no one would have believed you. Proof of that was not available until the invention of the microscope. They had to wait to find out that cytoplasm, the basic substance of the cell, is made-up of 80% water.
Nonetheless, the evidence did come, and once again the Quran stood the test of time.
A Mathematical Approach
All of the examples so far given concerning the various angles from which one can approach the Quran have undoubtedly been subjective in nature; however, there does exist another angle, among others, which is objective and whose basis is mathematical.
It is surprising how authentic the Quran becomes when one assembles what might be referred to as a list of good guesses. Mathematically, it can be explained using guessing and prediction examples. For instance, if a person has two choices (i.e., one is right, and one is wrong), and he closes his eyes and makes a choice, then half of the time (i.e., one time out of two) he will be right. Basically, he has a one in two chance, for he could pick the wrong choice, or he could pick the right choice.
Now if the same person has two situations like that (i.e., he could be right or wrong about situation number one, and he could be right or wrong about situation number two), and he closes his eyes and guesses, then he will only be right one-fourth of the time (i.e., one time out of four). He now has a one in four chance because now there are three ways for him to be wrong and only one way for him to be right. In simple terms, he could make the wrong choice in situation number one and then make the wrong choice in situation number two; or he could make the wrong choice in situation number one and then make the right choice in situation number two; or he could make the right choice in situation number one and then make the wrong choice in situation number two; or he could make the right choice in situation number one and then make the right choice in situation number two.
Of course, the (only instance in which he could be totally right is the last scenario where he could guess correctly in both situations. The odds of his guessing completely correctly have become greater because the number of situations for him to guess in have increased; and the mathematical equation representing such a scenario is ½ x ½ (i.e., one time out of two for the first situation multiplied by one time out of two for the second situation).
Continuing on with the example, if the same person now has three situations in which to make blind guesses, then he will only be right one-eighth of the time (i.e., one time out of eight or ½ x ½ x ½ ). Again, the odds of choosing the correct choice in all three situations have decreased his chances of being completely correct to only one time in eight. It must be understood that as the number of situations increase, the chances of being right decrease, for the two phenomena are inversely proportional.
Now applying this example to the situations in the Quran, if one draws up a list of all of the subjects about which the Quran has made correct statements, it becomes very clear that it is highly unlikely that they were all just correct blind guesses. Indeed, the subjects discussed in the Quran are numerous, and thus the odds of someone just making lucky guesses about all of them become practically nil. If there are a million ways for the Quran to be wrong, yet each time it is right, then it is unlikely that someone was guessing.
The following three examples of subjects about which the Quran has made correct statements collectively illustrate how the Quran continues to beat the odds.
The Female Bee
In the 16th chapter (Surah an-Nahl 16:68-69) the Quran mentions that the female bee leaves its home to gather food. Now, a person might guess on that, saying, “The bee that you see flying around - it could be male, or it could be female. I think I will guess female.” Certainly, he has a one in two chance of being right. So it happens that the Quran is right. But it also happens that that was not what most people believed at the time when the Quran was revealed. Can you tell the difference between a male and a female bee? Well, it takes a specialist to do that, but it has been discovered that the male bee never leaves his home to gather food. However, in Shakespeare’s play, Henry the Fourth, some of the characters discuss bees and mention that the bees are soldiers and have a king. That is what people thought in Shakespeare’s time - that the bees that one sees flying around are male bees and that they go home and answer to a king. However, that is not true at all. The fact is that they are females, and they answer to a queen. Yet it took modern scientific investigations in the last 300 years to discover that this is the case.
So, back to the list of good guesses, concerning the topic of bees, the Quran had a 50/50 chance of being right, and the odds were one in two.
The Sun
In addition to the subject of bees, the Quran also discusses the sun and the manner in which it travels through space. Again, a person can guess on that subject. When the sun moves through space, there are two options: it can travel just as a stone would travel if one threw it, or it can move of its own accord. The Quran states the latter - that it moves as a result of its own motion (Surah al-Anbiya 21:33). To do such, the Quran uses a form of the word sabaha to describe the sun’s movement through space. In order to properly provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the implications of this Arabic verb, the following example is given.
If a man is in water and the verb sabaha is applied in reference to his movement, it can be understood that he is swimming, moving of his own accord and not as a result of a direct force applied to him. Thus when this verb is used in reference to the sun’s movement through space, it in no way implies that the sun is flying uncontrollably through space as a result of being hurled or the like. It simply means that the sun is turning and rotating as it travels. Now, this is what the Quran affirms, but was it an easy thing to discover? Can any common man tell that the sun is turning? Only in modern times was the equipment made available to project the image of the sun onto a tabletop so that one could look at it without being blinded. And through this process it was discovered that not only are there spots on the sun but that these spots move once every 25 days. This movement is referred to as the rotation of the sun around its axis and conclusively proves that, as the Quran stated 1400 years ago, the sun does, indeed, turn as it travels through space.
And returning once again to the subject of good guesses, the odds of guessing correctly about both subjects - the sex of bees and the movement of the sun - are one in four!
Time Zones
Seeing as back fourteen centuries ago people probably did not understand much about time zones, the Quran’s statements about this subject are considerably surprising. The concept that one family is having breakfast as the sun comes up while another family is enjoying the brisk night air is truly something to be marveled at, even in modern time. Indeed, fourteen centuries ago, a man could not travel more than thirty miles in one day, and thus it took him literally months to travel from India to Morocco, for example. And probably, when he was having supper in Morocco, he thought to himself, “Back home in India they are having supper right now.” This is because he did not realize that, in the process of traveling, he moved across a time zone. Yet, because it is the words of Allah, the All-Knowing, the Quran recognizes and acknowledges such a phenomenon.
In an interesting verse it states that when history comes to an end and the Day of Judgment arrives, it will all occur in an instant; and this very instant will catch some people in the daytime and some people at night. This clearly illustrates Allah’s divine wisdom and His previous knowledge of the existence of time zones, even though such a discovery was non-existent back fourteen centuries ago. Certainly, this phenomenon is not something which is obvious to one’s eyes or a result of one’s experience, and this fact, in itself, suffices as proof of the Quran’s authenticity.
Returning one final time to the subject of good guesses for the purpose of the present example, the odds that someone guessed correctly about all three of the aforementioned subjects - the sex of bees, the movement of the sun and the existence of time zones - are one in eight!
Certainly, one could continue on and on with this example, drawing up longer and longer list of good guesses; and of course, the odds would become higher and higher with each increase of subjects about which one could guess. But what no one can deny is the following: the odds that Muhammad (peace be upon him), an illiterate, guessed correctly about thousands and thousands of subjects, never once making a mistake, are so high that any theory of his authorship of the Quran must be completely dismissed - even by the most hostile enemies of Islam!
Indeed, the Quran expects this kind of challenge. Undoubtedly, if one said to someone upon entering a foreign land, “I know your father. I have met him,” probably the man from that land would doubt the newcomer’s word, saying, “You have just come here. How could you know my father?” As a result, he would question him, “Tell me, is my father tall, short, dark, fair? What is he like?” Of course, if the visitor continued answering all of the questions correctly, the skeptic would have no choice but to say, “I guess you do know my father. I don’t know how you know him, but I guess you do!”
The situation is the same with the Quran. It states that it originates from the One who created everything. So everyone has the right to say, “Convince me! If the author of this book really originated life and everything in the heavens and on the earth, then He should know about this, about that, and so on.” And inevitably, after researching the Quran, everyone will discover the same truths. Additionally, we all know something for sure: we do not all have to be experts to verify what the Quran affirms. One’s Imaan (faith) grows as one continues to check and confirm the truths contained in the Quran. And one is supposed to do so all of his life.
May God (Allah) guide everyone close to the truth. Amen.
Addendum 1
An engineer at the University of Toronto who was interested in psychology and who had read something on it, conducted research and wrote a thesis on Efficiency of Group Discussions. The purpose of his research was to find out how much people accomplish when they get together to talk in groups of two, three, ten, etc. The graph of his findings goes up and down at places, but it reaches the highest point at the variable of two. The findings: people accomplish most when they talk in groups of two. Of course, this discovery was entirely beyond his expectations, but it is very old advice given in the Quran (Surah Saba 34:46):
“Say, ‘I exhort you to one thing - that you stand for Allah, [assessing the truth] by twos and singly, and then reflect...’”
Addendum 2: ‘Iram
Additionally, the 89th chapter of the Quran (Surah al-Fajr 89:7) mentions a certain city by the name of ‘Iram (a city of pillars), which was not known in ancient history and which was non- existent as far as historians were concerned. However, the December 1978 edition of National Geographic introduced interesting information which mentioned that in 1973, the city of Elba was excavated in Syria. The city was discovered to be 43 centuries old, but that is not the most amazing part. Researchers found in the library of Elba a record of all of the cities with which Elba had done business. Believe it or not, there on the list was the name of the city of ‘Iram. The people of Elba had done business with the people of ‘Iram!
In conclusion I ask you to consider with care the following (Surah 29:50-51):
“And they say, ‘Why are not signs sent down to him from his Lord?’ Say, ‘Indeed, the signs are with Allah, and I am but a clear warner.’ But it is sufficient for them that We have sent down to you the Book [i.e., Quran] which is rehearsed to them? Verily,in that is mercy and a reminder to people who believe.”
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One of Professor Moore’s colleagues, Marshall Johnson, deals extensively with geology at the University of Toronto. He became very interested in the fact that the Quran’s statements about embryology are accurate, and so he asked Muslims to collect everything contained in the Quran which deals with his specialty. Again people were very surprised at the findings. Since there are a vast number subjects discussed in the Quran, it would certainly require a large amount of time to exhaust each subject. It suffices for the purpose of this discussion to state that the Quran makes very clear and concise statements about various subjects while simultaneously advising the reader to verify the authenticity of these statements with research by scholars in those subjects. And as illustrated by the previous examples of embryology and geology, the Quran has clearly emerged authentic. (Watch his video testament here)
You Did Not Know This Before!
Undoubtedly, there is an attitude in the Quran which is not found anywhere else. It is interesting how when the Quran provides information, it often tells the reader, “You did not know this before.” Indeed, there is no scripture that exists which makes that claim. All of the other ancient writings and scriptures that people have do give a lot of information, but they always state where the information came from.
For example, when the Bible discusses ancient history, it states that this king lived here, this one fought in a certain battle, another one had so may sons, etc. Yet it always stipulates that if you want more information, then you should read the book of so and so because that is where the information came from. In contrast to this concept, the Quran provides the reader with information and states that this information is something new. Of course, there always exists the advice to research the information provided and verify its authenticity. It is interesting that such a concept was never challenged by non-Muslims fourteen centuries ago. Indeed, the Makkans who hated the Muslims, and time and time again they heard such revelations claiming to bring new information; yet, they never spoke up and said, “This is not new. We know where Muhammad got this information. We learned this at school.” They could never challenge its authenticity because it really was new!
Proof of Authenticity: An Approach
It must be stressed here that the Quran is accurate about many, many things, but accuracy does not necessarily mean that a book is a divine revelation. In fact, accuracy is only one of the criteria for divine revelations. For instance, the telephone book is accurate, but that does not mean that it is divinely revealed. The real problem lies in that one must establish some proof of the source the Quran’s information. The emphasis is in the other direction, in that the burden of proof is on the reader. One cannot simply deny the Quran’s authenticity without sufficient proof. If, indeed, one finds a mistake, then he has the right to disqualify it. This is exactly what the Quran encourages.
Once a man came up to me after a lecture I delivered in South Africa. He was very angry about what I had said, and so he claimed, “I am going to go home tonight and find a mistake in the Quran.” Of course, I said, “Congratulations. That is the most intelligent thing that you have said.” Certainly, this is the approach Muslims need to take with those who doubt the Quran’s authenticity, because the Quran itself offers the same challenge. And inevitably, after accepting it’s challenge and discovering that it is true, these people will come to believe it because they could not disqualify it. In essence, the Quran earns their respect because they themselves have had to verify its authenticity.
An essential fact that cannot be reiterated enough concerning the authenticity of the Quran is that one’s inability to explain a phenomenon himself does not require his acceptance of the phenomenon’s existence or another person’s explanation of it. Specifically, just because one cannot explain something does not mean that one has to accept someone else’s explanation. However, the person’s refusal of other explanations reverts the burden of proof back on himself to find a feasible answer. This general theory applies to numerous concepts in life, but fits most wonderfully with the Quranic challenge, for it creates a difficulty for one who says, “I do not believe it.” At the onset of refusal one immediately has an obligation to find an explanation himself if he feels others’ answers are inadequate.
In fact, in one particular Quranic verse which I have always seen mistranslated into English, Allah mentions a man who heard the truth explained to him. It states that he was derelict in his duty because after he heard the information, he left without checking the verity of what he had heard. In other words, one is guilty if he hears something and does not research it and check to see whether it is true. One is supposed to process all information and decide what is garbage to be thrown out and what is worthwhile information to be kept and benefited from immediately or even at a later date.
One cannot just let it rattle around in his head. It must be put in the proper categories and approached from that point of view. For example, if the information is still speculatory, then one must discern whether it’s closer to being true or false. But if all the facts have been presented, then one must decide absolutely between these two options. And even if one is not positive about the authenticity of the information, he is still required to process all the information and make the admission that he just does not know for sure. Although this last point appears to be futile, in actuality, it is beneficial to the arrival at a positive conclusion at a later time in that it forces the person to at least recognize research and review the facts.
This familiarity with the information will give the person “the edge” when future discoveries are made and additional information is presented. The important thing is that one deals with the facts and does not simply discard them out of empathy and disinterest.
Exhausting the Alternatives
The real certainty about the truthfulness of the Quran is evident in the confidence which is prevalent throughout it; and this confidence comes from a different approach - “Exhausting the alternatives.” In essence, the Quran states, “This book is a divine revelation; if you do not believe that, then what is it?” In other words, the reader is challenged to come up with some other explanation. Here is a book made of paper and ink. Where did it come from? It says it is a divine revelation; if it is not, then what is its source? The interesting fact is that no one has yet come up with an explanation that works. In fact, all alternatives have been exhausted. As has been well established by non-Muslims, these alternatives basically are reduced to two mutually exclusive schools of thought, insisting on one or the other.
On one hand, there exists a large group of people who have researched the Quran for hundreds of years and who claim, “One thing we know for sure - that man, Muhammad, thought he was a prophet. He was crazy!” They are convinced that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was fooled somehow. Then on the other hand, there is a group which alleges, “Because of this evidence, one thing we know for sure is that that man, Muhammad was a liar!” Ironically, these two groups never seem to get together without contradicting.
In fact, many references to Islam usually claim both theories. They start out by stating that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was crazy and then end by saying he was a liar. They never seem to realize that he could not have been both! For example, if one is deluded and really thinks that he is a prophet, then he does not sit up late at night planning, “How will I fool the people tomorrow so that they think I am a prophet?” He truly believes that he is a prophet, and he trusts that the answer will be given to him by revelation.
The Critic’s Trail
As a matter of fact, a great deal of the Quran came in answer to questions. Someone would ask Muhammad (peace be upon him) a question, and the revelation would come with the answer to it. Certainly, if one is crazy and believes that an angel put words in his ear, then when someone asks him a question, he thinks that the angel will give him the answer. Because he is crazy, he really thinks that. He does not tell someone to wait a short while and then run to his friends and ask them, “Does anyone know the answer?” This type of behavior is characteristic of one who does not believe that he is a prophet. What the non-Muslims refuse to accept is that you cannot have it both ways. One can be deluded, or he can be a liar. He can be either one or neither one, but he certainly cannot be both! The emphasis is on the fact that they are unquestionably mutually exclusive personality traits.
The following scenario is a good example of the kind of circle that non-Muslims go around in constantly. If you ask one of them, “What is the origin of the Quran?” He tells you that it originated from the mind of a man who was crazy. Then you ask him, “If it came from his head, then where did he get the information contained in it? Certainly the Quran mentions many things with which the Arabs were not familiar.” So in order to explain the fact which you bring him, he changes his position and says, “Well, maybe he was not crazy. Maybe some foreigner brought him the information. So he lied and told people that he was a prophet.” At this point then you have to ask him, “If Muhammad was a liar, then where did he get his confidence? Why did he behave as though he really thought he was a prophet?” Finally backed into a corner, like a cat he quickly lashes out with the first response that comes to his mind. Forgetting that he has already exhausted that possibility, he claims, “Well, maybe he wasn’t a liar. He was probably crazy and really thought that he was a prophet.” And thus he begins the futile cycle again.
As has already been mentioned, there is much information contained in the Quran whose source cannot be attributed to anyone other than Allah. For example, who told Muhammad (peace be upon him) about the wall of Dhul-Qarnayn - a place hundreds of miles to the north? Who told him about embryology? When people assemble facts such as these, if they are not willing to attribute their existence to a divine source, they automatically resort to the assumption someone brought Muhammad (peace be upon him) the information and that he used it to fool the people.
However, this theory can easily be disproved with one simple question: “If Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a liar, where did he get his confidence? Why did he tell some people out right to their face what others could never say?” Such confidence depends completely upon being convinced that one has a true divine revelation.
A Revelation - Abu Lahab
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had an uncle by the name of Abu Lahab. This man hated Islam to such an extent that he used to follow the Prophet around in order to discredit him. If Abu Lahab saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) speaking to a stranger, he would wait until they parted and the would go to the stranger and ask him, “What did he tell you? Did he say, ‘Black’? Well, it’s white. Did he say ‘morning’? Well, it’s night.” He faithfully said the exact opposite of whatever he heard Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Muslims say. However, about ten years before Abu Lahab died, a little chapter in the Quran (Surah al-Lahab, 111) was revealed about him. It distinctly stated that he would go to the fire (i.e., Hell). In other words, it affirmed that he would never become a Muslim and would therefore be condemned forever. For ten years all Abu Lahab had to do was say, “I heard that it has been revealed to Muhammad that I will never change - that I will never become a Muslim and will enter the Hellfire. Well, I want to become Muslim now. How do you like that? What do you think of your divine revelation now?” But he never did that. And yet, that is exactly the kind of behavior one would have expected from him since he always sought to contradict Islam.
In essence, Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “You hate me and you want to finish me? Here, say these words, and I am finished. Come on, say them!” But Abu Lahab never said them. Ten years! And in all that time he never accepted Islam or even became sympathetic to the Islamic cause.
How could Muhammad (peace be upon him) possibly have known for sure that Abu Lahab would fulfil the Quranic revelation if he (i.e., Muhammad) was not truly the Messenger of Allah? How could he possibly have been so confident as to give someone 10 years to discredit his claim of prophethood? The only answer is that he was Allah’s messenger; for in order to put forth such a risky challenge, one has to be entirely convinced that he has a divine revelation.
The Flight
Another example of the confidence which Muhammad (peace be upon him) had in his own prophethood and consequently in the divine protection of himself and his message is when he left Makkah and hid in a cave with Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) during their emigration to Madinah. The two clearly saw people coming to kill them, and Abu Bakr was afraid. Certainly, if Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a liar, a forger and one who was trying to fool the people into believing that he was a prophet, one would have expected him to say in such a circumstance to his friend, “Hey, Abu Bakr, see if you can find a back way out of this cave.” Or “Squat down in that corner over there and keep quiet.” Yet, in fact, what he said to Abu Bakr clearly illustrated his confidence. He told him, “Relax! Allah is with us, and Allah will save us!” Now, if one knows that he is fooling the people, where does one get this kind of attitude? In fact, such a frame of mind is not characteristic of a liar or a forger at all.
So, as has been previously mentioned, the non-Muslims go around and around in a circle, searching for a way out - some way to explain the findings in the Quran without attributing them to their proper source. On one hand, they tell you on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, “The man was a liar,” and on the other hand, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday they tell you, “He was crazy.” What they refuse to accept is that one cannot have it both ways; yet they need both theories, both excuses to explain the information in the Quran.
An Encounter with a Minister
About seven years ago, I had a minister over to my home. In the particular room which we were sitting there was a Quran on the table, face down, and so the minister was not aware of which book it was. In the midst of a discussion, I pointed to the Quran and said, “I have confidence in that book.” Looking at the Quran but not knowing which book it was, he replied, “Well, I tell you, if that book is not the Bible, it was written by a man!” In response to his statement, I said, “Let me tell you something about what is in that book.” And in just three to four minutes, I related to him a few things contained in the Quran. After just those three or four minutes, he completely changed his position and declared, “You are right. A man did not write that book. The Devil wrote it!” Indeed, possessing such an attitude is very unfortunate - for many reasons. For one thing, it is a very quick and cheap excuse. It is an instant exit out of an uncomfortable situation.
As a matter of fact, there is a famous story in the Bible that mentions how one day some of the Jews were witnesses when Jesus (a'lyhis salaam) raised a man from the dead. The man had been dead for four days, and when Jesus arrived, he simply said, “Get up!” and the man arose and walked away. At such a sight, some of the Jews who were watching said disbelievingly, “This is the Devil. The Devil helped him!” Now this story is rehearsed very often in churches all over the world, and people cry big tears over it, saying, “Oh, if I had been there, I would not have been as stupid as the Jews!” Yet, ironically, these people do exactly what the Jews did when in just three minutes you show them only a small part of the Quran and all they can say is, “Oh, the Devil did it. The devil wrote that book!” Because they are truly backed into a corner and have no other viable answer, they resort to the quickest and cheapest excuse available.
The Source of the Quran
Another example of people’s use of this weak stance can be found in the Makkans’ explanation of the source of Muhammad’s message. They used to say, “The devils bring Muhammad that Quran!” But just as with every suggestion made, the Quran gives the answer. One verse (Surah Al-Qalam 68: 51-52) in particular states:
“And they say, ‘Surely he is possessed [by jinn],’ but it [i.e., the Quran] is not except a reminder to the worlds.”
Thus it gives an argument in reply to such a theory. In fact, there are many arguments in the Quran in reply to the suggestion that devils brought Muhammad (peace be upon him) his message. For example, in the 26th chapter Allah Almighty clearly affirms:
“No evil ones have brought it [i.e., this revelation] down. It would neither be fitting for them, nor would they be able. Indeed they have been removed far from hearing.” (Surah ash-Shu’ara 26:210-212)
And in another place (Surah an-Nahl 16:98) in the Quran, Allah (az) instructs us: “So when you recite the Quran seek refuge in Allah from Shaytan, the rejected.”
Now is this how Satan writes a book? He tells one, “Before you read my book, ask God to save you from me?” This is very, very tricky. Indeed, a man could write something like this, but would Satan do this? Many people clearly illustrate that they cannot come to one conclusion on this subject. On one hand, they claim that Satan would not do such a thing and that even if he could, God would not allow him to; yet, on the other hand, they also believe that Satan is only that much less than God. In essence they allege that the Devil can probably do whatever God can do. And as a result, when they look at the Quran, even as surprised as they are as to how amazing it is, they still insist, “The Devil did this!”
Praise be to Allah, Muslims do not have that attitude. Although Satan may have some abilities, they are a long way separated from the abilities of Allah. And no Muslim is a Muslim unless he believes that. It is common knowledge even among non-Muslims that the Devil can easily make mistakes, and it would be expected that he would contradict himself if and when he wrote a book. For indeed, the Quran states (Surah an-Nisa 4:82): “Do they not consider the Quran? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy.”
In conjunction with the excuses that non-Muslims advance in futile attempts to justify unexplainable verses in the Quran, there is another attack often rendered which seems to be a combination of the theories that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was crazy and a liar. Basically, these people propose that Muhammad was insane, and as a result of his delusion, he lied to and misled people. There is a name for this in psychology. It is referred to as mythomania. It means simply that one tells lies and then believes them. This is what the non-Muslims say Muhammad (peace be upon him) suffered from. But the only problem with this proposal is that one suffering from mythomania absolutely cannot deal with any facts, and yet the whole Quran is based entirely upon facts. Everything contained in it can be researched and established as true. Since facts are such a problem for a mythomaniac, when a psychologist tries to treat one suffering from that condition, he continually confronts him with facts.
For example, if one is mentally ill and claims, “I am the king of England,” a psychologist does not say to him “No you aren’t. You are crazy!” He just does not do that. Rather, he confronts him with facts and says, “O.K., you say you are the king of England. So tell me where the queen is today. And where is your prime minister? And where are your guards?” Now, when the man has trouble trying to deal with these questions, he tries to make excuses, saying “Uh... the queen... she has gone to her mother’s. Uh... the prime minister... well he died.” And eventually he is cured because he cannot deal with the facts. If the psychologist continues confronting him with enough facts, finally he faces the reality and says, “I guess I am not the king of England.”
The Quran approaches everyone who reads it in very much the same way a psychologist treats his mythomania patient. There is a verse in the Quran (Surah Yunus 10:57) which states:
“O mankind, there has come to you an admonition [i.e., the Quran] from your Lord and a healing for what is in the hearts - and guidance and mercy for the believers.”
At first glance, this statement appears vague, but the meaning of this verse is clear when one views it in light of the aforementioned example. Basically, one is healed of his delusions by reading the Quran. In essence, it is therapy. It literally cures deluded people by confronting them with facts. A prevalent attitude throughout the Quran is one which says, “O mankind, you say such and such about this; but what about such and such? How can you say this when you know that?” And so forth. It forces one to consider what is relevant and what matters while simultaneously healing one of the delusions that facts presented to mankind by Allah can easily be explained away with flimsy theories and excuses.
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G.R. Miller is a mathematician and a theologian. He was active in Christian missionary work at a particular point of his life but soon began to discover many inconsistencies in the Bible. In 1978, he happened to read the Qur'an expecting that it too would contain a mixture of truth and falsehood.
The following is in fact transcribed from Bro. Miller's lecture entitled: 'The Amazing Qur'aan'. The original Mp3 can be downloaded from here, the PDF from here and the video from here.
One thing which surprises non-Muslims who are examining the book very closely is that the Quran does not appear to them to be what they expected. What they assume is that they have an old book which came fourteen centuries ago from the Arabian desert; and they expect that the book should look something like that - an old book from the desert. And then they find out that it does not resemble what they expected at all. Additionally, one of the first things that some people assume is that because it is an old book which comes from the desert, it should talk about the desert. Well the Quran does talk about the desert - some of its imagery describes the desert; but it also talks about the sea - what it’s like to be in a storm on the sea.
Merchant Marine
Some years ago, the story came to us in Toronto about a man who was in the merchant marine and made his living on the sea. A Muslim gave him a translation of the Quran to read. The merchant marine knew nothing about the history of Islam but was interested in reading the Quran. When he finished reading it, he brought it back to the Muslim and asked, “This Muhammad, was he a sailor?” He was impressed at how accurately the Quran describes a storm on a sea. When he was told, “No as a matter of fact, Muhammad lived in the desert,” that was enough for him. He embraced Islam on the spot.
He was so impressed with the Quran’s description because he had been in a storm on the sea, and he knew that whoever had written that description had also been in a storm on the sea. The description of:
“…a wave, over it a wave, over it clouds” (Surah Nur, 24:40)
…was not what someone imagining a storm on a sea to be like would have written; rather, it was written by someone who knew what a storm on the sea was like.
This is one example of how the Quran is not tied to certain place and time. Certainly, the scientific ideas expressed in it also do not seem to originate from the desert fourteen centuries ago.
The Smallest Thing
Many centuries before the onset of Muhammad’s prophethood, there was a well-known 'theory of atomism' advanced by the Greek philosopher, Democritus. He and the people who came after him assumed that matter consists of tiny, indestructible, indivisible particles called atoms. The Arabs too, used to deal in the same concept; in fact, the Arabic word dharrah commonly referred to the smallest particle known to man. Now, modern science has discovered that this smallest unit of matter (i.e., the atom, which has all of the same properties as its element) can be split into its component parts. This is a new idea, a development of the last century; yet; interestingly enough, this information had already been documented in the Quran (Surah Saba’, 34:3) which states:
“He [i.e., Allah] is aware of an atom’s weight in the heavens and on the earth and even anything smaller than that...”
Undoubtedly, fourteen centuries ago that statement would have looked unusual, even to an Arab. For him, the dharrah was the smallest thing there was. Indeed, this is proof, that the Quran is not outdated.
Another example of what one might expect to find in an “old book” that touches upon the subject of health or medicine is outdated remedies or cures. Various historical sources state that the Prophet (peace be upon him) gave some advice about health and hygiene, yet most of these pieces of advice are not contained in the Quran. At first glance, to the non-Muslims this appears to be a negligent omission. They cannot understand why Allah would not “include” such helpful information in the Quran. Some Muslims attempt to explain this absence with the following argument: “Although the Prophet’s advice was sound and applicable to the time in which he lived, Allah, in His infinite wisdom, knew that there would come later medical and scientific advances which would make the Prophet’s advice appear outdated. When later discoveries occurred, people might say that such information contradicted that which the Prophet had given. Thus, since Allah would never allow any opportunity for the non-Muslims to claim that the Quran contradicts itself or the teachings of the Prophet, He only included in the Quran information and examples which could stand the test of time.” However, when one examines the true realities of the Quran in terms of its existence as a divine revelation, the entire matter is quickly brought into its proper perspective, and the error in such argumentation becomes clear and understandable.
It must be understood that the Quran is a divine revelation, and as such, all information in it is of divine origin. Allah revealed the Quran from Himself. It is the words of Allah, which existed before creation, and thus nothing can be added, subtracted or altered. In essence, the Quran existed and was complete before the creation of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), so it could not possibly contain any of the Prophet’s own words or advice. An inclusion of such information would clearly contradict the purpose for which the Quran exists, compromise its authority and render it inauthentic as a divine revelation.
Consequently, there was no “home remedies” in the Quran which one could claim to be outdated; nor does it contain any man’s view about what is beneficial to health, what food is best to eat, or what will cure this or that disease. In fact, the Quran only mentions one item dealing with medical treatment, and it is not in dispute by anyone. It states that in honey there is healing. And certainly, I do not think that there is anyone who will argue with that!
"Your Lord revealed to the bees: 'Build dwellings in the mountains and the trees, and also in the structures which men erect. Then eat from every kind of fruit and travel the paths of your Lord, which have been made easy for you to follow.' From inside them comes a drink of varying colours, containing healing for mankind. There is certainly a Sign in that for people who reflect." (Qur'an, 16:69)
Prophet Muhammad and the Quran
If one assumes that the Quran is the product of a man’s mind, then one would expect it to reflect some of what was going on in the mind of the man who “composed” it. In fact, certain encyclopedias and various books claim that the Quran was the product of hallucinations that Muhammad underwent. If these claims are true - if it indeed originated from some psychological problems in Muhammad’s mind - then evidence of this would be apparent in the Quran. Is there such evidence? In order to determine whether or not there is, one must first identify what things would have been going on in his mind at that time and then search for these thoughts and reflections in the Quran.
It is common knowledge that Muhammad (saws) had a very difficult life. All of his daughters died before him except one, and he had a wife of several years who was very dear and important to him, who not only proceeded him in death but died at a very critical period of his life. As a matter of fact, she must have been quite a woman because when the first revelation came to him, he ran home to her, afraid. Certainly, even today one would have a hard time trying to find an Arab who would tell you, “I was so afraid that I ran home to my wife.” They just aren’t that way. Yet Muhammad (peace be upon him) felt comfortable enough with his wife to be able to do that. That’s how influential and strong woman she was. Although these examples are only a few of the subjects that would have been on Muhammad’s mind, they are sufficient in intensity to prove my point.
The Quran does not mention any of these things - not the death of his children, not the death of his beloved companion and wife, not his fear of the initial revelations, which he so beautifully shared with his wife - nothing; yet these topics must have hurt him, bothered him, and caused him pain and grief during periods of his life. Indeed, if the Quran was a product of his psychological reflections, then these subjects, as well as others, would be prevalent or at least mentioned throughout.
Scientific Approach to the Quran
A truly scientific approach to the Quran is possible because the Quran offers something that is not offered by other religious scriptures, in particular, and other religions, in general. It is what scientists demand. Today there are many people who have ideas and theories about how the universe works. These people are all over the place, but the scientific community does not even bother to listen to them. This is because within the last century the scientific community has demanded a test of falsification. They say, “If you have theory, do not bother us with it unless you bring with that theory a way for us to prove whether you are wrong or not.”
Such a test was exactly why the scientific community listened to Einstein towards the beginning of the century. He came with a new theory and said,
“I believe the universe works like this; and here are three ways to prove whether I am wrong!”
So the scientific community subjected his theory to the tests, and within six years it passed all three. Of course, this does not prove that he was great, but it proves that he deserved to be listened to because he said, “This is my idea; and if you want to try to prove me wrong, do this or try that.”
This is exactly what the Quran has - falsification tests. Some are old (in that they have already been proven true), and some still exist today. Basically it states, “If this book is not what it claims to be, then all you have to do is this or this or this to prove that it is false.” Of course, in 1400 years no one has been able to do “This or this or this,” and thus it is still considered true and authentic.
Falsification Test
I suggest to you that the next time you get into dispute with someone about Islam and he claims that he has the truth and that you are in darkness, you leave all other arguments at first and make this suggestion. Ask him, “Is there any falsification test in your religion? Is there anything in your religion that would prove you are wrong if I could prove to you that it exists - anything?” Well, I can promise right now that people will not have anything - no test, no proof, nothing! This is because they do not carry around the idea that they should not only present what they believe but should also offer others a chance to prove they’re wrong. However, Islam does that.
A perfect example of how Islam provides man with a chance to verify its authenticity and “prove it wrong” occurs in the 4th chapter. And quiet honestly, I was very surprised when I first discovered this challenge. It states (Surah An-Nisa, 4:82):
“Do they not consider the Quran? Had it been from any other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy.”
This is a clear challenge to the non-Muslim. Basically, it invites him to find a mistake. As a matter of fact, the seriousness and difficulty of the challenge aside, the actual presentation of such a challenge in the first place is not even in human nature and is inconsistent with man’s personality. One doesn’t take an exam in school and after finishing the exam, write a note to the instructor at the end saying, “This exam is perfect. There are no mistakes in it. Find one if you can!” One just doesn’t do that. The teacher would not sleep until he found a mistake! And yet this is the way the Quran approaches people.
In reference to the falsification test, it is interesting to note that they, too, relate to both the past and the present. Some of them were used as illustrations of Allah’s omnipotence and knowledge, while others continue to stand as challenges to the present day. An example of the former is the statement made in the Quran about Abu Lahab. It clearly illustrates that Allah, the Knower of the Unseen, knew that Abu Lahab would never change his ways and accept Islam. Thus Allah dictated that he would be condemned to the Hellfire forever. Such a chapter was both an illustration of Allah’s divine wisdom and a warning to those who were like Abu Lahab.
People of the Book
An interesting example of the latter type of falsification tests contained in the Quran is the verse which mentions the relationship between the Muslims and the Jews. The verse is careful not to narrow its scope to the relationship between individual members of each religion, but rather, it summarizes the relationship between the two groups of people as a whole. In essence, the Quran states that the Christians will always treat the Muslims better than the Jews will treat the Muslims. Indeed, the full impact of such a statement can only be felt after careful consideration of the real meaning of such a verse. It is true that many Christians and many Jews have become Muslims, but as a whole, the Jewish community is to be viewed as an avid enemy of Islam. Additionally, very few people realize what such an open declaration in the Quran invites. In essence, it is an easy chance for the Jews to prove that the Quran is false - that it is not a divine revelation. All they have to do is organize themselves, treat the Muslims nicely for a few years and then say, “Now what does your holy book say about who are your best friends in the world - the Jews or the Christians? Look what we Jews have done for you!”
That is all they have to do to disprove the Quran’s authenticity, yet they have not done it in 1400 years. But, as always, the offer still stands open!
Ask Those Who Have Knowledge
Another interesting attitude that exists in the Quran repeatedly deals with its advice to the reader. The Quran informs the reader about different facts and then gives the advice: “If you want to know more about this or that, or if you doubt what is said, then you should ask those who have knowledge.” This too is a surprising attitude. It is not usual to have a book that comes from someone without training in geography, botany, biology, etc., who discusses these subjects and then advises the reader to ask men of knowledge if he doubts anything. Yet in every age there have been Muslims who have followed the advice of the Quran and made surprising discoveries. If one looks to the works of Muslim scientists of many centuries ago, one will find them full of quotations from the Quran. These works state that they did research in such a place, looking for something. And they affirm that the reason they looked in such and such a place was that the Quran pointed them in that direction.
For example, the Quran mentions man’s origin and then tells the reader, “Research it!” It gives the reader a hint where to look and then states that one should find out more about it. This is the kind of thing that Muslims today largely seem to overlook - but not always, as illustrated in the following example. "So ask the People of Knowledge if you do not know" (Qur'an:21:7)
A few years ago, a group of men in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia collected all of the verses in the Quran which discuss embryology - the growth of the human being in the womb. They said, “Here is what the Quran says. Is it the truth?” In essence, they took the advice of the Quran: “Ask the men who know.” They chose, as it happened, a non-Muslim who is a professor of embryology at the University of Toronto. His name is Keith Moore, and he is the author of textbooks on embryology - a world expert on the subject. They invited him to Riyadh and said, “This is what the Quran says about your subject. Is it true? What can you tell us?”
While he was in Riyadh, they gave him all the help that he needed in translation and all of the cooperation for which he asked. And he was so surprised at what he found that he changed his textbooks. In fact, in the second edition of one of his books, called Before We Are Born... in the section about the history of embryology, he included some material that was not in the first edition because of what he found in the Quran was ahead of its time and that those who believe in the Quran know what other people do not know.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Keith Moore for a television presentation, and we talked a great deal about this - it was illustrated by slides and so on. He mentioned that some of the things that the Quran states about the growth of the human being were not known until thirty years ago. In fact, he said that one item in particular - the Quran’s description of the human being as a:
“leech-like clot”(‘alaqah) [Ghafir 40:67]
- was new to him; but when he checked on it, he found that it was true, and so he added it to his book. He said, “I never thought of that before,” and he went to the zoology department and asked for a picture of a leech. When he found that it looked just like the human embryo, he decided to include both pictures in one of his textbooks.
Although the aforementioned example of man researching information contained in the Quran deals with a non-Muslim, it is still valid because he is one of those who is knowledgeable in the subject being researched. Had some layman claimed that what the Quran says about embryology is true, then one would not necessarily have to accept his word. However, because of the high position, respect, and esteem man gives scholars, one naturally assumes that if they research a subject and arrive at a conclusion based on that research, then the conclusion is valid. (Recommended: Video of Prof. Keith L.Moore (Embryology) commenting on the Qur'aan)
Skeptic’s Reaction
Dr. Moore also wrote a book on clinical embryology, and when he presented this information in Toronto, it caused quite a stir throughout Canada. It was on the front pages of some of the newspapers across Canada, and some of the headlines were quite funny. For instance, one headline read: “SURPRISING THING FOUND IN ANCIENT PRAYER BOOK!” It seems obvious from this example that people do not clearly understand what it is all about. As a matter of fact, one newspaper reporter asked Professor Moore, “Don’t you think that maybe the Arabs might have known about these things - the description of the embryo, its appearance and how it changes and grows? Maybe they were not scientists, maybe they did some crude dissections on their own - carved up people and examined these things.” The professor immediately pointed out to him that he [i.e., the reporter] had missed a very important point - all of the slides of the embryo that had been shown and that had been projected in the film had come from pictures taken through a microscope. He said,
“It does not matter if someone had tried to discover embryology fourteen centuries ago. They could not have seen it!”
All of the descriptions in the Quran of the appearance of the embryo are of the item when it is still too small to see with the eye; therefore, one needs a microscope to see it. Since such a device had only been around for little more than two hundred years, Dr. Moore taunted,
“Maybe fourteen centuries ago someone secretly had a microscope and did this research, making no mistakes anywhere. Then he somehow taught Muhammad and convinced him to put this information in his book. Then he destroyed his equipment and kept it a secret forever. Do you believe that? You really should not unless you bring some proof because it is such a ridiculous theory.”
In fact, when he was asked, “How do you explain this information in the Quran?” Dr. Moore’s reply was,
“It could only have been divinely revealed!”
If you wish to continue reading this series, click here for part 2 of 3.
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
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By Allaah, the hearts are saddened. If Hoopoe can be zealous about the right of Allaah, then what about you, friend of Allaah?
Don’t you see people praying in Ramadhaan and outside Ramadhaan, and a man returns home and says, “By Allaah, so and so [reciter prayed] really good this evening!”
He comes back over thirty nights talking about reciters, but never once does he return to his children and say, “By Allaah, the versus of the Qur'aan shake the hearts.” Nor does he talk about even one verse that commands or prohibits.
He talks about so and so who enchants [listeners] and is innovative with his voice. He talks about the innovative lecturer who enchants [the audience] on Friday and performs extremely well.
But he never talks about the Lord of the servants. He does not talk about the one who made [the Qur'aan’s] verses decisive and explained them clearly. [He is] the Wise, the Knowing. My great Lord is free from blemish! How forbearing is Allaah!? How patient is Allaah with His creation!?
By Allaah, there is no right that is squandered more than the right of Allaah. You see a person going back home, talking about so and so, even when the verses of Allaah are recited to him – [such verses that] had they descended on mountains, they would shook and been put asunder out of the fear of Allaah.
He doesn’t go to his home and tells his children, “My children, I prayed behind the Imaam and heard Allaah say, “Oh those who believe, fear Allaah and be with the truthful.” So my children, do not lie. Allaah commands you to be truthful, so speak the truth…”
Has any one of us returned home, speaking about a command from the commands of Allaah, or any one of His prohibitions?
Source: Translated from his commentary on Kitab 'l-I`tkiaf, Sahih 'l-Bukhari.
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
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Is it that you hold your Mushaf, are reciting from it and yet your mind is wandering from the food in the fridge to the weather outside? You're unaware of what you are articulating and can't just focus? If so this piece of writing is intended for you.
Reciting the Qur'an is a source of barakah and, as we know, barakah is a key to productivity. Therefore we must aim to recite it in anticipation of Allah's pleasure and barakah from Him.
Indeed reading the Arabic words contains reward and you attain 10 rewards for every single letter that you pronounce. However, reading while reflecting and reciting with comprehension holds a greater benefit! Unfortunately Arabic, for many of us, is a foreign language and we are only skimming through the pages.
Here are some tips for a productive Quran recital; get the most benefit out of it!
1. Choose a hassle free time when your brain is unsullied and free from the clutters and chatters of everyday life. The best time for sure is around Fajr, it's the time of barakah, and reciting Quran at that time is witnessed as Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) says: "Establish prayer at the decline of the sun [from its meridian] until the darkness of the night and [also] the Quran of dawn. Indeed, the recitation of dawn is ever witnessed."[Quran: Chapter 17 ,Verse 78]
2. Seat yourself in a peaceful spot where there is no distraction and you can easily concentrate.
3. Say the Ta'awwuz (اعوذ باللہ من الشیطن الرجیم) with complete presence of mind; these words shouldn't be coming out as a routine practice, rather say them mindfully, aim at the Shaitan and knock him out!
4. Be in a state of Taharah: A wudhu done well really helps attain khushu. Make wudhu with the intention of reciting Quran.
5. Learn the language: If you don't know Arabic then now is your time to start! There are plenty of avenues for learning Arabic; take online classes, live classes, download books etc. For the understanding of Quran in particular, learning word-for-word translation is an easier task. Speaking from experience, if you memorize the words of first ten chapters you'll be able to understand almost the whole Quran. Nonetheless, for a deeper understanding, learning the Arabic language is essential, but both can go hand in hand and by learning word-by-word meanings you'll at least be able to make out what you are reciting. Start out small; learn 5-10 words per day or as per your convenience. Word-for-word translations are readily available on the internet.
6. Tarteel (reciting in slow measured tones): Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) says in Surah Muzammil: "Or add to it, and recite the Qur'an with measured recitation." [Quran: Chapter 73, Verse 4]. The Arabic word used in this Ayah is Tarteel which means 'slow measured tones'. According to Ibn Kathir the meaning of this Ayah is:
"Recite the Quran slowly, making the letters clear, for this is assistance in understanding and pondering the meaning of the Quran."
Recite distinctly without any haste and pause after every verse, taking your time to thoughtfully ponder and consider the meaning of the words you are uttering. If it contains the mention of Allah's Being and Attributes, let your heart be filled with love and awe, if it expresses His mercy, ask for his mercy; if it mentions His wrath and His punishment, seek refuge from it; if it enjoins something or forbids something then try to understand what has been enjoined and what has been forbidden.
Once Umm Salamah raḍyAllāhu 'anha (may Allāh be pleased with her) was asked about how Muhammad ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) recited. She replied:
"He recited every verse separately and distinctly and observed a pause at the end of every verse. For instance, he recited AI-hamdu-lillah-i Rabb-il'alamin, and paused, then recited ar-Rahman ir-Rahim, and paused, and then recited Malik-i yaum id-di'n. "[Shama'il].
Similarly, Hudhaifah bin Yaman reports:
"Once I stood beside the Holy Prophet in the Night Prayer to see how he recited the Qur'an. I noticed that he glorified Allah where He should be glorified, invoked and supplicated Allah where He should be invoked and supplicated, and sought refuge of Allah where His refuge should be sought." [Abu Dawud]
7. Keep reverting: As you try to focus on your recitation Shaitan is bound to interrupt and lead your thoughts away. He'll remind you of what happened at your office the other day, or about the so many important and unfinished tasks that await you, and so on. Don't give up, don't get frustrated, just make an effort and keep coming back as Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) loves this effort of yours!
8. Set goals for practicing: When you are finished and have pondered over some portion of this Holy Book, decide on one thing that you've read about and aim to implement that injunction in your life. Quran was sent not just for us to beautify our voices while reciting it, or merely as a general knowledge book; it's a book to practice upon and insha Allah these little, sincere steps will make us walk in the light of Quran.
The above-mentioned are just a few tips for spending quality time with your most trustworthy and supportive Companion. A Companion we truly need everyday of our lives; to guide us, to soothe us, to reassure us. In the end, always remember this Ayah of Surah Yunus:
{O mankind, there has to come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers. Say, "In the bounty of Allah and in His mercy – in that let them rejoice; it is better than what they accumulate"} [Quran: Chapter 10, Verse 57-58].
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
- Hits: 21599
"And the Messenger said: O My Lord my people have abandoned - acting or listening - to the Qur'aan." [Al-Furqaan: 30]
When the Qur'aan was being read to the idol-worshippers they would make noise and futile speech so that they would not hear the Qur'aan. However, this is from the ways of abandoning the Qur'aan.
Likewise not having faith and trust in it is also from the ways of abandoning the Qur'aan. Not pondering over it, nor trying to understand it, not acting by it, not obeying its orders and refraining from what it forbids, turning to something other than it - whether poetry, opinions or music, amusement, or other forms of speech and taking a path that is derived from other than the Qur'aan are all from the ways of abandoning the Qur'aan.
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
- Hits: 16207
Imagine This . . .
Imagine finding a box that looks ordinary on the outside but is filled with gold, silver, diamonds, rubies, rings, necklaces, bracelets, crowns, pearls, and more.
What would you do with such a box? Would you open it and enjoy the treasures or put it away in a drawer? Many of us, including me, would instantly take advantage of the wealth inside.
You Already Own Something Much Greater Than This
Most of us have something more than a million times more precious than this, something just sitting in our drawers or catching dust on our shelves. Even if we open it to see what's inside, we don't recognize the beauty and magnificence of the treasures in it. Those treasures are the words of Allaah Almighty — the Qur'aan!
My personal copy of the Qur'aan sat in my drawer for years, and I would only pay attention to it once in while. Even if I would recite it, I wouldn't understand a word I was saying and would just get bored.
أفلا يتدبرون القرآن أم على قلوب أقفالها
{Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an, or are there locks upon [their] hearts?} [Qur'aan, 47:24]
In those days I became distanced from the book of Rabbul-'Aalameen (Lord of the Worlds) and got busy with other things. I didn't even think once about trying to understand the Qur'aan. Like many, I had only learned to recite the Qur'aan in Madrasah and finished it that once. However, that's not all that there is to it, the Qur'aan came down for us as a guidance, a manual book to help live our lives according to our Lord.
Once I opened the Qur'aan and analayzed the intricate design of the words, I thought to myself, These are the words of Allaah Almighty. The author of this book is no man, but the Creator Himself!
Did I Deserve This?
Did I deserve to own a copy of this magnificent treasure? Allaah had given me the Qur'aan and all I did was either ignore it or recite it half-heartedly. Why weren't His words touching my heart? Why were my eyes dry? Why? Why? Why? As questions and thoughts rollercoastered through my mind, I figured out the answer; it was because I wasn't valuing the Qur'aan the way it deserved to be valued.
Running to the Prayer Mat
I ran to the prayer mat and made a dua to Allaah Almighty to ask Him to help me understand his Book and guide me to the straight path.
Then I downloaded the English translation of the Qur'aan onto my tablet and soon got attached to its beauty.
Shattering a Mountain
Allaah Almighty mentioned that if the Qur'aan would be sent down to a mountain, it would shatter that mountain into pieces like glass. This is the power of the Qur'aan!
Being a non-Arab, I really wanted to learn classical Arabic. If the translation and tafsir was so powerful, then I couldn't imagine how powerful the actual words of Allaah Almighty would be like if I knew them.
I started my quest to learn the beautiful language and encouraged my family members to do so as well.
Brothers and sisters, please wake up! Realize the true value of Qur'aan. If you have the right intention, work hard, and make dua to Allaah Almighty for making this easy for you, then He will open doors you can't imagine!
I pray for myself and for my ummah to have the ability to understand, love, recite, share, learn, teach, implement, and value the Qur'aan in our lives so it comes as an intercessor for us on the Day of Judgement.
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
- Hits: 23912
In the spacious courtyard of the masjid, they sat together turning its glorious pages. The rays of sunlight gently bounced from the soft pages of the Qur'an. Humbled by the greatness of its verses and captivated by the beauty of its words, they were often moved to tears but none uttered a word. Tranquility descended over them as individual, melodious recitations began. This was no ordinary study circle and these were no ordinary students, the sight of them alone made eyes turn and hearts were drawn to them. These were young men who had gathered in the courtyard of the masjid – serious students studying the Glorious Qur'an. With a powerful goal in mind and a firm focus, nothing could distract them.
Their soft recitations died down and silence took over as the teacher spoke...
"This Qur'an.... This is the Clear Book of Allah that is not approached by falsehood neither from before it nor from behind it, sent down by the All-Wise, Worthy of all Praise.
It is the never-ending, ever-lasting miracle that is continuous through the course of Time until Allah inherits the earth and what is upon it.
It is the Strong Rope of Allah, the Straight Path and the Light which guides to the truth and the right way.
In it is news of what was before you, what is to come after you and a source of judgment between you.
Whoever abandons it has indeed been destroyed by Allah and whoever seeks guidance in other than it has been led astray.
Whoever speaks by it has been truthful, whoever rules by it has been just and whoever calls to it has indeed called to the straight path."
One of the students lowered his head as a tear strolled down his cheek. A young haafidh from the city, he often made his journey setting off early to join the rest of the students – many of whom like him were deeply moved by these sessions and couldn't afford to miss a single class. He was lost in thought, his mind immersed in recalling the greatness of the Qur'an. As he wept in silence, the rest listened attentively.
"It is our role-model and the leader in our lives...
By it we are guided and to it we surrender.
Its commands and prohibitions we act according to, and at its Hudood (boundaries) we halt with firmness.It is that which ties the heavens to the earth.
A covenant between Allah and His servants.
The most Noble and honoured from the heavenly Scriptures.
What you have before you is the Way of Allah, the Most Exalted, and the Greatest Revelation sent down to Mankind..."
It's true. What we have before us is the Book that many lay claim to but only a few realise its value.
"Had We sent down this Qur'an. on a mountain, you would surely have seen it humbling itself and rending asunder by the fear of Allah. Such are the parables which We put forward to mankind that they may reflect." [Al-Hashr: 21]
Mountains are often mentioned in the Qur'an. as symbols of great stability, firmness, endurance and integrity. But even with these powerful characteristics, the mountains were unable to bear the Qur'an.... they could not bear the trust.
"Truly, We did offer the trust to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains, but they declined to bear it and were afraid of it. But man bore it. Verily, he was unjust and ignorant." [Al-Ahzaab: 72]
The mountains knew their capacity and they knew the incredible weight of the Qur'an. But man... man didn't know. "Verily, he was unjust and ignorant."
For them to shatter into pieces, break apart and cleft asunder is no easy matter. They have a right to that because of what the Qur'an. contains. It's not a physical weight that humbles the mountains, but it's the Words of Allah – they are indeed heavy.
"Verily, We shall send down to you a heavy Word." [Al-Muzzammil: 5]
One of the most difficult ways that the Qur'an. was revealed to the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi Wa sallam) is when it came like the ringing of a bell – this was the most hardest for him to take. It physically burdened him and weighed down upon him greatly to the extent that if he was riding his camel, the camel would kneel on the ground due to the pressure from the Revelation. The Prophet's companion, Zaid was once seated next to him and his thigh was underneath that of the Prophet's when a Revelation descended. Zaid later reported that his thigh was almost injured because of the weight of the Revelation to the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi Wa sallam).
"Verily, We shall send down to you a heavy Word."
This Qur'an. was revealed to bring a change to a lost people and direct Mankind back to the Path of Salvation and Truth. It was sent down to take people from darkness to light, from disbelief to belief and from this lowly Dunya (world) to the Hereafter.
The lives of the very first recipients of this Qur'an. are evident to the powerful influence of this Revelation on Mankind. Within just 23 years, a great empire was established and the Sahaabah were a transformed nation. A few years after the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) passed away, Islam had spread as far as Europe and Central Asia to the extent that it is said the graves of Mujaahideen (possibly Taabi'een) were found located within 100m from Paris itself. The cause of such a change? The source of such strength? Could it have been any other than the Magnificent Qur'an. and the unparalleled guidance of the Messenger?
"And if there had been a Qur'an. with which mountains could be moved or the earth could be cloven asunder or the dead could be made to speak (it would not have been other than this Qur'an.)..." [Ar-Ra'd: 31]
When discussing the miraculous nature of the Qur'an, many tend to restrict their thoughts to scientific miracles alone. Others will highlight the many prophesies and predictions that the Qur'an puts forth, the great challenge to reproduce something like the Qur'an, or the fact that Allah has preserved and protected it unlike any other Scripture. These are no doubt, part of the miraculous nature of the Qur'an, but by far, the greatest miracle which shook the heart of Makkah and consequently, the world, lies in the language of the Qur'an – the eloquence, beauty and literary supremacy of the Tanzeel (Revelation).
The Arabs were known as Ahlul-Shi'r and Ahlul-Lugha (people of poetry and language). They had a right to such a title as they were the masters in the field of eloquence and beauty of speech. In fact, every year in Makkah the annual fair of 'Ukkaadh would take place where each poet would display his skill and recite many lines of poetry. They were unchallenged and nothing threatened their talent... nothing but a miracle could crush their superior position.
The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, "There has not been a single Prophet except that Allah gave him miracles because of which people believed in him. I have been given (as a miracle) the Inspiration which Allah revealed to me (i.e. the Qur'an.)." [Al-Bukhari]
So when the Qur'an came, the people of Makkah were dumbfounded and left in astonishment at its eloquence and beauty. This was a speech which superceded their poetic capacity and since they were the leading masters at that time, they failed to comprehend that Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) – a man they did not categorise as a poet, could all of a sudden come with such a masterpiece. As a result, the people split - some believed while others refused to accept it, calling it magic and sorcery.
The Qur'an affected all people that it reached and it continues to do so up until our current time today. Even the staunchest of the pagans in Makkah could not resist it. One fine example is the incident of Al-Waleed ibn Al-Mugheerah, the father of the great warrior Khalid ibn al-Waleed. He was an incredible poet, leading in high position and status among the poets and also in society. One day he passed by the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) who was reciting the Qur'an, which he overheard. This visibly had an affect on him which the people saw including Abu Jahl, who in turn tried to curb this affect. In a response to Abu Jahl's efforts, Al-Waleed replied,
"And what can I say? For I swear by Allah, there is none amongst you who knows poetry as well as I do nor can any compete with me in the composition or rhetoric – not even in the poetry of the jinns! And yet, I swear by Allah, Muhammad's speech (i.e. the Qur'an.) does not bear any similarity to anything I know, and I swear by Allah, the speech that he says is very sweet and is adorned with beauty and charm. Its first part is fruitful and its last part is abundant and it conquers and remains unconquered. It shatters and destroys all that has come before it."
Abu Jahl who was the staunchest of the pagan Makkans and a crude campaigner against the Call of Islaam was not happy. Al-Waleed promised to think things over. He thought and he pondered before finally arriving at a very insincere and dishonest answer saying, "This is nothing but magic from old." Al-Waleed saw the beauty, eloquence and above all the clear truth of the Qur'an, but al-Waleed disbelieved and rejected the truth after it had come to him. As a result, Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) revealed 16 ground-shaking verses condemning him to eternal hell-fire.
"Leave Me Alone (to deal) with whom I created Alone (i.e. al-Waleed)... Nay! Verily, he has been stubborn and opposing Our Ayat." [Al-Muddathir: 11 and 16]
"Verily, he thought and plotted, so let him be cursed! How he plotted!
And once more let him be cursed, how he plotted!
Then he thought. Then he frowned and he looked in a bad tempered way. Then he turned back and was proud. Then he said: "This is nothing but magic from that of old; This is nothing but the word of a human being!" I will cast him into Hell-fire." [Al-Muddathir: 18-26]
Another incident is that of 'Utbah ibn Rabee' another pagan Makkan who was seen as the 'negotiator' of his time. He asked the chiefs of Makkah to leave him to Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and that he will convince him that his Cause was not worth all this effort. Eloquently, he spoke and spoke employing all arguments to dissuade the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). A while later, the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) asked "Have you finished?" to which 'Utbah replied in the affirmative. "Then listen to me," said the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam),
"In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Ha Meem. A Revelation from Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
A Book whose verses are explained in detail – A Qur'an in Arabic for a people who reflect.
Giving glad tidings and warnings.
But most of them turn away so they listen not..." [Al-Fussilat: 1-5]
'Utbah stood there totally captivated and entranced by the verses of the Qur'an. The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) continued to complete the entire chapter – and with 54 verses, this was no short Surah. During the whole recitation, 'Utbah did not once turn away. Amazed and in total awe, he remained immersed in listening until the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said at the end, "You have heard what you have heard, so do as you please."
'Utbah returned to his people, a changed man, shaken to the heart, clearly moved yet silenced. He reported back to his people saying, "O people, I have heard a speech the like of which I have never heard before. I swear by Allah, it is not magic, nor is it poetry, nor is it sorcery. O gathering of Quraysh! Listen to me. Leave this man alone; for I swear by Allah, the speech that I have heard from him will soon be news..."
'Utbah was right. It not only became news, but it became the greatest news which shone the face of this earth and lighted up the hearts of a lost people.
However, it is with great sadness that I say in our communities today this particular aspect of the miraculous nature of the Qur'an, in language, style, usage of words and structure is the least spoken about. Much of the time, this is due to the language barrier and the inability to understand Arabic in general. Our lack of understanding this language has lead us to miss out on the biggest miracle of the Qur'an – what a loss indeed. We fail to experience the powerful choice of words by Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala), the abundant meanings of each verse as it is filled with concise yet overwhelming news – understood by all from kings to servants, from the masters of language to the lame and illiterate. A lofty, unparalleled and magnificent masterpiece, the Qur'an. indeed conquers and remains unconquered.
Becoming Companions of the Qur'an
It is important for us to revive our relationship with the Qur'an. and restructure our lives around it. As the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said,
"Read the Qur'an., for indeed it will come on the Day of Judgment as an intercessor for its companions." [Sahih Muslim]
To be a companion of someone (or something) entails being in their presence most of the time and being with them wheresoever they are. To be a companion of the Qur'an. therefore means that we not only read it, but we accompany it throughout our lives – studying it, pondering over it, consulting it, memorising it, acting upon it, teaching it and defending it from the plots of its enemies. Indeed, to be from the people of Qur'an. amounts to being from the people of Allaah as Anas ibn Maalik narrates that the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said,
"The people of Qur'an, they are the people of Allah and His specialties." [Ahmad, Nisaa'ee, Ibn Maajah]
It's important for us to strive to become companions of the Qur'an, and much of the destiny of this Ummah depends on this crucial factor – have we grasped it firmly, or have we abandoned it?
"And the Messenger will say: "O my Lord! Verily, my people deserted this Qur'an." [Al-Furqaan: 30]
One of the ways that we can pull this Ummah out of its current suffering, oppression and disunity is to return to the Revelation as Imam Maalik (rahimahullaah) once stated,
"Nothing will rectify the latter part of this Ummah except that which rectified the first part of it."
We need to return to it as a source of judgment between us and make it the light which penetrates our hearts and illuminates it such that we become a people of strength who walk with light. We need to return to it as serious students, understanding what our Lord is telling us and thereby appreciating the ultimate I'jaaz of the Furqaan. Indeed, had there been a Qur'an with which mountains could be moved or the earth could be cloven asunder or the dead could be made to speak, it would not have been other than this Qur'an.
Waffaqanallaahu wa iyyaakum
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
- Hits: 12783
Allaah the Most High says:
"And the Messenger said: O My Lord my people have abandoned - acting or listening - to the Qur'aan." [al-Furqaan: 30]
So Allaah informs us about His Messenger and Prophet Muhammad, that he said: {My Lord my people have abandoned - acting or listening - to the Qur'aan.} and that is because the idol-worshippers did not pay attention nor listen to the Qur'aan, as Allaah says: {The ones who disbelieved said do not listen to this Qur'aan but make noise so that you may overcome it.}
Thus when the Qur'aan was being read to them they would make noise and futile speech so that they would not hear the Qur'aan. However, this is from the ways of abandoning the Qur'aan. Likewise not having faith and trust in it is also from the ways of abandoning the Qur'aan. Not pondering over it, nor trying to understand it, not acting by it, not obeying its orders and refraining from what it forbids, turning to something other than it - whether poetry, opinions or music, amusement, or other forms of speech and taking a path that is derived from other than the Qur'aan are all from the ways of abandoning the Qur'aan.
We ask Allaah - the Beneficent Provider, the One who has Power to do what He wills - to distance us from that which He dislikes and to use us in that which He is pleased with, from memorising, understanding the Qur'aan and establishing that which it necessitates - throughout the day and night - in a manner that He loves and likes for indeed He is the Most Beneficent, and Bestower.
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
- Hits: 13878
Allaah the Most High says:
"Indeed in this there is a remembrance for those who have a living heart, listen attentively and are awake to taking heed." [Qaaf: 37]
Therefore, if you desire to benefit from the Qur'aan, gather your heart when reciting it, focus your attention to it and focus as if you are the one being directly addressed by it. For indeed it is an address from Allaah via the path of the Messenger (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam).
This is because gaining complete benefit from the Qur'aan is dependent upon the object providing the benefit, the place by which it is to be received, the conditions related to attaining the benefit and the non existence of anything that may hinder the benefit from occurring. Hence the verse contains an explanation of all of these points, with the shortest and clearest of words, and those that best prove the point.
Thus the saying of Allaah: {Indeed in this there is a remembrance} has an inference to what has preceded the verse from the beginning of Soorah Qaaf up to this verse and this is what is causing the benefit.
Whilst the saying of Allaah {who have a living heart} then this refers to the place that receives the benefit and this is the heart that has life and comprehends what Allaah has sent, as Allaah the Most High says:
"Indeed this is only a clear reminder and a Qur'aan so as to warn those who have a living heart." [Yaaseen: 69-70]
And His saying {listen attentively} i.e. who turns his attention to it and listens mindfully to what is being said. This is the condition that is placed so that one can be benefited by it. And His saying {are awake to taking heed.} i.e. that the heart is attentive to it.
Ibn Qutaibah said:
"Listen to the book of Allaah whilst your heart and mind is attentive, not neglectful nor distant."
This is an inference to the matter that prevents one from attaining benefit. That is when the heart is distant and unmindful such that it does not understand what is being said, nor comprehend it.
Therefore if the cause of the benefit - the Qur'aan, is found and the place of receiving it - and that is the heart has life - and the condition is fulfilled - and that is listening attentively - and the barriers that would prevent benefit from being attained are avoided - and that is the heart being pre-occupied with something else and it being unmindful of what is said - then one attains the benefit, of being benefited by the Qur'aan. [Refer to al-Fawaa'id by Ibn-ul-Qayyim]
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
- Hits: 13511
It is recommended for every Believing man and woman to recite the Book of Allah often, with due contemplation and understanding. This may be done by using a copy of the Qur'aan or from one's memory. Allaah - the Most High - said:
"This is a Book which We have sent down to you, full of blessings, that you may ponder over its Verses, and that men of understanding may remember." [Soorah Saad 38:29].
And: "Indeed those who recite the Book of Allaah and offer the Prayer perfectly and spend in charity out of what We have provided for them - secretly and openly - hope for a sure trade-gain that will never perish. That He may pay the their wages in full and give them even more out of His Grace. Indeed, He is Oft-Forgiving, ready to appreciate good deeds." [Soorah Fatir 35:29-30]
The aforementioned recitation of the Qur'aan includes both reciting and acting upon it. The recitation is to be done with contemplation and understanding of it. Sincerity to Allaah is a means of complying with and acting upon the Qur'aan, and its recitation contains a great reward - as the Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
"Recite the Qur'aan. For on the Day of Resurrection, it shall come as an intercessor for its companion." (This was recorded by Muslim in his Saheeh (no. 804).)
The Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) also said: "The best of you is he who learns the Qur'aan and teaches it." (This was recorded by al-Bukhaaree in his Saheeh (9/66).)
Another narration states:
"Whoever reads one harf (letter) of the Qur'aan shall receive a good deed and ten good deeds similar to it. I do not say that Alif Laam Meem is a harf, but Alif is a harf, Laam is a harf and Meem is a harf." [Saheeh; Recorded by at-Tirmidhee (no. 2912), who authenticated it, from the hadeeth of `Abdullaah ibn Mas`ood, radhiallaahu `anhu].
The Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) said to `Abdullaah ibn Amr ibn al-`Aas: "Complete the recitation of the Qur'aan once a month."
He said: "I am able to do more than that." So he said: "Then complete its recital once in seven days." [al-Bukhaaree (no. 5054)] The Companions used to complete the entire Qur'aan once every seven days.
So I advise all the readers of the Qur'aan to increase in their reading of it, with contemplation and understanding it, along with sincerity to Allaah in this - with the purpose of learning and benefiting from the Qur'aan. They should read the entire Qur'aan once a month. If, however, they are able to do more than this without any difficulty, then they should complete it in less than this time. However, it is best not to complete it in less than three days, since this is the least amount of time that the Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) mentioned to `Abdullaah ibn `Amr ibn al-`Aas. This is because if it is read in less than three days, the person becomes hasty and lacks thought and concentration…" [Fataawaa al-Mar`ah (no. 294)]
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
- Hits: 14891
Amr ibn Deenar (d. 126 A.H.) said,
“I have met the Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and those that came after them for seventy years, all of them said: Allaah is the Creator and everything besides Him is created, and the Qur’aan is the Kalaam (Speech) of Allaah, from Him it came, and to Him it will return.”’ [1]
This statement mentions the fact that the Qur’aan will ‘return’ to Allaah. What is the meaning of this phrase which was said by so many Companions and Successors?
Among the signs of the Day of Judgement is the increase of ignorance, and the disappearance of knowledge. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“Before the Day of Judgement, there will be a time (or ‘days’) in which Ignorance will be sent down, and Knowledge will be raised up.” [2]
The ‘raising up of Knowledge’ has been interpreted by the Prophet (peace be upon him) himself to mean the death of scholars. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
‘Allaah does not snatch away knowledge from the chests of His servants, but He takes away knowledge by the death of scholars, until, when there are no more scholars remaining, the people take ignorant leaders (i.e., as scholars). And these leaders will be asked (by the people), and they will respond without any knowledge, and they will be misguided, and misguide others.” [3]
And as the Day of Judgement comes closer, more and more ignorance will appear, and knowledge will lessen, until, in the very last of time, the Qur’aan itself will be taken away, and raised up from amongst mankind. This will occur after the time of ‘Eesaa, when the only people remaining will be the worst of all of mankind; the generation upon whom the Trumpet of the Day of Judgement will be blown while they are still alive.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
“Islaam will disappear just like the colours of a dress fade away, until people will not even know what fasting, prayer, the rites (of Hajj and charity are. And the Book of Allaah will be lifted up one night, so that not even one verse will remain. And a group of old people will remain, who will say, ‘We found our forefathers on this kalimah: Laa ilaaha ila Allaah, so we too say it.”’ [4]
Ibn Mas’ood said,
“Indeed, the Qur’aan will be taken away from your midst; one night it will be raised up, and it will leave from the chests of men, and nothing will remain of it on the earth.” [5]
‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Amr stated,
“The Day of Judgement will not come until the Qur’aan returns from whence it was revealed. It will have a sound like the buzzing of bees and it will say, ‘O my Lord! From you I came and to you I am returning. I am recited, but not acted upon; I am recited, but not acted upon.”’ [6]
Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728 A.H.) stated, in explanation of these narrations,
“It will be raised up one night, towards the very end of time, from the mus-haf and the chests of men, so not a single word will remain in the hearts, nor will a single letter remain in the mus-haf” [7]
It appears, therefore, that although knowledge in general will not be taken away from the chests of men, the Quraan, towards the end of time, will, and Allaah knows best.
In any case, the hadeeth are explicit that the Qur’aan will be raised up from the earth, and this is the meaning of the phrase of the salaf: ‘...and to Him it will return’. The time when this ‘raising up’ occurs will be the end of time, the time in which the Qur’aan has been abandoned by the people; when they leave the Qur’aan, it is only befitting that the Qur’aan is taken away from them.
An Appeal
There can be no doubt that the Qur’aan is the greatest miracle of the Prophet (peace be upon him) - a miracle that can be appreciated by all of mankind. Yet, despite the power and status of the Qur’aan, many Muslims are heedless of it.
It is distressing to see that the Muslims of today have turned away from this great treasure that has been revealed to them - the very Speech of Allaah. They have made the Qur’aan a sacred family heirloom; to be treasured in exotic and expensive covers, yet to be uninhabited by the best of all covers - their hearts; to be recited and listened to in the best and most melodious of voices, yet to ignore its meanings; to be placed high above all other objects in any room, yet to occupy the lowest station in their daily lives; to be read when a death has occurred, yet to be ignored by the living; to be written in the fanciest of scripts and on the most expensive of papers, yet to be heedless of its commandments and prohibitions.
'What is the matter with them, that they have turned away from the Remembrance?' [74:49]
'O Mankind! What has made you careless concerning your Lord, the Most Generous?' [82:6]
O Muslims! O Believers of the Qur’aan! Beware that you do not fall into those whom the Prophet (peace be upon him) will complain about to his Lord on the Day of Judgement:
'And the Messenger (will) say: ‘O My Lord, indeed my people took this Qur’aan as something worthy of being abandoned!’' [25:30]
The scholar Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (d. 758 A.H.) said,
There are various types of ‘abandonment’ of the Qur’aan:
1) To abandon listening to it and believing in it.
2) To abandon acting upon it, and ignoring its lawful and prohibited ordinances (Halaal and haraam), even if one believes in it and recites it.
3) To abandon judging by it, and resorting to it as a judge when there are differences in the essence of the religion or other matters.
4) To abandon pondering over it, and understanding it, and seeking the explanation of it.
5) To abandon using it as a cure in all types of diseases of the heart, and instead to seek to cure these diseases by other means.
And all of these categories are included in the statement of Allaah,
'And the Messenger (will) say: “0 My Lord, indeed my people took this Qur’aan as something worthy of being abandoned!’' [25:30]
even though some of these types of abandonment are worse than others. [8]
How many of these types of abandonments are we guilty of?
O Muslims! Have you not read the outcome of the one who turns away from the Qur’aan?
'And whoever turns away from My Remembrance (the Qur’aan), for him is a life of hardship, and We shall raise him up, on the Day of Judgement, blind. He will say, ‘O My Lord! Why have you resurrected me blind, when I used to see (in this world)?’ (Allaah) will respond, ‘Likewise (in this manner), Our verses came to you, but you ignored them. And, likewise, today you shall be ignored’' [20:124-126].
The one who was blessed with sight, but turned away from the light and guidance of the Qur’aan, deserves that his sight to be snatched away from him, for of what use was it? If his sight was blind to the light of the Qur’aan, then, on the Day of Judgement, it shall be blind to all else.
'And whoever is blind in this world (to the Qur’aan), then he will be blind on the Day of Judgement, and even more astray!' [17:72]
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
“Indeed, Allaah will honour people (i.e., in this world and the Hereafter) by this Book, and He will debase others by it.” [9]
There are only two categories of people when it comes to the Qur’aan; those that will be honoured because of it, and those that will be humiliated because of it. The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said,
“Whoever puts (the Qur’aan) ahead of him, it will lead him to Paradise; and whoever throws it behind him, it will drag him into Hell.” [10]
The question is:
Which of these two categories do you wish to be in?
Source: 'An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'aan' Publushed by al-Hidaayah Publications Ltd.
2. Reported by al-Bukhaaree.
3. Reported by al-Bukhaaree.
4. Reported by Ibn Maajah; authenticated in Saheeh al-Jaami’.
5. Reported by at-Tabaraanee.
6. ad-Darimee, ar- Radd, p. 189.
7. Majmoo’ al-Fatawaa, v. 3, p. 198. Also see Waabil, p. 135.
8. Ibn al-Qayyim, p. 113. The five categories have been translated in meaning, not verbatim.
9. Reported by Muslim.
10. Reported by at-Tabaraani.
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
- Hits: 14857
Indeed to reflect on Allah’s verses is a form of worship that will draw one close to Allah Most High. This reflection is not a reckless and wandering one, rather it includes a study of the classical tafseer of the verses being pondered over, as this would fulfil Ibnul-Qayyim’s great advice,
“Such as reflecting over a book which a person has memorised and (then) he expounds it so that he may understand what its author intends by it.”
Indeed the Book of Allah is not a book like any other, it is the timeless Speech of Allah, not a created thing, the study guide for life and death and what comes after. Therefore it deserves a more careful study than anyone else’s speech. It necessitates that its reader return to the early narrations of those who witnessed its revelation and heard its explanation by the one who was deputed by Allah to rehearse and explain His Words to humanity (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam).
For, if one would try to ponder over the meanings of the verses without having done this study, then surely the filth of the time that he lives in and his ignorance of the correct application and understanding that the early Muslims had would cause him to understand some things not intended by Allah Most High, and therefore he would go astray, although he may think he's worshipping Allah. So every sincere Muslim who hopes to earn Allah’s Love by reciting and reflecting over Allah’s Book, then let him hold tight to the meanings explained by the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), and those taught by the companions and their immediate followers, and the early scholars of Islam. So, dear brothers and sisters! Know that reciting and pondering over the Book of Allah, devoting your time regularly to its study and its implementation has tremendous benefits in this life and the Next.
Let us now look to just a few of these benefits so as to attach ourselves more firmly to Allah’s Majestic Words. Each benefit stands as enough of an encouragement to shun any laziness we have and instead dedicate ourselves to the Qur’an.
1 - Reading and reflecting over the Qur’an fulfils an Islamic duty.
Indeed, the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) summarised the whole of Islaam with his statement:
“The Religion is naseehah (sincerity)!” Tameem ibn Aws (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “We asked, ‘To whom?’” He said: “To Allah, HIS BOOK, His Messenger, the leaders of the people, and their common folk.” [Muslim]
The sincerity that is due to the Book of Allah includes its regular recitation, learning the rules of tajweed and reciting it beautifully; learning about its tafseer and the reasons for its revelation; affirming that it is the Truth, the perfect Speech of Allah and not part of the creation; honoring it and defending it; abiding by the orders and prohibitions found in it; teaching it and calling to it. [See Jaami’ul-’Uloom wal-Hikam of Ibn Rajab Al-Hambalee]
So, by reading and reflecting over the Qur’an, one fulfills an obligation and is rewarded for it. Upon fulfilling this obligation, the Qur’an then becomes a proof for him on the Day of Judgment. And this is the second benefit that we will acquire by embracing this Noble Book:
2 - The Qur’an will be a proof for you on the Day of Judgment.
This is due to the statement of the Messenger: “And the Qur’an is a proof for you or against you.” [Muslim]
So one of two things will occur with this proof, the Book of Allah. It will either be in your favor, a proof for you on the Day when you will need every single good deed, or it will be something standing against you... the very Speech of your Creator, a proof against you! Who could be saved from the terrors of that Day if the very Speech of Allah is against him?!?! Think carefully, dear Muslim brothers and sisters, about your position with the Qur’an! Are you neglecting it, contradicting it, being heedless of its orders and prohibitions, are you thinking deeply over it?! Will it be on your side on the Day of Judgment?
O Allah! We ask you, by Your Glorious Speech and the rest of your beautiful Names and Attributes, to make the Qur’an a proof for us! O Allah! Don’t make the Qur’an a proof against us on that Day, and save us from the hellfire!
For, if Allah makes the Qur’an a proof in our favour on that Day, then it will also be an intercessor for us, when NO intercession will take place except by His Permission.
3 - The Qur’an will intercede for you on the Day of Judgment.
The proof: Aboo Umaamah relates that the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said:
“Read the Qur’an, for verily it will come on the Day of Standing as an intercessor for its companions.” [Muslim]
4 - Your status in this life will be raised.
In Saheeh Muslim we find a lovely story about how a man from the people of Jannah, ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattaab, understood this principle. Some men came to him in order to question him while he was a Caliph about the leadership of Makkah, they asked, “Who do you use to govern Makkah?” He said, “Ibn Abzaa.” They asked, “And who is Ibn Abzaa?” Umar replied, “A freed slave from those we freed.” They remarked, “You left a freed slave in charge of the people of the Valley (the noble tribes of the Quraysh)!?!?” So he answered them,
“Verily he is a reader of the Book of Allah and is knowledgeable about the obligations of the Muslims. Haven’t you heard the statement of your Messenger: “Verily Allah raises some people by this Book and lowers others by it.”
5 - You will be from the best of the people.
‘Uthmaan, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said:
“The best of you are the ones who learn the Qur’an and teach it to others.” [Al-Bukhari]
6 - There are ten rewards for each letter you recite from the Qur’an.
An authentic hadith in At-Tirmithee proves this:
“Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will have a reward. And that reward will be multiplied by ten. I am not saying that “Alif, Laam, Meem” is a letter, rather I am saying that “Alif” is a letter, “laam” is a letter and “meem” is a letter.”
So increase your recitation of the Qur’an to gain these merits.
7 - The reciters of the Qur’an will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels.
‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, relates that the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said:
“Verily the one who recites the Qur’an beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have TWICE that reward.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
So dear brothers and sisters, do not allow the Shaytaan to give you false excuses, such as “I am not an ‘Arab,” or “It's not my language.” This hadith is a firm proof against such whisperings. Dedicate yourself to the Book of Allah, whether you are an ‘Arab or not! The excuses have been eliminated, and the path has been cleared for you to embrace the Book of Allah - without holding back.
Surely you will not hesitate to seek a teacher or a study circle for the Qur’an once you hear the last and perhaps greatest benefits of reading and contemplating over the Qur’an...
8 - Your position in Paradise is determined by the amount of Qur’an you memorize in this life!
‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Amr ibn Al-’Aas heard the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) saying:
“It will be said to the companion of the Qur’an: Read and elevate (through the levels of the Paradise) and beautify your voice as you used to do when you were in the world! For, indeed, your position in the Paradise will be at the last verse you recite!” [Aboo Daawood and At-Tirmithee, saheeh]
9 - The Qur’an will lead you to Paradise!
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“The Qur’an is an intercessor, something given permission to intercede, and it is rightfully believed in. Whoever puts it in front of him, it will lead him to Paradise; whoever puts it behind him, it will steer him to the Hellfire.” [An authentic hadith found in At-Tabaraanee, on the authority of ‘Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood]
Know, dear brother or sister, that these nine benefits from the many benefits available and acquired by reciting the Qur'aan can only be attained by a sincere commitment to the Book of Allah and not by a person’s mere statement, “I love the Qur’an, it’s beautiful.” Rather, the heart must be sincerely attached to Allah’s Book; then the limbs and tongue will naturally follow its injunctions. And Allah knows best.
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
- Hits: 15826
1 - The Messenger of Allah said:
"Whoever wants to to love Allah and His Messenger, then let him read the Mushaf (i.e. the Qur'aan)." ['Sahih al-Jami''; # 6289]
2 - Ibn 'Abbas narrated:
"Al-Walid bin al-Mughirah (a polytheist) came to the Messenger of Allah. The Messenger of Allah recited the Qur'an to him, and al-Walid seemed to become affected and softened by it. Abu Jahl came to know of this, so, he came to al-Walid and said: "Don't you see that your people are collecting charity for you?"
He said: "And why is that?"
Abu Jahl replied: "So that they can give it to you, as they see that you went to Muhammad to get some of his food."
Al-Walid said: "Quraysh know that I am of the wealthiest of its sons."
Abu Jahl said: "So, say to Muhammad something that would convince your people that you oppose him."
Al-Walid replied:
"And what can I possibly say? There is not a single man who is more knowledgable of poetry or prose than I, or even that of the Jinn, and by Allah, what he says bears no resemblance to these things. By Allah, what he says has a sweetness to it, and a charm upon it; the highest part of it is fruitful and the lowest part of it is gushing forth with bounty; it dominates and cannot be dominated, and it crushes all that is under it."" [Reported by al-Hakim in 'al-Mustadrak' (2/506-507) and at-Tabari in 'Jami' al-Bayan' (29/156), and it is authentic]
3 - Jubayr bin Mut'im said:
"I heard the Messeger of Allah recite 'at-Tur' in the Maghrib prayer, and when he got to the verses {"Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? No, but they have no firm Belief. Or are with them the treasures of your Lord? Or are they the tyrants with the authority to do as they like?"} [at-Tur; 35-37], my heart wanted to fly from my body out of awe." ['Tafsir Ibn Kathir'; 4/309]
4 - 'Uthman bin 'Affan said:
"If our hearts were truly pure, we would never get enough of the Words of our Lord, and I hate that one day passes with me not looking in the Mushaf." ['Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah'; 7/215]
5 - Ibn Abi Mulaykah narrated:
"'Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl used to press the Mushaf to his face and cry, saying: "The Book of my Lord! The Words of my Lord!"" [Reported by 'Abdullah bin al-Mubarak in 'al-Jihad'; # 56]
6 - Bishr bin as-Sirri said:
"Verily, each verse is like a date: the more you chew it, the more of its sweetness is released."
Abu Sulayman heard this and commented:
"True. It is the case with one of you that if he begins one chapter of it, he wants to read it to the end."
Source: Al-Hadith fi 'Ulum al-Qur'an'; p. 70.
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
- Hits: 13778
A Muslim believes in the sacredness of the Speech of Allah, as well as its honour and virtue that surpasses the speech of all others. He also believes that the Noble Qur'an is the Word of Allah, which no falsehood can approach, before it or behind it. Whoever speaks in accord with the Qur'an, has spoken the truth. Whoever judges according to it, has judged justly. Its devoted people are the people of Allah and His special people. Those who stick to it shall be successful and victorious. Those who turn away from it are the destroyed, the losers.
A Muslim's faith in the grandeur and greatness of the Book of Allah is increased by what has been stated about it by the one who received its revelation, the best of creation, our leader Muhammad bin 'Abdullah, Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), who said:
“Read the Qur'an, for it shall come as an intercessor for its companion on the Day of Resurrection.” (Muslim)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) also said:
"The best of you is he who learns the Qur'an and teaches (it to) others.” (Al-Bukhari)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) also said:
“The people of the Qur'an are Allah's people and His special servants.” (An-Nisaa'i, Ibn Majah, and Al-Hakim with a Hasan chain)
And: “The hearts get rusty like iron gets rusty “ The people asked, "O Messenger of Allah! What will cleanse it?" He said,
“Reciting the Qur'an and remembering death.” (Al-Bayhaqi in Shu'ab Al-Iman with a weak chain)
One of the Prophet's worst opponents came to him and said, "O Muhammad, read the Qur'an to me." Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) read to him:
{Verily, Allah enjoins Al-Adl and Al-Ihsaan, and giving (help) to kith and kin, and forbids Al-Fahshaa', and Al-Munkar, and Al-Baghy (i.e. all kinds of oppression).} (16:90)
The Prophet (peace be upon him) hardly finished reciting the verse when his opponent [an unbeliever] asked him to repeat it, astonished at its lofty wording, sacred meaning and clarity. He was possessed by its great ability to influence man. He did not wait long but immediately raised his voice to state his confession concerning it and declare his testimony concerning the holiness and greatness of Allah's Word. He said,
"By Allah, it has a sweetness. It is full of elegance. Its lowest portion is for foliage and its highest portion is for fruits. No human can say such." (Ibn Jarir At-Tabari. The opponent was Al-Walid bin Al-Mughirah according to a narration with a good chain recorded by Al-Bayhaqi )
A Muslim and believer, then, must even more so allow what it allows and forbid what it forbids. He must abide by its manners and behavior according to how it teaches one to behave.
Etiquette with reciting the Qur'an
When the person recites the Qur'an, he should adhere to the following manners:
1. He should recite it under the best circumstances, including being in a state of purity, facing the Qiblah and sitting in a respectable, honorable manner.
2. He should recite the Qur'an slowly and not be hasty in his recitation. He should not recite it in less than three nights. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“Whoever recites the Qur'an in less than three nights did not understand it.” (The Four Sunan, and At-Tirmithi said it is Sahih)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) ordered 'Abdullah bin 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, to recite the entire Qur'an once every seven days. (Al-Bukhari)
'Abdullah bin Mas'ud, 'Uthman bin 'Affan and Zayd bin Thabit, may Allah be pleased with them, used to complete the entire Qur'an once a week.
3. He must have fear of Allah and humility while reciting the Qur'an. He should demonstrate sorrow and should cry, or he should try to cry if he is not able to cry. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“Recite the Qur'an and cry. If you cannot cry, then try to make yourself cry.” (Ibn Majah with a good chain)
4. One should also beautify his voice while reading the Qur'an. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“Beautify the Qur'an by your voices.” (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, An-Nasa'i and Al-Hakim who said it is Sahih)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) also said:
“He is not one of us who does not make his voice beautiful with the Qur'an.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) also said:
“Allah has not permitted anything like He has permitted a Prophet to recite the Qur'an in a good voice." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
5. He should recite in private if he fears that he would be reciting for show or reputation only or if he were to disturb those people who were praying. Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said:
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: 'The one who recites the Qur'an loudly is like one who gives charity openly, and the one who recites the Qur'an silently is like the one who gives charity in secret.'" (Hasan, Sunan an-Nasa'i)
It is known that it is preferred to give charity secretly unless there is some benefit to doing it publicly, such as encouraging others to follow one's precedent. The same is true for reciting the Qur'an.
6. A person should recite the Qur'an while thinking about and pondering over its meaning, with due respect and presence of mind, in order to understand its meaning and purport.
7. A person should not be one who recites the Qur'an while he is heedless and going against what it says. In that case, he could be the cause for his own cursing by himself. For example, if he reads the verse: “No doubt! The curse of Allah is on the oppressors." (11:18)
And: “Curse of Allah upon those who lie.” (3:61)
And he is a liar or a wrongdoer, then he is simply cursing himself.
The following narration will demonstrate how wrong those people are who turn away from the Book of Allah, who are heedless of it and spend their time in other pursuits. It is narrated that in the Tawrah it states that Allah has said:
"Are you not ashamed of yourselves in front of Me? If a letter comes to you from some of your brethren while you are walking on the road, you will stop and sit by the side of the road, read the letter, and understand it word by word, in order not to miss anything. This is the Book that I have revealed to you. Look how I have clearly explained everything in it. How many times have you passed by it to ponder over its lengths and widths and then you turn away from it? It is something lighter in your eyes than your brethren. O My servant! If one of your brethren sits next to you, you turn to him with all of your attention and listen to his every word with your entire heart. If someone then talks to you or disturbs you, you will motion to him to stop. Here I am coming to you and speaking to you but you turn your heart away from Me. In your sight, I am less important than one of your brethren!"
8. A person should strive to have the characteristics that are descriptive of those people who are Allah's people and His special people. Abdullah bin Mas'ud, may Allah be pleased with him, once said,
"The reciter of the Qur'an must be known by his night while the people are sleeping, by his day while the people are not fasting, by his crying while the people are laughing, by his devotion and fear of Allah while the people are mingling, by his silence while the people are talking, by his humility while the people are boasting and by his grieving while the people are rejoicing."
Muhammad bin Kafa said,
"We would recognize the reciter of the Qur'an by the yellowness of his skin that indicated spending the night in prayer and reciting the Qur'an."
Wuhaib bin Al-Ward narrated that someone said to a man, "Do you not sleep?" He answered,
"The marvelous nature of the Qur'an chased away my sleep."
And Dhun-Noon has said in lines of poetry:
"The Qur'an has stopped, by its promises and threats, the eyes from sleeping at night.
They understand from the Great Lord His Speech, an understanding that makes the necks submit and surrender."
Source: Extracted from “Manhaj ul Muslim” published by Dar us Salam
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
- Hits: 14397
Imam Nawawi writes in his book at-Tibyan Fi Aadaab Hamalatil-Qur’an:
“It is befitting to make special time for the Tilaawah (recitation) of the Qur’an and increase in it.
It was from the practise of the Salaf (may Allah be pleased with them) that they used to finish the Qur’an within different periods of time.
Ibn Abi Dawud reports that some of the salaf used to finish one khatam (complete Qur’an) in two months.
Others use to finish one khatam every month.
Some used to finish one khatam within ten days the likes of Hasan al-Basri. And some every eighth day such as the noble companion Ubayy bin Ka’b.
A great portion of them used to finish the Qur’an within a week, people such as Abdullah bin Mas’ud and ‘Alqamah bin Qays etc.
Some finished every six days such as al-Asud bin Yazeed and others every five days.
A portion of them used to finish the Qur’an every four days such as Abu Darda’.
And even a greater portion used to finish the Qur’an every three days like ‘Abdullah bin ’Amr.
Some every two nights such as ‘Ataa bin as-Saa-ib. And a big portion of them used to finish the Qur’an every day like ‘Abdullah bin Zubayr.
Some even finished the Qur’an twice, meaning every night and day! Such as ‘Abdur-Rahman bin al-Qaasim.
Some finished the Qur’an three times a day, whereas others finished the Qur’an eight times a day, four khatams during the day and four during the night.
As for those who used to finish the Qur’aan every day and night were the likes of ‘Uthman bin ’Affan, at-Tameem ad-Daariyy, Sa’eed bin Jubair, Mujahid, ash-Shafi’i amongst others.
Ibn Abi Dawud reports with an authentic chain that Mujahid used to finish the Qur’an once during Ramadan between Magrib and Isha.
Some of the Tabi’een used to finish two khatams between Magrib and Isha during the month of Ramadan.
And it has also been reported that many of the salaf used to finish the entire Qur’an in one raka’ah these were people like ‘Uthman bin ‘Affan, at-Tameem ad-Daareyy and Sa’eed bin Jubair.”
Action Points
- Set yourself a target - How long it will take you to finish reading the Qur’an. E.g one khatm every month.
- How to reach your goal – Figure out how much you need to read each day to reach your target. So if you want to finish once each month, that’s one juzz a day (remember: be realistic).
- Make special time for the Tilaawah of the Qur’an – Set out a certain time of the day when you dedicate your time to reciting and understanding the Qur’an.
- Be consistent in reciting the Qur’an everyday, and then slowly increase it. E.g. start off with one page a day, then as time goes by increase it to two pages etc.
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
- Hits: 32085
Within the darkness of the night can be heard the soothing and melodious words of the Qur’aan... There is nothing which can quench the innate, deep thirst and need for the closeness with Allah, our Creator and Master, as does the Qur’aan. For, it is His Words, His Expressions, His Laws, His Promises, His Descriptions and yes, His very Speech.
Each chapter brings to light facts long forgotten and ignored by the lost and confused soul, with unmatched exquisite precision, eloquence and divine injunction. In this way, the believing woman is energised and truly perceives her natural disposition in a way unfelt before. She unravels mysteries which philosophers failed to discern from the thousands of books written by man; rather, these uninspired books are covered in dust, in which the ink has become dry and faded due to the many years that have elapsed. Such books written by man lay forgotten, unattended; slowly they are being eaten away by time and small paper-insects upon bookshelves and within attics around the world. Yet, the Qur’aan continues to be alive… both in the hearts of men and within the shining pages of the masaahif.
Each word quenches the one athirst for spirituality - something devoid in today’s corporeal world and experienced only by the few. Each letter fills the light scales with heavy rewards.
Each verse, like a star in the sky, guides those willing to walk aright upon the straight path, to arrive at Paradise’s door. Therein the believers will abide eternally in untainted bliss, enjoyment and pleasure.
Eradicating oppression by its root, undoing the shackles of misuse, uplifting the status of women of all times and places, covering painful, dark memories, as it blows towards women the cover of modesty and respect, bringing them closer to paradise and its delights and away from hellfire and its painful, agonizing torture.
Let’s regain the lost self and come closer to our Lord, the Almighty, the All-Knower and the Aware of every single atom that is and will come into existence.
My Sister, it is the very Speech of the Lord that created both you and I, and who even created the undiscovered minute creatures of the sea. This Book has the ability to enhance and discover your innate and pure disposition in a way no other book can.
The question is: Are you willing to begin this spiritual journey now?
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
- Hits: 16411
"So, it is upon you to tend to the Qur'an - the pillar of the heart, the light of the chest, the remover of sadness. And this time period is the period of memorization of the Qur'an. I started in and benefited greatly from the days of training in 1969 (when fighting in Palestine). I benefited greatly from the memorization of the Qur'an, and it was the period of golden purity of the heart and spirit. So, it is easy for you to memorize here; very easy...yes. I had a large-print Mushaf, and during the time in which I would stand guard at night, I would repeat what I had memorized during the day. So, if I mispronounced a word, I opened it, and I would read it using the light of the Moon. As for now, I cannot even see using the light of the Sun, so, we ask Allah to strengthen our eyesight...
So, try to memorize five verses of the Qur'an everyday, and start with 'al-Anfal.' Everyday, after the morning prayer, make for yourself a sitting with the Noble Qur'an. Memorize five verses of 'al-Anfal,' and review the five verses from the previous day. You can memorize it in fifteen days: seventy-five verses, five verses each day...this should be very easy on you...
Our brother, Khalid Qablan - who was martyred two days ago in Khost, Abu al-Walid, from Riyad - was martyred on Friday, at 2:30 p.m. I visited his brothers after his martyrdom, not knowing that he had been martyred, and everyone who was around him said that everything about him indicated that he was preparing for the Hereafter. They said that he would choose to stand guard from midnight to 1:00 a.m., then he would stay up in prayer until the Fajr. He would make the adhan for Fajr, then pray. After that, he would begin his adhkar. He would fast every Monday and Thursday - continuously - and the White Days (13th, 14th, 15th day of each month), and the six days of Shawwal. They also said that on the night before Friday - and it was the final night of his life - he stood guard from midnight to 1:00 a.m., stayed up in prayer until the Fajr, made the adhan for Fajr, prayed, made his morning adhkar, then we moved to the location of the battle for that day. On the way there, he recited 'al-Kahf,' and increased in his invoking of peace and blessings upon the Prophet. When we arrived - his companion from Yemen narrates - "I asked him if he had finished his recitation of 'al-Kahf,' and he said: "Yes." Then, we started firing the mortar rounds, and the nineteenth shell exploded inside the mortar, and many pieces of shrapnel entered his body. He gasped only twice, then he submitted his soul to the Lord of the Worlds.""
['Fi at-Tarbiyah al-Jihadiyyah wal-Bina''; 2/40-42]
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- Category: You & The Qur'aan
- Hits: 21277
Do we really love the Quran? If we did, would we let it sit on the shelf and let it get dusted. It’s strange how we say we have love for the Quran and Sunnah, but how often do we read the Quran whether it be English translation or Arabic? and put the teachings of it into practice.
As i look around my own living Room, i see a bookshelf filled with books, from multiple copies of the Quran to Seerah, to Hadit, you name it. So much Guidance right at hands reach, but more importantly the gut feeling i get for letting some of them sit there for decoration, i try my best to read some Quran before i go to sleep, but the next day, how much of what i read is put into practice or for that matter actually is a reminder and reflection for my actions and conciouness.
Its interesting to see 10 million Harry Potter books get sold and muslims being an audience running to get them like they must read it, people i personally know, went crazy getting their own copies. I was astonished seeing them locked themselves up in their room and reading a 600, 700 page book, from beginning to end and then of course waiting for the next one to come out.
The Quran on the other hand is just something which is ritualistic and is only read in times of hardship or in the month of Ramadan, which is good, of course, but the whole point is we need to have it in our hearts and minds all year around, we need to nurture our hearts by recititing the Quran and reviving the sunnah because we know that our beloved Prophet Muhammad is the walking Quran.
I believe its best if we read at least an ayah a day, because one verse is better than none, and the most important thing is implementation. Whenever i read i usually read the English translation, and a bit of Arabic, the meaning hits me harder of course, sometimes i resist from reading the Arabic because i make frequent mistakes, but me and whoever else reads like this should’nt hesistate to read arabic. Why? because after reading this hadith it made me try harder.
The Last Prophet (PBUH) said: “Verily the one who recites the Qur’an beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses (because he doesn’t know how to read it but is trying to), then he will have TWICE that reward.”
Mashallah what a pleasant hadith. See how merciful Allah is, its about effort and intention, in order for us to strive for the better we must try, so drop the Harry Potter and Dr Sues until you get attached to the Quran Inshallah. Our lifestyle should revolve around the teachings of the Quran, it is the word of the only GOD Allah, think about it, reading the words of Allah swt which has been sent to mankind and directly to you, your personal wireless connection, no phone carrier can do that, don’t you feel when you read the Quran thats its speaking to you?I get that feeling always, i cant explain it.
So think about it, sit down and ask yourself what is your attachment with the Quran, and remember people have passed away before you trying to reflect on these ayahs, you still have the chance, before death approaches! Then read on, inshaa'Allah.
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