Tawakkul refers to putting your trust in Allaah – to believe that He alone can ward off the harms of this world, provide you blessings and sustenance, and to ease your challenges. Tawakkul is also about accepting the results that He decides regardless of how they may turn out to be.
To understand the concept of Tawakkul, consider how tense and worried you get at times about the challenges of this worldly life. Whether it's you worrying about losing your job or sustenance, or general life problems that you may come to face, Tawakkul is your belief and the attitude that you have about putting your trust in Allaah to take care of all your affairs.
Allaah (swt) says: {...And whoever places his trust in Allaah, Sufficient is He for him, for Allaah will surely accomplish His Purpose: For verily, Allaah has appointed for all things a due proportion.} (Qur'an 65:3)
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The Quran makes it clear that Tawakkul is not an option but rather a requirement. Allaah (may He be Exalted) says: "...and put your trust in Allaah if you are believers indeed. (Surah Al-Ma'idah, 5: 23)
He also says in the Quran: "....And in Allaah let believers put their Trust" [Surah Ibrahim 14:11]
Don't give up on Your Efforts
Tawakkul shouldn't be mistaken with giving up your efforts thinking that somehow your challenges will get resolved. Rather striving and working with the attitude that Allaah will take care of your affairs and will help you in getting through your trials is part of you having the Tawakkul on Allaah.
Some scholars have stated that:
"Tawakkul in reality does not deny actually working and striving for provision, for Allaah Almighty has decreed that we should work and it is from His ways that he gives people when they strive. In fact, Allaah Almighty ordered us to both depend upon Him and to work, to take the necessary steps needed to achieve our goals, and so the act of striving for our sustenance is an act of physical worship while trusting and depending upon Allaah is faith in Him." (Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts (Fatawa Islamiyah, Vol. 7, Pages 172-174)
Allaah says: "...So seek provision from Allaah and worship Him (alone)." [Al-'Ankaboot 29: 17]
Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan stated about this verse,
"Look for sustenance and do not sit around in the masaajid claiming that you are putting your trust in Allaah. Do not sit in your homes and claim that your daily sustenance will come to you. This is wrong and a true believer doesn't say such things." (Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan Haqeeqat-ut-Tawakkul (pg. 15-25))
This obviously applies to not just seeking provisions but in striving to resolve other matters of our lives – just as long we remember and believe that His will is a prerequisite for our matters to get resolved and to accept what He ultimately decrees.
The scholars have also stated that:
"Other than our efforts that we put in, a Muslim should also combine Tawakkul with other means, whether they are acts of 'Ibadah (worship) like Du'a' (supplication), Salah (Prayer), Sadaqah (voluntary charity) or maintaining the ties of kinship, or other material means which Allaah has predestined." (source : alifta.net Fatwa no. 2798)
Allaah (swt ), also says in the Quran: {[There were] those to whom people said: "The people are gathering against you, so fear them." But it only increased their faith; they said: "For us Allaah is Sufficient and He is the best Disposer of affairs"} (Qur'an 3:173)
Benefits of Tawakkul
One of the major benefits of Tawakkul is that it can relieve us from unnecessary anxiety, worry, and resulting depression from the challenges that we may be facing. By believing that all our affairs are in Allaah's hands and we can do only what is in our control, we leave the results to Allaah and accept His decree whatever it may be. Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali said:
"The fruit of tawakkul is the acceptance of Allaah's decree. Whoever leaves his affairs to Allaah and then is accepting of what he is given has truly relied on Allaah. Al-Hassan and others among the Salaf defined Tawakkul as Ridhaa' (acceptance)." (Jami' Al-'Uloom wa Al-Hikam : A Commentary on 50 Major Hadith)
Let's strive to understand the concept of Tawakkul and to make it part of our belief systems. We will notice that things will not only get resolved easier with His help, but Tawakkul will also relieve us from the day to day anxieties and worries associated with the challenges of this life.