Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
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- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 11710
FULL NAME: Ya’qoob bin Ishaaq bin Zayd bin ‘Abd Allah al-Hadhramee al-Basree (d. 205).
- He was the client of Hadramiyyeen.
- He was a taabi’ee (a successor of the Companions)
- He was among the ten celebrated Qurraa’.
- Ya’qoob was the Imaam of Qiraa’ah in Basrah.
- He was the author of many books.
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- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 11887
FULL NAME: Yazeed bin al-Qa’qa’ al Makhzoomee al-Madanee (d. 130)
- He was born in Basrah
- He was one of the ten outstanding qurraa’
- He was the Imaam of Qiraa’ah in Madinah and known as “Al Qaaree”
- He was also a Mufti.
- He learned Qiraa’ah from ‘Abd Allah ibn ‘Abbaas and Abu Hurayrah and narrated Qiraa’ah from them
- He died in Madinah.
- Details
- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 9869
Full name: Al-Layth bin Khaalid al-Baghdaadee (d. 240)
- He was the most distinguished disciple of al-Kisaaee.
- He was regarded as an authority in Qiraa’ah.
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- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 11817
FULL NAME: ‘Alee ibn Hamzah ibn ‘Abd Allah al-Asadi al-Kisaaee, Abul Hasan (d. 189AH)
- From Koofah of Persian origin.
- He was the client of al-Asad.
- He was an Imaam of language, grammar and qiraa’ah. He (rahimahullah) was not only an Imaam in the Qira’at, but he was also skilled and proficient in Nahw (grammar).
- He settled in Baghdaad and was appointed Mu’addib (teacher) of the Abbasid Caliphs Haaroon al-Rasheed and al-Ma’moon.
- Later he was upgraded as a close associate of the court.
- He was very fond of wearing one particular clock and this might be the reason why he was known as ‘Al-Kisaaee’ When asked about his nickname (al-Kisa’ee), he said,
‘Because I entered into Ihraam (Hajj/’Umrah) dressed in a Kisaa’ (garment).’
- He contributed many books.
- He died in Rayy at the age of seventy.
Imam al-Shaafi’i (rahimahullah) said:
‘Whoever wishes to delve deep into Nahw, then he’ll be like a child compared to al-Kisa’ee.’
Ibn al-Anbar said:
‘They concurred that he (al-Kisa’ee) was the most knowledgeable of Nahw, leading in understanding the gharib (unique terms in language) and the foremost in having knowledge of the Qur’an (Qira’at etc).’
Here is a very good article which mentions him and shows how he was also a linguist.
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- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 10953
FULL NAME: Khallaad bin Khaalid Abu ‘Eesaa al-Shaybaanee al-Koofee (d. 220)
Died in Kufaa.
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- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 10706
FULL NAME: Abu Muhammad Khalad bin Hishaam al-Bazzaar al-Baghdaadee.
- One of the ten prominent Qurr’aa (three qurraa’ were less popular than the seven).
- Died in Baghdaad
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- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 11012
FULL NAME: Hamzah bin Habeeb bin ‘Ummaarah bin Ismaaeel al-Zayyaat (d. 156)
- He was one of the seven prominent Qurraa’
- He was the client of Banoo Tameem.
- He was known for his ascetism and sound knowledge.
- Whenever he recited the Qur’aan, he left a good impression on the minds of people.
- He used to trade oil from Koofah to Halwan and cheese and almond from Halwan to Koofah.
- Many qurr’aa narrated his Qiraa’ah; prominent among them were:
- Ibraahem Adham
- Al Kissaee
- Yahya bin Ziyaad al-Farraa’.
- Details
- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 11533
Many recitors around the world have specialised in all ten recitations, some having done less, others more. But most people recite the Riwaayah Hafs ‘an ‘Aasim, with its chain going back to the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam).
FULL NAME: Hafs bin Sulaymaan bin al-Mugheerah al-Asadi (d. 180 AH)
- He was a prominent Qaaree of Kufah.
- He was a cloth merchant.
- From amongst the disciples of ‘Aasim, he was the most learned in the qiraa’ah of ‘Aasim.
- He Qiraa’ah was most popular in Makkah, Baghdaad and Koofah.
- Even today it is extremely popular.
- The printed Qur’aan bears the qiraa’ah narrated by him and has been given preference over the rest of the qiraa’at.
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- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 11390
FULL NAME: Aboo Bakr bin ‘Ayyaash al-Asadee al-Nahshalee (d. 193)
- He presented the recitation of the whole Qur’aan to A’asim three times.
- He was a learned scholar who taught many people Qiraa’ah.
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- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 12085
FULL NAME: ‘Aasim bin Bahdalah Abee al-Najood al-Koofee (d. 127).
- He was from the seven prominent Qurraa’.
- ‘Aasim Ibn Abee Najood was an eminent recitor of Kufa and was in the time of Imam Abu Hanifah. Imaam Abu Hanifah resided between Kufa and Baghdad. Imaam ‘Aasim died in 127AH, Imaam Abu Hanifah died in 150AH.
- Imaam ‘Aasim taught for years in the Masjid, so much so that he became famous and people from all around the world came to learn and study from him.
- Hafs was the step-son of ‘Aasim. Although ‘Aasim had many students, Hafs and ‘Aasim were the most famous (most, if not all, of the Imaams of the recitations have 2/3 famous students which spread their way of recitation.)
- Today the majority read the riwaayah of Imaam hafs through the tareeq of Imaam Ash-Shaatibee.
- He was blessed with a melodious voice and people were spellbound whenever they heard his Qiraa’ah.
- Many scholars narrated his qiraa’ah. Prominent among them were: Ibn Taghlab, Hafs bin Sulaymaan, Hammaad bin Yazeed and Abu bakr bin ‘Ayyaash.
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- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 10581
FULL NAME: Aboo ‘Amr ‘Abd Allah bin Ahmad al-Fihree al-Dimashqee (d. 245)
- He was the leader of Qurraa’ in Syria and the Imaam of the Damascus central Masjid.
- He was he author of books on ‘Ilm al-Qiraa’ah.
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- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 10814
FULL NAME: Aboo al Waleed al-Salamee Hishaam bin ‘Ammaar bin Naasir bin Maysarah (d. 245).
- He was a learned scholar who made an immense contribution not only in the qir’aah but also in the narration of Hadeeth and Fatwaa.
- He was an imam of Damascus and the khateeb (lecturer) and their recitor.
- He was born in the year 153 Al-Hijarah, and died 245 Al-Hijarah.
- He mastered this way of reading from Ibn ‘Aamir through an imam who read to and was approved in it from Imam Ibn ‘Aamir.
- Details
- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 9951
FULL NAME: ‘Abdullah Abu Imraan al-Yahsoobee (d. 118).
- He was nicknamed Abu ‘Imraan.
- Ibn ‘Aamir was born in the year 21 Al-Hijarah, and some say 8 Al-Hijarah.
- He became a leader of recitation in Sham and was a great imam and a noble taabi’ –one of those who met up and knew some of the Sahaabah.Therefore, he was the religious leader of the people of Syria.
- He was appointed the chief judge of Damascus and Imaam of the central Masjid (the Umawee mosque) of Damascu and the leader of the recitors.
- He was very learned and one of the seven prominent Qurraa’.
- The Caliph ‘Umar bin ‘Abdul ‘Azeez also recognized his authority.
- A large number of people benefited from his qiraa’ah.
- Yahya bin al-Haarith, ‘Abd al-Rahmaan bin ‘Amr and Khallaad bin Yazeed were the prominent qurraa’ who narrate his qiraa’ah.
- He died in Damascus in the year 118 Al-Hijarah, may Allah be merciful to him.
- Details
- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 10837
FULL NAME: Saalih bin Ziyaad Abu Shu’ayb al-Soosee (D. 261 AH).
- He was a famous Qaari’.
- He learnt the Qiraa’ah of Aboo ‘Amr from Aboo Muhammad al-Yazeedee.
- He died in the year 261 Al-Hijrah close to the age of 90.
- There is little written about him in the biographies of the qurraa' (recitors).
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- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 16038
FULL NAME: Ibn ‘Umar ‘Abd al-Azeez Abu ‘Umar al-Azdi al-Baghdaadi (d. 240).
- He was born in the year 150 Al-Hijara in Ad-Dur, which is located close to Baghdad.
- He was known as Abu Umar
- He was blind
- He was a distinguished scholar of his time
- He was the Imaam of the recitors in his time and is the first one to accumulate all the different qira’aat.
- He was an authority on qiraa’ah.
- He was the first scholar who collected different Qiraa’aat.
- He died in the year 246, may Allah be merciful to him.
- Details
- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 12430
FULL NAME: Zabbaan bin ‘Ammaaar al-Tameemee al-Maazinee al-Basaro (d. 153 AH)
- He was one of the authorities in the Arabic language.
- He was one of the seven prominent Qurraa’.
- Abu ‘Amr Al-Basree al-Mazinee was born in the year 68 Al-Hijarah, and read in Basra, al-Kufah, Makkah, and Al-Medinah.
- He was born in Makkah, brought up in Basrah and died in Koofah.
- He had the most Shuyookh of all the Qurraa’ of the seven ways of recitation.
- Abdullah Ibn Katheer was one of his Shuyookh, and he heard Anas bin Maalik and others.
- Abu ‘Amr was known for his honesty, ascestism and scholarship.
- During his lifetime, his qiraa’ah became extremely popular in Hijaaz, Syria, Egypt and Yemen.
- The prominent narrators of his qiraaah were: Abu Zayd al-Ansaari, Asmaaee, Isaa bin Umar and Yahya al-Yazeedee.
- Two distinguished recitors who promoted his qiraa’ah were: Hafs al-Dauri and al-Soosi.
- In Sudan and Hadhramowt (Yemen) they recite the Riwaayah of Hafs Ad-Daaramee, who related from Imaam Abu A’mr Al Basaree.
- He died in Al-Kufah in the year 154 Al-Hijarah, may Allah be merciful to him.
Al-Imam Abu Amr passed on this famous way of recitation to Yahya Al-Yazeedee. Imam Yahya then passed it on to the two known raawee of this way of recitation: Abu ‘Amr Ad-Dooree and Abu Shu’ayb As-Soosiyy.
- Details
- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 12285
FULL NAME: Muhammad bin ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Muhammad al-Makhzoomi (d 291 AH).
- He was born in the year 195 Al-Hijarah and died 291 Al-Hijarah.
- He was nicknamed Qunbul.
- He narrated the qiraa’ah of al-Bazzi.
- Many people came to him from different parts of the world to learn the Qiraa’ah.
- The shuyookh of recitation in the Hijaaz area took the Qur’an through him.
- He remained an authority on the Qiraa’ah until he died in Makkah.
- Details
- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 11450
FULL NAME: Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah al-Bazzi (d. 250)
- He was born in the year 170 Al-Hijarah and died 250 Al-Hijarah.
- He was one of the most distinguished disciples of ibn Katheer and remained an authority on Qiraa’ah in Makkah until his death.
- He was the Qaari and Mu’addhin of Masjid al Haram, the sacred mosque.
- He was a teacher of research and verification.
- The reciters of Mekkah at his time learned from him.
- He was originally from Persia
- He died in Makkah.
- Details
- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 11808
FULL NAME: Abu Ma’bad, ‘Abd Allah ibn Kathee bin Al-Mutallib Al-Qurayshi al-Daaree al-Makki (d. 120 AH)
- He was born in the year 45 Al-Hijara
- He knew some of the Sahaaba such as Abu Ayub Al-Ansaari and Anas bin Maalak and others, so he is of the Taabi’een.
- He read the complete Qur’an to Abdullah Ain As-Saa’ib and was approved by him and others.
- One of the seven prominent authorities on the qiraa’ah.
- He was born and died in Makkah and was regarded as the Imaam of Qiraa’ah in Makkah.
- He was a tall person with a fair complexion.
- He possessed a command over the Arabic language.
- He was famous for his eleqouence and fluency.
- Many scholars learnt Qiraa’ah from him.
- Ibn Katheer was known to be have a tranquil disposition and qahhaar.
- Imaam Ash-Shaaf’iee read the recitation of Ibn Katheer.
- He died in the year 120 Al-Hijara, Rahimahu Allah.
The recitation of Ibn Katheer has two raawees, al-Bazzee and Qunbul, and both of them took the reading from an in between link, not directly from Imam Ibn Katheer himself, but from a mastered reciter who took the reading from Ibn Katheer.
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- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 12713
FULL NAME: Uthmaan ibn Sa ‘eed Al-Qibtee al-Misree.
- He was born in Egypt in 110 AH.
- Imaam Warsh had travelled from Egypt to Madinatul Munawarrah. He stayed in Madinah for a long time, so as to learn from Imaam Naaf’i.
- He was known as “Warsh” because of his fair, reddish complexion and blue eyes.
- He was fond of wearing short clothes and resembled al-Warshaan – a famous bird.
- Naafi’ called him “Warsh” out of love.
- He was gifted with a melodious voice, and his recitation always captivated the listeners.
- He had a student by the name of Al Azraq who finished the Qur’aan 60 times with him before Imaam Warsh granted him the permission to spread this Riwaayah. Therefore, Imam Warsh recited to Imam Naafi' a number of complete recitations of the Qur'an and then returned to Egypt and taught people there for a long time. He became a distinguished authority on Qiraa’ah during his time in Egypt.
- This riwaayah is prevalent in North Africa, Andulus, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Nigeria, parts of Libya from the tareeq (way/method) of Al Azraq, which is the tareeq of Imaam ash-Shaatibi.
- Details
- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 11337
FULL NAME: ‘Eesaa bin Maynaa bin Wardaan bin ‘Eesaa al-Madani [d. 835 AH]
- He was born in 120 Al-Hijara and died 220 Al-Hijara in Al-Medinah.
- He was the client of Banoo Zahrah
- was nicknamed Aba Musaa
- He was the stepson of Naafi’.
- He was of Roman heritage.
- He was known as “Qaaloon”, which in Roman means ‘excellence, good’ because of his excellence in Qiraa’ah [Recitation]. His Sheikh, Imam Naafi’, nicknamed him Qaloon because of the quality of his qira’ah.
- He was born and died in Madinah.
- He remained an authority on Qir’aah until his death.
- He learned this science from Naafi’ by associating closely with him for many years, continuously sitting and learning from him. Until Imaam Naaf’i told him that that this time period was sufficient for him and that he was granted permission to sit near one of the pillars of the Prophet’s Masjid and teach (as was the practice of the scholars.)
- Although he was deaf and could not even hear a horn, but if someone recited the Qur’an to him, he could hear, he was also able to deduce mistakes by watching the mouth of the reciter.
- Some biographies say the deafness came when he was older, but others mention it as if he was always deaf, and Allah knows best.
- Qaaloon is recited in Tunisia, Libya and some parts of Algeria.
- Details
- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 7850
Among those who played an actual role in the formation of the personality of Imaam Maalik ibn Anas were esteemed teachers, who are known by all those who have studied the life of this unique Imaam. In particular, they include the "two Naafi's", each of whom had a laudable effect on Imaam Maalik, so much so that he never forgot them.
The first was the outstanding faqeeh and reliable transmitter of hadeeth, Naafi' ibn Sarjis Abu 'Abdullah ad-Daylami, who died in 120 AH according to one statement, the same year that Malik reached the age of 47. This Naafi' ibn Sarjis, according to Ibn Hazm al-Qurtubi, was one of "the people of fatwas." Those who deal with hadeeth say, "The soundest of chains Malik from Nafi' from Ibn 'Umar." This chain is called "the golden chain" by those who deal with this science.
This is why I have briefly indicated that Malik maintained this particular close connection to Naafi' as the biographers of Maalik clearly state. Maalik joined him very early on; he relates,
"I used to go to Nafi', the freed-slave of Ibn 'Umar, while I was still a lad. He came down to me from a ladder of his – and his slave guided him after he went blind – and went from his house at Baqi' to the Mosque of the Prophet, where I would ask him questions and hear ahaadeeth from him."
Despite this high position which Naafi' ibn Sarjis had with the rest of his fellow Madinans and despite the large amount which Malik ibn Anas obtained from him, as is indicated when he said,
"When I listened to the hadith of Nafi' b. Sarjis, from Ibn 'Umar, I did not care for anyone else (i.e. didn't need to learn from anyone else) except for him, above anyone else."
Malik only related about 80 hadiths from him in his Muwatta', with some dispute over the exact number.
But the Naafi' about whom we intend to speak is the second Naafi', Naafi' ibn Abi Nu'aym the recitor (al-Qari') who died only about ten years before Malik. Among his contemporaries were Isma'il ibn Ja'far, 'Isa ibn Wardan, and Sulayman ibn Muslim ibn Jammaz, and all of them took recitaition from Imam Naafi' by way of both reading and listening.
Malik learnt recitation and hadith from Nafi'
When people relate from Naafi' ibn Abi Nu'aym, they relate from the Qari' (the "Reciter") since from this is his fame primarily and before everything else. In fact, he was one of the seven recitors who have a recognised recitation (qiraa'ah). According to what Abu Qurra ibn Tariq reports, he studied recitiation with seventy of the Tabi'oon, but was also interested in hadith. Ibn 'Adi reports to us that Nafi' left us a text of a hundred hadiths of Naafi' from al-A'raj, as he left another text of more than a hundred hadiths from him from Ibn az-Zinad from al-A'raj, and he also left us about fifty hadiths in at-Tafariq. Those who are very devoted to this science do not know of a single munkar hadith from him.
Perhaps an opponent might ask: "If Naafi' was also a relator of hadiths as you state, then why do we not see any tradition in Maalik's Muwatta where he mentions hadith which might have been related from him?" I say: perhaps that refers to something which was known by them in the second century: A MAN MAY BE ONE OF THE GREAT FUQAHA' AND NEVERTHELESS, HIS HADITH ARE ABANDONED. Then I ask: was there not Ibn Hurmuz, i.e. Abu Bakr ibn Yazid al-Asamm, d. 148 AH, one of the great fuqaha' and one of those whose company Imaam Maalik kept for years? In spite of that, we practically do not find a single hadith in the Muwatta' of Malik which was taken from Ibn Hurmuz although he did not leave an opportunity to praise him. He often said,
"This is what I found the people of knowledge in our land had," or says, "The matter with us is like that,"
and he is referring Ibn Hurmuz and Rabi'a ar-Ra'iy ibn Abi 'Abdu'r-Rahman Farukh from whom Malik has twelve related hadiths, musnad and mursal despite the length of time he kept to him.
Malik's respect for the opinions of his teacher Nafi'
Although Malik was, as is not hidden from anyone, the possessor of precise opinion which did not err, he did not announce his opinion in a case in which it was known that his teacher Nafi' had an opinion in it. For instance, Abu Sa'id 'Abdu'l-Malik ibn Qurayb al-Asma'i asked him about the basmala and Malik replied,
"In any knowledge, question its proper people. Naafi' is the Imam of the people in recitation."
Maalik would not have an opinion different from the opinion of the one who prayed in the mosque of the Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, for sixty years without cessation, during which he was not opposed by any of the recitors of the Tabi'un, even though this spanned over such a lengthy period of time.
Naafi' is the Qur'an-Reciter of Madinah without dispute
Imaam Naafi' recited to the people in Madinah for a long time, about seventy years, and he was the leader of the recitors in this blessed city, which is the city of the Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. People would specifically go to him in order to learn the recitation of the Qur'aan.
The recitation for which Imam Naafi' is famous and which Imam Malik related from him, by way of both reading and listening, was closely adhered to by the people. It is with this recitation that we, in Morocco, recite the Qur'aan. We recite it by one of the two transmissions from him, which is the transmission of Warsh. That is how we are famously known to be in Morocco, agreeing in the best possible manner with the 'amal (action) of the people of Madinah in all our activities of the deen, both in acts of worship and behaviour.
After the Tabi'oon, Imaam Naafi' was an Imaam in recitation for hundreds of his students, who included Imaam Maalik ibn Anas. He is a noteworthy student of Imaam an-Naafi' as he took this recitation while knowing of the existence of recitations which followed the traditions of past Imams.
The recitation of Nafi' is Sunnah and there is nothing strange about that
Sa'id b. Mansur reported to us that he heard Maalik ibn Anas say,
"The recitation of the people of Madinah is Sunnah."
He was asked, "The recitation of Naafi'?" He replied,
Al-Layth ibn Sa'eed said,
"I went on Hajj in 113 A.H. and the Imaam of the people in recitation in Madina was Naafi'."
'Abdullah ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal said,
"I asked my father, 'Which recitation do you prefer?' He replied,
"The recitiation of the people of Madinah.'"
It is not strange that the recitiation of someone who saw the Noble Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in a dream in which he was reciting into his mouth, should be a followed sunnah.
Abu 'Amr ad-Dani related to us, "A man among those who learned recitation with Nafi' said, "When Nafi' spoke, the fragrance of musk could be smelt from his mouth. I said to him,
'Abu 'Abdillah! Do you use perfume whenever you sit to recite to the people?'
He replied,
'I do not touch perfume, but I saw in a dream that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was reciting into my mouth and from that moment I have smelt this fragrance from my mouth.'"
Al-Musayyabi informed us, "It was said to Nafi',
'How resplendent your face is and how handsome your physique!'
He replied,
'How could it not be when the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, breathed on me and I recited the Qur'an (i.e. in my dream).'"
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- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 9328
He is ash-Shaykh al-Qurraa’ wa al-Muhadditheen, wa al-Imaam Ahl al-Adaa’ wa al-Mujawwideen, Shaykh ad-Dunyaa fee al-Qiraa’at wa al-Tajweed, al-‘Allaamah al-Haafidh Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Yusuf ibn al-Jazari; Shams al-Deen Abu al-Khayr al-Dimishqi ash-Shaafi’i (rahimahullaah).
He was born in Damascus (Syria) in a place called Khatt al-Qassaa’een, on the night of al-Jumu’ah, 25th Ramadhaan 751AH, after Salaat at-Taraweeh.
The Imaam describes himself in his famous nadhm (poem) in ‘Ilm at-Tajweed (Science of Tajweed), al-Muqaddimah al-Jazariyyah (al-Muqaddimah feemaa yajibu ‘alaa qaari’ al-Qur’aan an-ya’lamah) as ‘Imaam al-Jazari’. ‘Jazari’ is a location in the Kurdistan/Turkmenistan/Iraq region. He belongs to a place called Ibn -‘Umar and the ‘ulamaa say that he has Kurdiy asl (Kurdish origins).
Imaam al-Jazari’s father was a taajir (a businessman) and Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa) had not granted him any children for a period of 40 years. So his father decided to go and perform al-Hajj, where he went and drank from the water of Zam-Zam and made du’aa to Allah to give him a child who would become an ‘Aalim. And so Allaah accepted this du’aa and granted him with a son, who became the great Imaam ibn al-Jazari.
He grew up in Damascus, where he completed memorising the Qur’aan by the age of 13 years, and he began leading as-Salaat at-Taraweeh at the age of 14 years. He was from a wealthy family. He was described as being very light in his complexion and very eloquent in his language.
He acquired his knowledge from various places including Shaam (Syria), Misr (Egypt) and Hijaaz (Makkah/Madinah). The Imaam studied the Qiraa’aat ifraadan (which means he recited one khatmah for each Qiraa’ah e.g. one khatmah for Warsh, one khatmah for Hafs etc) and also jam’an (which means he completed a khatmah, combining the Qiraa’aat). He studied many books including the famous at-Tayseer of Abu ‘Amar ad-Daani and also ash-Shaatibiyyah of Imaam ash-Shaatibi. He was not just a scholar in Qiraa’aat but also other ‘Uloom (Islamic Sciences) such as Hadeeth, Fiqh etc.His teachers include:
- Shaykh ‘Abdul-Wahhaab ibn as-Sallaar
- Shaykh Ahmad ibn Ibraahim at-Tahhaan
- Shaykh Ahmad ibn Rajab
- Shaykh Abu al-Ma’aalee ibn al-Labbaan
- Imaam al-Jundi
- Imaam as-Saa’igh
- Imaam al-Baghdaadi
- Imaam al-Qarawee
Imaam al-Jazari was appointed as a Qaadhi (Judge) of Damascus and also Shiraaz in Iran. He built two schools called Madrassah al-Qurra’ in these places. He then sat in Masjid Bani Umayyah, al-Jami’ al-Amawee underneath al-qubbat an-nasr (the Dome of the Eagle), and after his teacher ash-Shaykh as-Sallaar passed away, he took the position of teaching the people from that place.
He passed away in the year 833AH and is buried in Shiraaz (Iran).
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- Category: Famous Scholars, Authors of Tajweed
- Hits: 19330
To recite the Qur’aan with tajweed is in fact an implementation of Allah’s command. Allah ('azza wa jall) says, “And recite the Qur'ân (aloud) in a slow, (pleasant tone and) style.” [Qur’aan [73]:4]
Women today, as in the past, have not lagged behind in serving this science. Around the world we see women ardently working to teach themselves, their children and their community how to correctly pronounce and recite the words of their Creator. Some have done so by teaching in masaajid and schools, others by writing and setting up websites.
One such sister is Kareema Carol Czerepinski, an author of one of the most famous books on tajweed in the English language.
Kareema Carol Czerepinski is the author of a series of three books called ‘Tajweed Rules of the Qur'aan’, one of the best books in the English language for learning tajweed rules. Although it is advised for those who would like to study the books to find a teacher who is proficient in tajweed, these books are an excellent addition to the bookshelf of any student of knowledge. Not only that, she also runs the famous website for tajweed: www.abouttajweed.com.
American by nationality and upbringing, she is a teacher at ‘Daar Al Hudaa’ (a school in which sisters memorize the Qur’aan) in Jeddah. In Daar al Hudaa there is a three-year course in which these three books are taught. She mentions two of her teachers in the introduction to her book:
*Al-Sheikh Dr. Ayman Rushdi Swayd
*Ash-Sheikhah Rehab Shaqaqi
As for Al-Sheikh Dr. Ayman Rushdi Swayd, he is an internationally renowned scholar in tajweed. He has a Ph.D. from Al Azhar and a Ph.D. from Umm al Quraa’ University, Makkah al Mukarramah. Further, he has many ijaazaat [licenses] from great scholars. For 20 years he has worked with ‘The Qur’aan Memorization Society’ in Jeddah. In the preface of the book he writes,
“…My joy was then immense with the great work that the honorable sister, Al-Ustatha Kareema Carol Czerepinski did when she wrote a book on the first level of tajweed in the English language which is considered to be the international language of this age. She has closed a wide gap in the Islamic library with this work.
Ustaathah Kareema has the capability to write on this subject. She has memorized the complete Qur’an and mastered its recitation in the way of Hafs ‘an ‘Aasim, by the way of Shatabiyyah, and then by the way of Tayyibat An-Nashr, receiving authentication [permission] in both ways, and now intends to learn the different ways of recitation [al-qiraa’aat], this is while she is of American nationality and upbringing. “This is Allah’s bounty, He gives it to whom He desires…”
In her introduction, Sister Kareema Carol Czerepinski writes the reason behind why she compiled these three books,
“This book started out, not as a dream of my own, but as a suggestion from his eminence Ash-Sheikh Dr. Ayman Rushdi Swayd, may Allah extend his life, increase his good deeds, and make him of the companions of the highest Paradise. He suggested that I write a tajweed book in English, using the computer. I was teaching a class in tajweed for a group of non-Arabs and realized that the need for a complete textbook in English in tajweed was very necessary. My husband, may Allah reward him with Al-Firdaws, bought a computer, and the task began. The book has been in the formative stages for the last three years. It has been used as text for the classes at Dar Al-Huda Qur’aan School in Jeddah, and editing has been done every year…”
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May Allah ('azza wa jall) reward her and those who helped her with His abounding mercy and grace.
Certainly He is the All-Able, the All-Hearer. Aameen.
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After Umm Al-Sa'ad completed her memorization of the Qur'aan at the age of 15 she went to the Shaykhah Nafeesah bint Abu Al-Alaa, who was known as "The Shaykhah [woman scholar] of her time" to request from her to learn the 10 Qira'aat (recitations). Nafeesa agreed on an peculiar condition; that Umm Al-Sa'ad never marry. She used to refuse to teach girls because they would marry, become busy, and neglect the Quran.
What was even more amazing was that Umm Al-Sa'ad accepted the condition from her Shaykhah who was known for her strictness and harshness against those whom she did not feel were proper for this honorable task. But Umm Al-Sa'ad was encouraged by the fact that her Shaykhah herself had never married, even though there were many of the great scholars who had sought her hand, and she died in that state while in her eighties, having secluded herself to the Quran!
Umm Al-Sa'ad said,
"It is from the blessings of my Lord that anyone who has obtained an ijaaza [license] in the Quran, in any Qiraa'ah, in Alexandria either received it directly from me (munaawala) or from someone whom I had given an ijaaza to."
And what proved her unique status was that she was the only woman to whom reciter and huffaadh [those who had memorizeed the Qur'aan] of the Qur'aan would travel to receive ijaaza in the ten qira'aat [recitations].
Umm Al-Sa'ad Ali Najm,age 77, is considered to be the most well known woman in the world of recitations of the Qur'aan. The only woman to specialize in the ten qira'aat, and has spent over fifty years granting ijaazas in the ten qira'aat.
Waves of people could be seen entering and leaving her humble apartment, students who dreamed of memorizing the Qur'aan, comprised of different age groups and both genders.
Classes for the women and girls would begin from 8 AM until 2 PM after which the classes for men and boys would start until 8 PM. Umm Al-Sa'ad would continue all day with no breaks except for prayer and a light meal to sustain her.
Umm Al-Sa'ad was born into a poor family in a town called Bandaariya, one of the towns of the larger city Munofiya (north of Cairo). She was afflicted by blindness shortly after her first year and, as was the practice of many in rural areas in dealing with blindness, her family sent her to learn the Qur'aan. She completed her memorization in Alexandria at the age of 15. She then completed the memorization of the ten recitations of the Qur'aan from Shaykha Nafeesah when she had reached the age of 23.
Umm Al-Sa'ad mentioned that when she had completed her memorization of the qira'aat the number of huffaadh were few. Families used to request from her, as they had requested from her Shaykhah before her, to recite Qur'aan for them at occasions and religious festivals. It was acceptable at that time for a woman to recite the Qur'aan with tajweed in the presence of men who- as she recounted- used to praise her recitation and the beauty of her tajweed. She mentioned however that this practice disappeared after Quranic recitors became widespread, as well as the spread of radios and televisions, and the most that could be done by a female recitor now is to recite at occasions that were female only. She believed that the real reason for this however was the belief that had increased in the recent years that the voice of the woman is awrah.
She had one of the highest Isnaads (chains of narration) in the world. Her isnaad in the recitation of Hafs from Aasim had 27 Shaykhs in between her and the Messenger of Allah [sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam]. This put her on the same level with well known Shuyukh of recitation such as Shaykh Abdul Basit Hashim and Shaykh Muhammad Abd Alhameed Abdullah.
Many different types of people would return to her, seeking the completion of the Quran or ijaazah in a Qiraa'ah, from all ages and levels in society. In a day she would teach old and young students, men and women, engineers, doctors, teachers, university professors, college students, high school students, etc.
She would single out for each student a time, not more than an hour in a day, in which the student would recite what they had memorized and she would correct their mistakes bit by bit, until they memorize the Qur'aan in one of it's qira'aat.
Umm Al-Sa'ad once commented:
"Sixty years of memorizing the Qur'aan and it's recitations has made me unable to forget any of it. I can recall every ayah [verse], it's surah [chapter] and its juzz, I know the ayaat [verses] that are similar (mutashabih) and how to recite the same ayah in different qira'aat. I feel like I know the Qur'aan like my name, I cannot imagine forgetting a letter of it or making a mistake in it. I don't know anything other than the Qur'aan and its recitations. I never learned a science, listened to a lecture, or memorized anything other than the Quran and the mutoon that were related to the Quran and tajweed. I don't know anything other than that."
Her students:
When asked about her students Umm Al-Sa'ad said:
"I remember every one of them, there were some who received Ijaaza in one of the recitations, and there were some (and they were very few) who received ijaaza in all ten recitations. They are the ones who receive an ijaaza with a special seal that I have that I always keep with me, I never give it to anyone no matter how much I have trust in them."
The happiest days for Umm Al-Sa'ad are the days of khatma, when she would grant a student an ijaaza, even though she has experienced this day over 300 times! She keeps a copy of every ijaaza, the most recent one being to a sister in the recitation of Qaloon from Nafi'.
On the day of khatma, a waleema is normally done, or a tea party with sweets. The student who is receiving the ijaaza normally gives a gift to the Shaykha; a jilbab, a ring, golden earrings, all according to what they can afford. As for the most beautiful gift that the Shaykha received was a Hajj and Umrah trip accompanied with being hosted in Saudia for an entire year! The best part of the trip, after the hajj and umrah, was that she reviewed the Quran, and granted ijaazas in all ten recitations to students from all over the world; Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Sudan, Palestine, Lebanon, Chad, Afghanistan…
The most beloved of those ijaazas that she granted was to a student from Saudi Arabia who received it when she was seventeen years old!
The wives of her students become jealous…
And from the most interesting things that Umm Al-Sa'ad recounts is that some of the wives of her students became jealous and fearful that she might "snatch" their husbands. Especially since their husbands would continually speak about their Shaykha with pride and endearment. To the extent that some of the wives would accompany their husbands to the class to ensure that their fear had no real cause, for the Shaykha was old and blind!
"And some of the men hesitated to recite to me considering that I'm a woman, and some refused, but Shaykh Muhammad Isma'eel (the most well known shaykh of the Salafi Da'wah in Alexandria) gave a fatwa that they could when he learned of my age, and he sent his entire family to me to recite to me!"
And what about her marriage?
When she was asked about the closest student to her, she replied:
"My husband, Shaykh Muhammad Fareed Nu'man."
Shaykh Muhammad Fareed, who- before his death some years ago-was the most well known recitor on Alexandria radio. He was also the first one to receive an ijaazah from Umm Al-Sa'ad.
She said about the story of her marriage,
"I was not able to keep my promise to my Shaykha Nafeesa. He used to recite to me the Quran in all ten recitations, I became comfortable with him, and he was like me in that he was blind and memorized the Quran at an early age. I taught him for five years, and when he finished he asked me for my hand in marriage and I accepted."
She was married to him for forty years and had no children.
But she had students who were huffadh and recitors of the Quran, so all praise is due to Allah.
She commentated on that saying,
"Alhamdullilah, I feel like Allah chooses for me the good always. Maybe if I had children I would have become busy with them and neglected the Quran or forgot it."
Umm Al-Sa'ad Rahimahallah passed away to the Mercy of her Lord in 2006.
This article has been adapted from :http://ahlalhdeeth.com/vb/showthread.php?t=34855
You can also listen to what Shaykh Muhammad Ismaa'eel (the one who issued the fatwa) said when she passed away from here: http://www.islamway.com/?iw_s=Lesso...lesson_id=56469